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Rice,,,还有一些人已经从悲剧新闻中恢复过来,。万圣节全,是关于服装的,见鬼!连自由女神都装扮起来了!我们要在这个,充满糖果的节日里好好玩乐,而不是要去进攻。,Words,Costume,kstum,n.,服装,装束;戏装,剧装,vt.,给,穿上服装,scary,skri,adj.,(事物)可怕的;恐怖的;吓人的;(人)提心吊胆的;引起惊慌的;胆小的,controversial,kntrvl,adj.,有争议的;有争论的,ghoul,ul,n.,(东方神话中的)食尸鬼;盗墓者;以做恐怖事情为乐者,offensive,fnsv,adj.,攻击的;冒犯的;无礼的;讨厌的,n.,攻势;攻击,Phrases,in light of,根据;鉴于;从,观点,tragic news stories,悲惨的新闻故事,Ebola workers,感染埃博拉病毒的工人,NFL,National Football League,国家橄榄球联盟,Lady Liberty,自由女神,Origin,of Halloween,Traditions of Halloween,Symbols of Halloween,Halloween is one of the worlds oldest holidays,celebrated in several countries around the globe,including the USA,Canada,England,Ireland,Scotland,Mexico,Latin America,and Spain.,万圣节是世界上最老的节日之一,在10 月31日这,天,有许多国家,如:美国,加拿大,英格兰,爱,尔兰,苏格兰,墨西哥,拉丁美洲,西班牙等,都,会庆祝万圣节的来临。,Origin,of Halloween,Halloween culture can be traced back to the,Druids,a,Celtic culture,in Ireland,Britain and Northern,Europe.Roots lay in the feast of Samhain,which,was annually on October 31st to honor the dead.,万圣节文化可以追溯到德鲁伊教,这是一种爱尔兰、,北欧和英国的凯尔特文化,根植于,萨温,节的庆祝,活动,,萨温,节于每年的,10,月,31,日纪念逝者。,Samhain signifies summers end or November.,It was a harvest festival with huge sacred bonfires,marking the end of the Celtic year and beginning of,a new one.,萨温,节,表示,夏天结束或者十一月,是一个丰收,的节日。在,萨温,节会燃起神圣巨大的篝火,标,志着凯尔特一年的结束和新一年的开始。,The Celts believed that on the night before the new year,the,boundary between the worlds of the living and the dead,became blurred as the dead searched for the afterlife.Thus,on the night of October 31,st,they celebrated Samhain,when it,was believed that the ghosts of the dead returned to Earth to,cause mischief and trouble.,凯尔特人相信在新年的前一晚,阴间和阳间的大门不再门禁森,严,此时阴间的鬼魂会趁机跑出来,为阳间的人们带来厄运。,所以,在十月三十一日晚上,凯尔特人会庆祝萨温节,以趋魔,避邪。,To commemorate the event,people built huge sacred,bonfires where animals and crops were sacrificed to,the Gods for protection,and to help scare ghosts away.,The Celts also wore costumes to disguise themselves,in an attempt to confuse the spirits roaming the Earth.,凯尔特人借着神圣的营火,燃烧献祭的动物和尸体,以,赶走可怕的鬼魂并祈求神的保护。同时,凯尔特人也会,假扮成鬼的样子,企图混淆跑到阳间的鬼魂。,Even later,in A.D.1000,the Christian church made November,2,nd,All Souls Day,a day to honor the dead.It was celebrated,with big bonfires,parades,and dressing up in costumes as,saints,angels,and devils.Together,the three celebrations,All,Hallows Eve,All Saints Day and All Souls Day,were called,Hallowmas.,公元一千年左右,基督教订定十一月二日为万灵节,来纪念所,有死去的灵魂。以大型营火,游行和变装打扮成圣人,天使或,恶灵的方式来庆祝。综合万圣节前夕、万圣节和 万灵节统称为,Hallowmas.,Trick-or-treating,The modern day custom of Trick-or-Treating originated from,the very old custom of“Going-a-souling”or begging for soul,cakes.Soul cakes were baked goods offered to souls of the,departed.Those not offering goods were usually punished,with a trick on Halloween night or hexed with misfortune for,the next year.,不给糖就捣蛋的游戏起源于要灵魂饼干的习俗,灵魂饼干是烤好的用于祭祀过世的人的饼干。,而穷人们对那些吝啬不给食物的人通常会以恶作剧来惩罚他们,或是诅咒他们下一年都会厄运缠身。,Traditions of Halloween,Girls are dressed as witches as they prepare to,trick-or-treat,in Daillens,southwestern,Switzerland,.,Boys are ready to,trick-or-treat,in a housing compound in south Jakarta,Indonesia,.,Pumpkin Carving,Carved pumpkins are traditionally known as“,Jack-o-lanterns,.”,Traditionally,the jack-o-lantern was carved from a turnip,potato,or beet and lit with a burning candle.These lanterns,represented the souls of departed loved ones and were placed,in windows or set on porches to welcome the deceased.,众人皆知的杰克番瓜灯是刻在南瓜上,但人们一开始是在萝卜,,马铃薯或甜菜上刻灯笼,然后挖空并点燃蜡烛在里面,形成灯,笼。这些灯笼代表着过世的亲友,并被放置在窗边或门廊上,,以欢迎他们回来。,Traditions of Halloween,Carved Halloween pumpkins are displayed at Granary Square in London.,People participate in a Halloween parade on Oct.31 in Wroclaw,Poland(,波兰,).,Costume parties,Traditions of Halloween,Makeup instructor Carla McKeever poses during the Zombie Sydney event at the Australasian College Broadway in Sydney,Australia,.,A boy wears his favorite costume during the annual Halloween celebration at George Hay Park in Johannesburg,South Africa.,Costumed people pose for photographs during a Halloween parade in,Tokyo,.,Pro-democracy demonstrators dress as Chinese ghosts to celebrate Halloween in the Mong Kok district,Hong Kong,.,Bats,Because bats only fly at night and live in tombs,caves,and abandoned churches and buildings,they are bel


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