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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,2019/12/27,#,3,Swimming through fear,Unit 2 Section A,FOREIGN LANGUAGE TEACHING AND RESEARCH PRESS,AIR FORCE ENGINEERING UNIVERSITY,Beat your fear,You gain strength,courage and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face.You are able to say to yourself,“I lived through this horror.I can take the next thing that comes along.”,Eleanor Roosevelt,Dont fear failure so much that you refuse to try new things.The saddest summary of a life contains three descriptions:could have,might have,and should have.,Louis E.Boone,3,2,Beat your fear,UNIT,Section A,3,2,Beat your fear,UNIT,Swimming through fear,Objectives,To talk about how to beat fear,To further understand the text,To apply the phrases and patterns,To master,the essay writing,skill,Swimming through fear,Section A,Contents,Warming-up activities,Text study,Language application,Summary,Warming-up activities,Lead-in,Pre-reading activities,Cultural background,Swimming through fear,Section A,1.Look at the following pictures,what are these people afraid of?,height,elevator,public speaking,water,Lead-in,Short answer questions,1.When Jack gets into bed,he thinks theres somebody hiding under the bed.,2.As Jack lies under the bed,there must be somebody sleeping on top of it.,3.The doctor asks Jack to see him three times a week for two years to cure his fears.,4.The doctor charges Jack$200 a visit.,5.Jack is willing to pay the amount the doctor charges.,1.Listen to a story about Jacks fear and decide whether the following statements are T(true)or F(false).,Listen and talk,Pre-reading activities,1.When Jack gets into bed,he thinks theres somebody hiding under the bed.,2.As Jack lies under the bed,there must be somebody sleeping on top of it.,3.The doctor asks Jack to see him three times a week for two years to cure his fears.,4.The doctor charges Jack$200 a visit.,5.Jack is willing to pay the amount the doctor charges.,1.Listen to a story about Jacks fear and decide whether the following statements are T(true)or F(false).,T,F,T,F,F,Listen and talk,Pre-reading activities,Jacks problem is solved by a carpenter.He told Jack to cut the legs of the bed.And then Jack was certain that nobody was sleeping under it when he got into bed.,1.By whom is Jacks problem solved?How?,Listen and talk,Pre-reading activities,The answer is open-ended.For example,you might have the fear of darkness,the fear of heights,the fear of snakes or spiders,the fear of flying,etc.Some suggestions on how to overcome fears are listed below for reference.First,you analyzed your fear and had a clear picture of what your fear was.Then you took control of your fear.You decided to expose yourself to that fear in small doses until you gained a better understanding of it.,2.Did you have a fear of something before?If so,how did you overcome it?,To be continued,Listen and talk,Pre-reading activities,As a result,your fear began to disappear.Finally,you successfully changed the way you thought about your fear.You started seeing fear as a source of energy and embraced its role in your life.,2.Did you have a fear of something before?If so,how did you overcome it?,Listen and talk,Pre-reading activities,Do you know what is“rip current”?How to escape from it?,Rip Current,:,a narrow,powerful current of water running perpendicular to the beach,out into the ocean,How to escape from rip current:,swim sideways,parallel to the beach;,get you out of the narrow outward current;,wait until the current carries you past the sandbar.,Cultural background,What was the beach of Mediterranean Sea known for?(Para.1),Tips,notorious rip currents,How did the author feel when he saw the sea?(Para.2),Tips,sick to his stomach,Main ideas of the parts,Main idea&structure,On a tour of France,I saw the Mediterranean Sea,but the rip currents _ me.And it reminded me that I developed _ due to the experience of last summer and since then,the fear wouldnt _.,Part I (Paras.1-_),3,scared,a fear of water,recede,Main ideas of the parts,Main idea&structure,Why were a mob of people running into the sea,fully clothed?(Para.6-7),Tips,A boy was moving up and down amid the waves,past the end of the jetty.,Main ideas of the parts,Main idea&structure,What did the would-be rescuers do to save the boy?What about the author?(Paras.7-9),saving measures,would-be rescuers,author,They fought against the tide,but the situation was bleak.With the waters tow,theyd never get to him in time.,I appraised the situation and realized the jetty!The boy was close to it;maybe I could help from there.,Main ideas of the parts,Main idea&structure,What were the results of their saving measures?,(Para.10),results of saving measures,would-be rescuers,author,They had underestimated the waves and werent making any progress.,I was the only one who saw that going out on the jetty was the fastest way to reach the drowning boy.,Main ideas of the parts,Main idea&structure,Why did the author become hesitant when he raced 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