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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,#,xin,zi,j, din,Unit2,现在,几点,?,复习,热身,When do you usually get up/go to work,?,Whats the time for the meeting?,生词,xin zi,现 在,j,几,usually no more than12,几岁,/,几个,su,点,(,din) oclock,hour,8:00 八点,6:00 六点,生词,What,s,the time?,现 在 几 点 ?,xin,z,i,j,di,n,两点?二点?,“两”,and“,二”,both the corresponding number is 2,but their usages are different.,“,两”,usually before measure words,,两天、两个人。,“二”,is used alone,,,indicating the number 2,。,分(fn),minute,10,:,10,十点十分,6,:,05,六点零五(分),The normal format of time in Chinese,is“ din.fn,”,fn (minutes,),is usually omitted in conversation,But there is an exception, for example “8:10”,生词,刻( k ),quarter,a quarter=15 minute,6,:,15,六点十五(分)/六点一刻,生词,xin zi j din,A :,现 在 几 点 ?,Whats the time?,xin zi w din y k,B,: 现 在 五 点 一 刻。,Its a quarter,past five,now,.,现在五点十五,生词,半,(b,n) half,a half =30 minutes,10:30,十点三十,(,分,)/,十点半,生词,xin zi j din,A :,现 在 几 点 ?,Whats the time?,xin zi sh din bn,B :,现 在 十 点 半 。,Its half past ten now.,现在,十点三十,生词,差 (ch) to,lack,11:45 十一点四十五分/十一点三刻,/差一刻,十二点,3:50,三点五十分,/差十分四,点,类比,to,,,a quarter to five,;,2 to 2,生词,xin zi j din,A :,现 在 几 点 ?,Whats the time?,xin zi ch w fn sn din,B,:现 在 差 五 分 三 点。,Its five to three now.,现在两点五十五。,生词,生词,hu,回,ji,家,回家,/,回国,gu,look at the pictures and read the time,游戏,look at,my watch and,read the time,One speaks,a time at random, eg 7:30, and,each person then take turns,to add 5minutes to the time given by the previous person, eg 7:35,7:40,7:45.,Those,who speak the time wrongly are required to write the right time on blackboard.,课文,课文,Word,order,:,Time+Verb,讨论,P23,A,nswer,the following questions according to actual,situations,N,j,din q chung?,你 几 点 起 床?,N, ch zo fn ma ?,你 吃 早饭 吗?,J,din ch zo fn ?,几 点 吃 早饭?,N,shn me,sh, h,u,ch wn fn,?,你,什 么 时 候,吃,晚 饭 ?,J,din shu jio?,几,点 睡觉,?,N,j,din shng k ?,你,几 点 上 课?,N,j,din xi k,?,你,几 点 下课?,J,din ch w fn ?,几,点 吃 午饭?,活动,P22,活动,P23,


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