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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,不定代词,不定代词不是指确定的对象,而且仅具有非确定特指含义,通常用作替代词.常用的不定代词有:,all,each,every,both,either,neither,one,none,little,few,many,much,other,another,some,any,no,以及由,some,any,no,every,组合的复合不定代词.,1.,All,“所有”,谈到三个或三个以上的人或物时以及在谈到不可数的事物时.当作主语指人时,谓语动词用,复数,形式;当作主语指物时,谓语动词用,单数,形式;当作定语时,它既可修饰可数名词,又可修饰不可数名词.,All of us are interested in English.,All is going well.,They all went there and bought some books last week.,He told me all about it.,注意:All of us are not students.是”我们大家并不都是学生”之意.暗示:我们当中有一些是学生,有一些不是.句型Not all或为Allnot,不完全否定句.,当all用作主语时,如果后面有人称代词,须在他们之间加上of,如果后面跟的是名词,他们之间可加of,也可不加.,All of them are from Beijing.,All the students/All of the students have passed the exam.,All的位置:当谓语动词是实义动词时,all放在,动词前面,;谓语动词是be时,,放在,be后面,;当谓语动词是情态动词或助动词加实义动词时,放在他们之间。,They all know the answer.,They are all women.,They have all finished their homework.,You can all come to see me again next Monday.,当,all,用作人称代词宾语的同位语时,all放在宾语,后面,.如:you all,them all us all.,none 意为”没有一个人或东西”,在句中可以作主语,宾语及同位语,但它不能作定语.1.-Are there any maps on the walll?-None2.I like none of these books,None of 后面只能接,可数名词复数,但谓语动词用单,复数均可,强调整体时谓语动词常用复数,强调个体时谓语动词常用单数.,None of these pictures are/is good.,None of them like it.,None of us has got a car.,注意:回答how many或how much问句时通常用none回答.,-How many students are there in the classroom?,-None.,-Who is in the classroom?,-No one/Nobody,each 和every,Each强调个体,every强调整体.可以用作主语,宾语及同位语,every只能作定语.,Every student has got a new pen.,Each teacher is wearing a hat today.,We each have a new schoolbag now.,He gave two to each of them.,each 和every 均可作定语,后面的名词只能是,单数可数名词,谓语动词只能用,单数,.each of后面必须接,复数名词,但谓语动词只能用,单数形式,.Each of the girls is good at English.,every other day 每隔一天,both,either 和neither,both表示“两者都”,作主语时谓语动词用,复数,可以构成bothand的句型,Both of us are doctors.,You are both wrong.,Both the students are American,Both you and he are right.,both of 的否定式是Neither of,Both of them come from Japan.,Neither of them comes from Japan,either表示两者中的任何一个,在句中可用作主语,宾语和定语,用作定语时后面只接单数名词.,1.-Would you like a cup of tea or a glass of water?,-Either will do.,2.There are many trees on either side of the river.,either 可以构成eitheror,表示或者或者,要么要么,Either Tom or Jack will stay at home tommow.,either还可以作副词,意为”也”,用在否定句中.,Neither 表示两者都不,在句中可作主语,宾语和定语,作定语时只能接单数可数名词,作主语时,谓语动词用单数.,1.Neither of the students is fifteen.,2.-Do you know Jack and Tom?,-No,I know neither of them.,3.-What about the two books?,-Neither book is interesting.,neithernor表示既不也不,连接两个主语时,谓语,动词与后面的名词或代词一致.bothand的否定式是,Neithernor,Neither you nor she speaks Japanese.,Both Mr.Li and Mrs.Zhang are OK.,Neither Mr.Li nor Mrs.Zhang is OK.,Little,a little和few,a few,Little few表示”很少,几乎没有,”a little,a few表示”有一些”.Little和a little后接,不可数名词,few和a few后接,可数名词复数,.他们在句中可作主语,宾语和定语.,I have a few books but I have few pencils.,-Can you speak English?,-Yes,I can speak a little.,There is little water in the bottle,is there?,当句子前面有,only,时,后面只能用,a little和a few,即:only a few=very few(几乎没有几个),only a little=very little(几乎没有,很少),He can speak only a little Chinese.,other 和another,Other”别的,其他的”.当它前面有定冠词时,后面跟一个单数或复数名词,当它前面没有定冠词时,后面必须跟复数名词.,This seat is free,the other seat is taken.,She always thinks of other people and never thinks of herself,Another 意思是”另外一个,再一个”,another前面不能用定冠词the,它作为限定词与单数名词连用,但它后面跟基数词或few时,后面的名词必须用复数.,Please give me another umbrella.This one is too old.,We need another ten chairs.,We need another few days before I finish this book.,分述三个或三个以上的人或物时,其句型是,oneanotherthe thirdthe fourth,She has four books.one is an English book,another is a history one,the third is a physics one,and the fourth is a picture-book.,分述两样东西或人时,常用句型”,onethe other”,She has two sons.One is a worker,the other ia a farmer.,some,any,no,every组合的复合不定代词.,当主句中的主语是指人的复合不定代词如everybody,everyone,anyone等时,其反意疑问句的主语通常是代词,they,;当主句中的主语是指物的复合不定代词如everything,anything,something,nothing,等时,其反意疑问句的主语通常是代词,it,.,Everybody is here,arent they?,Everything is ready,isnt it?,当形容词或else修饰复合不定代词something,everything,everyone等时,形容词或else必须放在复合不定代词的,后面,.,I have something important to tell you.,We need one more helper.Can you find anyone else?,everyone的意思等同与everybody,只能指人;every one既可指人也可指物,还可以和of短语连用.,Everyone/Every one likes Mary.,I have kept every one of her letters.,


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