Critical Thinking Disposition and the achievement of critical thinking

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Click to edit Master title style,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,*,Critical Thinking Disposition,and the achievement of critical thinking outcomes in SCPHN education,An assessment and exploration of Critical Thinking Disposition(CTD)of Specialist Community Public Health Nursing Students on a Distance Learning Programme,Funding Source,Higher Education Academy for Health Sciences,Definition of Critical Thinking,APA Delphi Study 1990,“.purposeful,self-regulatory judgment which results in interpretation,analysis,evaluation,and inference,as well as explanation of evidential,conceptual,methodological,criteriological,or contextual considerations upon which that judgment is based,The Ideal Critical Thinker,APA Delphi Study 1990,“The Ideal Critical Thinker is habitually inquisitive,well-informed,and trustful of reason.Open-minded,flexible,fair-minded in evaluation,honest in facing personal biases,prudent in making judgments,willing to reconsider,clear about issues,orderly in complex matters,diligent in seeking relevant information,reasonable in the selection of criteria,focused in enquiry,and persistent in seeking results which are as precise as the subject and circumstances of inquiry permit.,Critical Thinking,CT Disposition:“the attitudinal basis for the internal motivation to think critically,CT Skills-interpretation,analysis,explanation,evaluation,inference and metacognition,Why focus on disposition?(John Dewey),Different conceptualisations e.g.Tishman&Andrade,Perkins,Paul&Elder,Facione et al,Important in learning,CT skills&dispositions synergistic,Faciones conceptualisation of CTD APA basis&tools,Definitions of CTD Elements(,Facione 2004),Truthseeking,Intellectual honesty the desire for best knowledge,the inclination to ask challenging questions and to follow reason and evidenceeven if it fails to support or undermines existing knowledge/beliefs and interests,Open-mindedness,Tolerance for new ideas and divergent views,self-monitoring for biases,Definitions of CTD Elements(,Facione 2004),Systematicity,Inclination towards&valuing of being organised e.g.ability to focus and stay focused,diligence in approaching problems,Critical Thinking Self-confidence,Trust in ones own reasoning abilities and capacity to guide others in decision making,Definitions of CTD Elements(,Facione 2004),Analyticity,Anticipation of and/or alertness to actual or potential problems/consequences being aware of when there is a need to use reason and evidence to solve problems&demanding its application,Inquisitiveness,Intellectual curiosity,eagerness&willingness to learn things even when the immediate application of these things is not obvious,Definitions of CTD Elements(,Facione 2004),Cognitive Maturity,Capacity to make,suspend,or revise judgements that enable the complexity of problems to be appreciated and to make decisions carefully and cautiously.Awareness of possibility of multiple solutions and need to sometimes reach conclusions in absence of complete knowledge.,Research Questions,Are SCPHN students disposed towards critical thinking?,What are SCPHN students views on CTD testing?,What do students think the determinants of Critical Thinking Disposition are?,How do students think their CTD can be developed?,Approach&Methods,Mixed method:2 phase sequential explanatory design,Survey=California Critical Thinking Disposition Inventory(CCTDI)on-line,Population&sample=151 students(OHN&HV)on a distance learning programme,Qualitative exploration using interviews with a convenience sample of 4 respondents(all female).,Quantitative Data Collection,CCTDI-75 item agree-disagree 6 point likert scale,Total scores 0-420;sub-scales scores of 0-60,Validity&reliability(CA=0.89),=/280 is+ve disposition,210-279=ambivalence towards CTD,50 strongly+ve;=/40 are positive;31-39 are ambivalent;=/=40 in all sub-scales,Pre-warning&electronic invitation CCTDI(on-line)through insight assessment,Quantitative Findings,(N=56)Limitations response rate&possible biases,Mean Age 39.5;25%with first degree;48%5 years post-reg.,Mean Total CTD Score 289.9,Total scores negatively skewed&wide range(207-350),Sub-scales:Mean sub-scale scores for truth seeking widest score ranges in systematicity,CT self-confidence,cognitive maturity,&truth seeking,TS mean than Faciones for all years but not returning licensed nurses(RLN),All others(total&sub-scales scores)Faciones for all years&RLN(312.8 n=333),Qualitative Findings,Students found testing interesting&valuable for CT orientation,Life experiences,home environment,cultural background,gender,professional socialization,work culture,personality and confidence were identified as CTD determinants,Higher education experience was seen to promote CTD by supporting questioning and developing confidence to question,CTD depends on learning environments and relationships that support dialogue and questioning,Organisation disposition(systematicity)was linked to organisation skills&learning autonomy


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