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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,服章之华汉服社,By hanfu club,身为汉家儿女.,是否羡慕过身边少数民族的同学身着自己本民族的传统服饰?,是否想过属于我们汉族的传统服饰是什么?,.,As han of children.Ever envied around ethnic minority students in their national costumes?Ever thought belongs to our han Chinese traditional dress?.,汉族,Ethnic Han,和服,Japan,韩服,Korea,那汉族的服饰呢?,How about the clothes of Ethnic Han,汉,服,中国有礼仪之大,故称夏;有章服之美,谓之华。,Chinas etiquette,therefore calls the summer;Chapter has the beauty of the clothing,of China,.,-左传,什么是汉服?,What han fu?,?,都不是!,All not,Now,let us into the vast country,into the chapter of China.,汉服,Han Fu,汉服,又称汉衣冠,中国汉族的传统服饰,又称为汉装、华服,是从黄帝即位至明末(公元17世纪中叶)这四千多年中,以华夏礼仪文化为中心,通过历代汉人王朝推崇周礼、象天法地而形成千年不变的礼仪衣冠体系。,Hanfu,also known as han clothes,Chinese han nationality traditional clothing,also known as han outfit,well-dressed,acceded to the throne from the yellow emperor Ming(the middle of the 17th century AD)that more than four thousand years,the Chinese etiquette culture as the center,through the past dynasties of han dynasty respected rites,like a day in one thousand,formed by the method to the same system of formal clothes.,汉服,Han Fu,汉服是【,汉族,的民族服饰】,不是汉朝服饰。所以春秋战国时期、秦汉、隋唐宋、元明等朝代汉族人所穿的衣服为,汉服,。【当然,唐朝胡风胡人所穿的不是汉服】,The,hanfu,is national costume】【of the han nationality,not han costumes.So the spring and autumn period and the warring states period,qin and han dynasties,sui and tang dynasties of song,yuan and Ming dynasties,han clothes,to wear for the,hanfu,.【tang hu fengs worn by the conference semifinals,of course,not hanfu】,古装,Ancient costume,古代服饰,ancient dress,演化服饰 影视装、影楼装、戏曲服、cos服等,Evolution of clothing,film and television outfit,studio,drama clothing,cos,etc,古代汉民族服饰,The ancient han nationality costumes,古代其他民族服饰,Ancient other ethnic costumes,汉服与古装的区别,古代汉服,the acent Han Fu,汉服,Han Fu,The difference between the hanfu and costume,复原西汉曲裾袍,Recovery of the western han dynasty song fringing robe,复原东汉早期直裾袍服,Early recovery of the eastern han dynasty straight fringing robes,复原盛唐纱罗襦裙,Recovery of tang gauze Ru skirt,复原唐代开元年开浅色圆领袍,Tang kaiyuan years open light round collar robe,复原宋代褙子,Recovery in song dynasty BeiZi,古装,Ancient costume,古代服饰,ancient dress,演化服饰 影视装、影楼装、戏曲服、cos服等,Evolution of clothing,film and television outfit,studio,drama clothing,cos,etc,古代汉民族服饰,The ancient han nationality costumes,古代其他民族服饰,Ancient other ethnic costumes,汉服与古装的区别,古代汉服,the acent Han Fu,汉服,Han Fu,The difference between the hanfu and costume,戏曲服装,Chinese opera costumes,影楼装,Studio is installed,cos,古装,Cos the costume,影视装,The film and television outfit,影视装,古代汉服,现代汉服,现代汉服,是指立志于复兴华夏文明,的志愿者,尊崇古代汉族人一脉相承的,服饰特征,传承汉服数千年文化基因,,从而复原的汉族传统服饰。,The film and television outfit,The ancient hanfu,Modern hanfu,Modern hanfu refers to the volunteers,was determined to Renaissance huaxia civilization ronal extol ancient han Chinese clothing characteristics,hanfu for thousands of years culture gene,and the recovery of the han nationality traditional clothing.,现代汉服,Modern hanfu,现代汉服的,基本定位,:汉服是汉民族礼服,现代汉服的,实用要求,:现代汉服一般实用于祭祀祭典、婚丧嫁娶、传统节日、庆典、冠礼笄礼(成人礼)、传统文体竟赛项目等。,现代汉服须遵循的,主要原则,:,第一,现代汉服必须具有鲜明的汉民族特色。,第二,现代汉服必须是具有数千年来华夏(汉)民族一脉相承的服饰基因。,第三,现代汉服要有严谨的着装规范意识,体现汉族人礼义廉耻的文化要求。,The basic positioning of modern hanfu:hanfu is han dress,Applied modern practical requirements:the modern hanfu general utility in the ritual sacrifice,weddings,traditional festivals and celebration,crown ceremony hair pinning ceremony(rite),traditional style power project,etc.,Modern hanfu shall follow the principle of the main:First,modern hanfu must have a distinctive han nationality features.Second,modern hanfu must have for thousands of years the Chinese(han)is a national line of clothing.Third,the modern consciousness of hanfu have strict dress code,reflect the culture of the han Chinese propriety requirements.,衣裤制,Yi ku zhi,中衣裤,zhong yi ku,短打,Duan da,衣裳制,Dress is made,衣裳连制,曲裾,qu ju,直裾,zhi ju,Clothing companies,通裁,制,道袍,dao pao,圆领袍,yuan ling pao,Through the system,罩衫,披风,pi feng,褙子,bei zi,半臂,ban bi,blouse,汉服出现的场合,传统节日,Traditional festivals,传统礼仪重大场合,Traditional etiquette important occasions,The occasion of hanfu appear,汉服日常化,Hanfu day-to-day work,Thats all,Thanks for watching,Happy Everyday,


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