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,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,九年级上册,8,Sports life,Module,Unit 1,Daming,wasnt chosen,for the team last time.,Can you speak out the names of sports,as many as possible?,basketball,cycling,dancing,skiing,football,Match the words with the pictures:,swimming,gymnastics,surfing,boxing,volleyball,4.How many points did he,score in his first game in NBA?,5.Who coached him?,6.Do you think he plays well?,Yao Ming was born in 1980 in Shanghai.At 226 centimeters,he is one of the tallest men in the NBA.In 1998 he joined the Chinese National,T,eam,.In the year 2000,Yao joined the All-Star team of Asia.In 2005 Yao,Ming was selected first in the NBA Draft by Houston.He scored 19 points in his first game.He is coached by former NBA All-Star Patrick Ewing.He plays well,.,是,的缩写;代表,stand for,/,n,u:,n,/,中午,正午,n.,noon,decision,决定,n.,exercise,(,辩解的,),理由;借口,point,比分,n.,/,p,nt,/,memory,记忆;回忆,n.,/,m,e,m,r,/,New words and expressions,/,d,s,n,/,/,e,ks,s,a,z,/,座椅;座位,n.,seat,kick,踢,v.,mad,生气的;恼火的,adj.,fare,公平的;合理的,/,f,e,/,no way,绝不;不可能,/,k,k,/,/,m,d,/,/,s,i:,t,/,stand for,是,的缩写,PRC,stands for,Peoples Republic of China.,PRC,是中国的缩写形式。,memory,记忆;回忆,All the details of my childhood are fresh in my,memory,.,所有童年细节我都记忆犹新。,point,比分,Their team beat ours by a large score.,他们队以很高比分打败了我们队。,There are many empty,seats,in the movie theater.,电影院里有好多空座位。,seat,座椅;座位,kick,踢,He,kicked,the ball hard.,他用力踢球。,mad,生气的;恼火的,He was driven to the brink of,madness,.,他被逼到了疯狂的边缘。,Listening and vocabulary,Work in pairs.,Look at the picture,and describe it.,2.Listen and complete the sentences.,Tonys basketball matches are held,_Saturday.,2.If a school team in Beijing wins its match or scores over_ points,in a match,it can play in the competition.,3.Tonys team BIG stands for Beijing _Giants.,4.,BIGs,_ think they are fantastic.,every,50,International,fans,Watch and read,3.Listen and read.,Lingling,:Hi,Tony,you look tired.,Tony:Yes,Im training for the big match,next week.,Betty:Who are you against?,Tony:HAS.,Lingling,:What does HAS stand for?,Tony:,Haidian,All Stars.,Betty:Oh,yes.Itll be a difficult match.,Didnt they beat you last time?,Tony:Yes,they did.But.,Lingling,:What was the score?,Betty:If my,memory,is correct,HAS 98,points to BIG 52.,Tony:But,Daming,wasnt chosen for the team,last time.That was a bad,decision,.We cant,play well without him.,Lingling,:Thats no,excuse,!,Tony:But,Daming,is back now.Theres no,difference between the two teams this season.,Betty:When is the match?,Tony:Its next Saturday at noon,but if,you want good,seats,you should come by,11:30.Are you coming?,Betty:Im not sure.Do you think theyll win,Lingling,?,Lingling,:,No way,!How many matches have,you played against HAS this year?,Tony:Well,about three.,Betty:And how many have HAS won?,Tony:,Er,.most of them.,Betty:Wrong!All of them!,Face the truth,Tony.Youve got no chance!,Tony:I dont agree.Thats not,fair,!,(Tony leaves angrily.),Lingling,:Remember to throw the ball,not,kick,it,Tony!,Betty:Hes so,mad,at us that hell try harder,to win,just to show were wrong!,Lingling,:Nice work,Betty!We do hope,theyll win this time.Well be there to cheer,for them.,Now complete the table.,Basketball competition,Teams,_against _,Score of last match,_:_,Time of next match,_,Linglings,favourite,team to win,_,BIG,HAS,HAS 98,BIG 52,Next Saturday at noon,BIG,1.You,look,tired.,你看起来很累。,look,连系动词,+,adj.,形容词,:,看起来,连系动词,:,look/taste/sound/smell/,feel/seem/become/get/turn +,adj.,The meat smells _.Dont eat it.,A.good B.bad C.badly,B,Language points,2.Whos are you playing,against,?,和谁比赛,?,against,prep.,与,对抗,对着,/,靠着,be against,:,表示“反对,不同意”。,反义词是,be for,。,We,are fighting against,the enemy.,我们正与敌人对抗。,Which team will you,play against,?,你们将与哪个队比赛?,I,sat against,the wall.,我靠着墙坐着。,No one,is against,this idea.,没有人反对这个主意。,3,.What does HAS,stand for,?,HAS,代表什么,?,stand for,代表,还可表示为“某事物的省略形式”或“主张,支持,容忍”。,(,1),.,What does,PIN,stand for,?,PIN,代表什么?,(,2,),.,NBA,stands for,National Basketball,Association.,NBA,是国家篮球组织的缩写形式。,4.Didnt they,beat,you?,上次你们被打败了吗?,beat,:,打败,击败;拍打,In yesterdays games,Switzerland,beat,the United States two-one.,在昨天的比赛中,瑞士队以,2,比,1,战胜了美国队,.,I felt my heart,beating,faster.,我感觉心脏跳得更快了。,辨析,:,beat,与,win,beat,及物动词,击败。宾语是竞争对手,即指人或团队的名词或代词等,They beat the football team from England.,不及物动词,撞击;拍打;(心脏)跳动。,He beat on my shoulder by mistake.,win,及物动词,赢得。宾语是比赛、战争、奖品、胜利等名词。,She won the match easily.,不及物动词,获胜,We won by five points.,5.,decision,决定;决心。可数名词。,make a decision to do,sth,.,决定做某事,decide,决定,动词。,decide to do,sth,.,决定做某事,。,He made a,decision,to be a doctor.,他决定去看医生。,6.by,11:30,在,11:30,之前,by,介词。意为“在,.,之前;不迟于;到,.,时为止”,Youd better come back,by,10 oclock.,你最好在十点以前回来。,7.face the truth,面对事实,face,面对,动词。,脸,名词。,truth,事实;真相。名词。,true,真的;真实的。形容词。,truly,真实地;确实地。副词。,We should,face the truth,and be modest.,我们应该面对现实并且做一个谦虚的人。,8.Youve,got no chance,!,你没有机会赢。,get a chance,有机会做某事,=have a chance to do,sth,If you,get a chance to go to,Beijing,take it.,如果你有机会去北京,抓住机会。,by chance,碰巧,偶然,意外,I met him in the library,by chance.,我碰巧在图书馆遇见他,。,9.remember,记住;记起;想起。,remember to do


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