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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,question,What is the writers view concerning social labels?,Social labels are,on the one hand,irrelevant and misleading,and on the other hand,necessary in a complex society.,para.9,Perspective.,It is important to recognize that human beings,despite differences in class and educational labeling,are fundamentally,hewn,from the same material and,knit,together by common bonds of fear and joy,suffering and achievement.,Warfare,sickness,disasters,public and privatethese are the larger coordinates of life.,To recognize them is to recognize that social,labels,are basically,irrelevant,and misleading.,It is true that these labels are necessary in the functioning of a,complex,society as a way of letting us know who should be trusted to do what,with the result that we need to make distinctions on the basis of grades,degrees,rank,and responsibility.But these distinctions should never be taken seriously in human terms,either in the way we look at others or in the way we look at ourselves.,hew,(hewed;hewn或hewed),v.1),to make or shape sth.large by cutting砍成,劈成,2),To adhere or conform strictly;hold坚持或严格地遵守,e.g.,Roughly hewn timber frames粗劈成的木架子,Collocation:,hewer,砍伐者,采煤工人,Derivation:,hew to(=stick to),坚持,坚守,e.g.,We should hew to the Partys line.我们应该坚持党的路线。,hew sth.across/through,e.g.,They hewed a path through the jungle.,hew sth.away/off,e.g.,hew of dead branches,hew sth.out,e.g.,hew out a career for oneself,knit,(knited,knit;knitting),v.,to join closely;unite securely,编织,针织,机织,使紧密相连;牢固地联结,e.g.,Shes knitting herself a sweater.她正在给自己织毛线衫。,knit stockings out of wool用毛线织袜,knit bricks together,砌砖,knit ones brows,皱眉,Antonym:,unknit,Derivation:,knit into(v.+prep.)把织成,knit together 紧密地连接,knit up 修复,词义辨析,knit,weave这两个动词均有编织之意。,knit指用织针把毛线等编织成衣物等。,weave指用机器或手工编织物品。,It is important to recognize that human beings,despite differences in class and educational labeling,are fundamentally hewn from the same material and knit together by common bonds of fearand joy,suffering and achievement.,Paraphrase:,It is important to see the fact that although they differ in their class status and educational background,human beings are essentially the same.Biologically they are constructed in the same way,and they share the common feelings of fear and joy and the common experience of suffering and achieving.This commonality has bound them together.,Translation:,尽管社会阶层和教育背景相同,但是人们都由相同的物质构成,都有同样的恐惧感和欢愉感,同样的痛苦感和成就感,这些共通的感受把他们连为一体;认识到这一点十分重要。,3.,coordinate,v.,cause(different parts,limbs,etc)to function together efficiently 使(各部分 肢体等)协调,协同动作,e.g.,We must coordinate our efforts to,help the,flood victims.我们应该同心协力以援助遭水灾的灾民.,n.,坐标,;同等的人物;配套服装,adj.,同等的;等位的;(大学)男女分院制的,Derivation:,sth(with sth),Collocation:,coordination,n,.,协调;协同动作,;,协调自己动作的能力,e.g.,the perfect coordination of hand and eye,have good/poor coordination,coordinator,n.,协调人,统筹者,,,同等的人,(,或东西),coordinative,a,dj,.,同等的;同位的,coordinately,adv.,label,n.,标签;绰号;唱片公司,v.,贴标签于;(尤指不公正地)把.称为,e.g.,The bottle is labeled poison.,词义辨析,label,tag,这两个名词均含“标签”之意。,label,指上面标明货主姓名、地址及货物名称、重量、尺寸等内容 的标签。,tag,多指临时系上的标签。,irrelevant,adj.,not important to or connected with a situation,无关紧要的,不相关的,e.g.,That evidence is irrelevant to the case.,Totally/completely/largely irrelevant,Irrelevant remarks,不相关的言论,Collocation:,irrelevance,n.,irrelevantly,adv.,comcomplex,a,dj,.,1,),复杂的,难懂的,费解的,2,),复合的,n.,1,),建筑群,2,),不正常的精神状态,情结(对某事)不正常,的,忧虑,Collocation:,complexness,n.,complexly,adv.,词义辨析:,complex,complicated,sophisticated,intricate,complex,侧重内在关系的复杂,需通过仔细研究与了解才能掌握和运用。,complicated,与,complex,的含义接近,但语气更强,着重极其复杂,很难分析、分辨或解释。,sophisticated,侧重指事物发展到或达到高级的程度所体现的复杂。,intricate,着重指错综复杂,令人迷惑理解。,para.10,Even in achievement terms,your B label does,not mean that you are,permanently,defined as a B achievement person.Im well aware that B students tend to get Bs in the courses they take later on,just as A students tend to get As.,But academic work is a narrow,neatly,defined highway compared to the unmapped rolling country you will encounter after you leave school.,What you have learned may help you find your way about at first;later on you will have to shift to yourself,locating goals and opportunities in the same,fog,that,hampers,us all as we move toward the future.,permanently,adv.,永久地,e.g.,She had decided to settle in France.,Collocation:,permanent,adj.,永久的,永恒的,长久的,e.g.,They are now living together on a,permanent,basis.,Derivation:,A,permanent,job,固定工作,P,ermanent,staff,固定职工,neatly,adv.,整洁地,熟练地,e.g.,Sailors know how to wind up a long rope neatly.,水手们知道怎样把一条大绳利落地缠好。,Do things neatly,not sloppily.,办事要利落,不要拖泥带水。,Collocation:,neat,adj.,neatness,n.,But academic work is a narrow,neatly defined highway compared to the unmapped rolling country you will encounter after you leave school.,Translation:,然而和你们毕业离校之后将要进入的那片荒蛮无路、起伏跌宕的乡野相比,学术学习就如同一条狭窄坦直、界限分明的高速公路。,fog,n.,雾,烟雾,尘雾,迷惑,vt.,使模糊,使困惑,以雾笼罩,vi.,被雾笼罩,变模糊无法显示,Derivation:,in a fog,困惑的,dense fog,浓雾,heavy fog,浓雾,重雾,thick fog,浓雾,大雾,water fog,水雾,水态雾,ice fog,冰雾,hamper,v.,to prevent


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