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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Unit Nine,Introduction,Text A offers some valuable suggestions on how to survive the modern era when the torrent of information is forcing us to change the way we think.,Text B argues that living in the 21st century,when people are immersed in a lifestyle that allows them access to the Internet anywhere and anytime,is both a blessing and a curse.,Text A,We Need a Dug-out Canoe to Navigate the Net,乘上独木舟,畅游互联网,Structural analysis,Part I(para.12):the two categories of thinkers and their way of thinking,Questions,1)What are the two categories of thinkers according to Isaiah Berlin?,2)How are the two categories of thinkers differ from each other?,Part II,(para.3-6)The dominance of fox-thinking,and its advantages and disadvantages,The dominance of fox-thinking(3-4),2.Its advantages and disadvantages(5-6),Question,3)What is the foxes way of thinking?,Part III,The way to acquire information in internet-driven thought(7-13),1.The importance of the ability to focus:this ability which is important than how much knowledge one possess(7-8),2.the way to acquire knowledge,the characteristics of internet knowledge and the ability required to sift useful information(9-10),The actual way to acquire knowledge:the canoe-building method(11-13),Questions,4)What is internet thinking?,5)What does dug-out canoe symbolize in the text?,What is a dug-out canoe?,A dug-out canoe is made of,an entire tree,by simply cutting away and discarding the wood not needed.,kayaks versus canoes,kayaks versus canoes,among the indigenous people of the shores of the North Pacific,there were two approaches to the building of boats.,The Aleuts,living on islands bereft of trees,combed the beaches for pieces of driftwood.When they had,laboriously and over time,gathered enough pieces of the right kind,they used them to build a,kayak,.,The Tlingit,living in areas where the rainforests grew down to the shoreline,adopted a different strategy;taking an entire tree,they simply cut away and discarded the wood they did not need,ending up with a,dug-out canoe,.,Tlingit,tliit 特林吉特人,The,Tlingit,are an Indigenous people of the Pacific Northwest Coast.Their name for themselves is,Lingt,meaning human beings,The Tlingit are a matrilineal society that developed a complex hunter-gatherer culture in the temperate rainforest of the southeast Alaska coast and the Alexander Archipelago.An inland subgroup,known as the Inland Tlingit,inhabits the far northwestern part of the province of British Columbia and the southern Yukon Territory in Canada.,Aleut,lu:t 阿留申人,A Native American people inhabiting the Aleutian Islands and coastal areas of southwest Alaska.The,Aleut,are related culturally and linguistically to the Eskimo.,Point 1,What is a fox and what is a hedgehog?,According to the Oxford philosopher Isaiah Berlin,thinkers come in two forms.There is the fox,who knows something about many things,and draws inspiration from many sources.And there is the hedgehog,who has one big idea,and devotes their intellectual life to refining and expanding it.The Internet,says Macintyre,makes us all into foxes,browsing and scavenging for what we need.,Point 2,Fundamentalism,is strict adherence to specific theological doctrines typically in reaction against Modernist theology.The term fundamentalism was originally coined by its supporters to describe a specific package of theological beliefs that developed into a movement within the Protestant community of the United States in the early part of the 20th century,and that had its roots in the FundamentalistModernist Controversy of that time.The term usually has a religious connotation indicating unwavering attachment to a set of irreducible beliefs.,Fundamentalist信奉正统派基督教的人,Fundamentalist uniformly place a high priority on conformity to doctrine to achieve salvation.,Why does the author say the hedgehog-thinking is fundamentalist thinking?,Point 3,Why is fox-thinking a direct threat to ideology?,Point 4 For better,or,worse,for better or(for)worse,also,for better,for worse,If a situation exists or happens for better or for worse,it exists or happens whether its results are good or bad,France has a new government,for better or for worse.,We cannot deny that our childhood experiences affect us,for better,for worse.,Point 5,Bottom line,the final line in the accounts of a company or organization,which states the total profit or loss that has been made;The main or essential point,概要,帐本底线,最重要的事,huge share of the savings will go straight to Freseniuss,bottom line,.,Anything that directly affects the,bottom line,gets done first.,The,bottom line,at the,bottom,of the pyramid is that financial services remain shockingly scarce.,Point 6,Do you agree with the saying“how well one can focus is more important than how knowledgeable he is”?,Point 7,Reading the web usefully requires a new form of literacy,the ability to sift from the abundance of information what is helpful from what is pointless or merely distracting.,T


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