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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,*,A Course in General Knowledge for English Tour Guides,Tsinghua University Publishing Press,Sep 1, 2009,Unit 1 A Survey of Tourism in China,Lead-in Questions,What is tourism?,When and how did tourism industry begin in modern times?,When and how did Chinas tourism start?,Unit 1 A Survey of Tourism in China,What is tourism?,Mathieson and Wall (1982): Tourism is “the temporary movement of people to destinations outside their normal places of work and residence, the activities undertaken during their stay in those destinations, and the facilities created to cater to their needs.”,Unit 1 A Survey of Tourism in China,The development of tourism,the Grand Tour: the 1660s to 1840s,Thomas Cook: the first travel agency in 1845,British Travelex, American Express, Japan National Tourism Organization,Unit 1 A Survey of Tourism in China,The development of tourism in China,Shanghai Commercial and Savings Bank: in 1923,China Travel Agency: in 1927,1949-1974,Late 1970s,Mid-1080s,mid-1990s,Unit 1 A Survey of Tourism in China,The hallmark of Chinas tourism,China National Tourism Administration (CNTA),Galloping Bronze Horse Treading on a Flying Swallow,Unit 1 A Survey of Tourism in China,The hallmark of Chinas tourism,Post-class Tasks,I. Fill in the blanks with what you have learnt.,1) WTO stands for _.,2) _ was the traditional travel in,Europe,mainly by,upper-class,young people from the 1660s to 1840s.,3) In _, British _ initiated to establish the first travel agency in the world, which officially marked the beginning of tourism industry in modern times.,4) _ set up tourism department in 1923 and changed its name into China Travel Agency in 1927, which marked the emergence of tourism in China in modern times.,5) CNTA stands for _, which is subordinate to _ with its headquarters in _.,Post-class Tasks,II. Translate the following phrases into Chinese.,1) British Travelex,2) American Express,3) Japan National Tourism Organization,Post-class Tasks,III. Answer the following questions briefly.,1) When and how China begin to develop quickly in tourism industry?,2) Is China a major tourist destination? For whom?,3) What is the hallmark of Chinas tourism industry?,Unit 2 A Survey of Chinese History,Lead-in Questions,Do you know the Chinese mythological figures? Who are they?,Do you know the hominid in China? Who are they? When and how did they begin to live in China?,When and how did Chinese history see cycles of division and unification?,1. Ancient Myth,Pangu (盘古),1. Ancient Myth,Nvwa (女娲) and Fuxi (伏羲),1. Ancient Myth,Suiren (燧人),1. Ancient Myth,Shennong (神农),1. Ancient Myth,The Yellow Emperor (黄帝),1. Ancient Myth,Three Sovereigns:,the Heavenly Sovereign,the Earthly Sovereign,the Human Sovereign,Five Emperors: the,Yellow Emperor,Zhuanxu,Emperor Ku,Emperor Yao,Emperor Shun,2. The Primitive Society,Yuanmou Man (元谋人),Unit 2 A Survey of Chinese History,2. The Primitive Society,Lantian Ape Man (蓝田猿人),2. The Primitive Society,Peking Ape Man,2. The Primitive Society,Homo sapiens (智人) :,Dali Man (大荔人),Dingcun Man (丁村人),Maba Man (马坝人),The Upper Cave Man (山顶洞人),Liujiang Man (柳江人),Ziyang Man (资阳人),2. The Primitive Society,Matrilineal Clan Society,: Yangshao Culture (仰韶文化),Patriarchal Clan Society: Longshan Culture (龙山文化),3. The Slavery Society,Xia (夏, about 2070BC-1600BC):,Qi (启),Shang (商朝, about 1600BC-1046BC),Yin Xu in Anyang City (安阳殷墟),3. The Slavery Society,Western Zhou (西周, 1046BC-771BC),King Wen (文王, about ?-1050BC),King Wu (武王, about 1087BC-1043BC),Dan (旦, the Duke of Zhou, 周公, about ?-1105BC),feudal fief system (分封制),King You (,幽王, ?-?),A smile costs 1,000 pieces of gold.,The vassals are fooled by the beacon fire.,3. The Slavery Society,Eastern Zhou (770BC-256BC),King Ping (,平王, about 781BC-720BC),Five Hegemons of the Spring and Autumn Period (770BC-476BC): Duke Huan of Qi State (齐桓公), Duke Wen of Jin State (晋文公), Duke Mu of Qin State (秦穆公), Duke Xiang of Song State (宋襄公) and Duke Zhuang of Chu State (楚庄王),Seven Great Powers: Qi (齐), Wei (魏), Zhao (赵), Han (韩), Qin (秦), Chu (楚) and Yan (燕),4. The Feudal Society,Qin (221BC-207BC),Ying Zheng (嬴政, 259BC-210BC),abolishing the enfeoffment system (分封制),adopting the system of prefectures and counties (郡县制),standardizing the script, currencies, and weights and measures,linking the Great Wall,building a mausoleum and palaces on a large scale,burning classical books and burying Confucian scholars alive,the Terracotta Warriors and Horses,4. The Feudal Society,4. The Feudal Society,Western Han Dynasty (206BC-25AD),Liu Bang (,刘邦, 256BC-195BC),Emperor Wen (,文帝, 202BC-157BC) and,Emperor Jing,(,景帝, 188BC-141BC),4. The Feudal Society,Western Han Dynasty (206BC-25AD),Emperor Wu (,武帝, 156BC-87BC),defeated, the Hun (,匈奴,),adopted Dong Zhongshus (,董仲舒,179BC-104BC) thought,opened the Silk Road,sent Zhang Qian (,张蹇, ?-?) to the Western Regions,married Wang Zhaojun (,王昭君, about 52BC-20BC) to the chieftain of the Hun in 33BC.,4. The Feudal Society,Xin,(,新朝, 9-25),Wang Mang (,王莽, 45BC-23AD),4. The Feudal Society,Eastern Han (25-220),Liu Xiu (,刘秀, 6BC-57AD),4. The Feudal Society,Three Kingdoms Period (220-280),Cao Cao (,曹操, 155-220),Liu Bei (,刘备, 161-223),Sun Quan (,孙权, 182-252),4. The Feudal Society,Jin Dynasty (晋, 265-420),Sima Yan (司马炎, 236-290),Western Jin (265-316) and the Eastern Jin (317-420),Five Barbarian Groups:,Di (氐), Jie (羯), Qiang (羌), Xianbei (鲜卑) and the Hun (匈奴),Sixteen Kingdoms:,Han-Former Zhao (汉-前赵), Cheng-Han (成汉), Former Liang (前凉), Later Zhao (后赵), Former Yan (前燕), Former Qin (前秦), Later Qin (后秦), Later Yan (后燕), Western Qin (西秦), Later Liang (后凉), Southern Liang (南凉), Southern Yan (南燕), Western Liang (西凉), Northern Liang (北凉), Xia (夏), Northern Yan (北燕).,4. The Feudal Society,Southern Dynasty (420-589):,Song (,宋, 420-479), Qi (,齐, 479-502), Liang (,梁, 502-557) and Chen (,陈, 557-589),Northern Dynasty (386-581):,Northern Wei (,北魏, 386-534), Eastern Wei (,东魏, 534-550), Northern Qi (,北齐, 550-577), Western Wei (,西魏, 535-557) and Northern Zhou (,北周, 557-581),4. The Feudal Society,Sui (581-618),Emperor Wen (,杨坚, 541-604),Emperor Yang (,炀帝, 569-618),The Grand Canal (,京杭大运河,),4. The Feudal Society,Tang (唐朝, 618-907),Li Yuan (李渊, 566-635),Li Shiming (李世民, 598-649),Wu Zetian (武则天, 624-705),Li Longji (李隆基, 685-762,the,An-Shi Rebellion,4. The Feudal Society,Five Dynasties:,the Later Liang (后梁), Later Tang (后唐), Later Jin (后晋), Later Han (后汉) and Later Zhou (后周),Ten States:,Former Shu (前蜀), Later Shu (后蜀), Jingnan (荆南), Southern Han (南汉), Wu (吴), Southern Tang (南唐), Chu (楚), Min (闽), Wu-Yue (吴越), Northern Han (北汉),4. The Feudal Society,Northern Song (北宋, 960-1127),Zhao Kuangyin (赵匡胤,927-976),Liao (辽, 907-1125):,Qidan (契丹),Western Xia(西夏, 1032-1227):,Dangxiang (党项),4. The Feudal Society,Southern Song (1127-1279),Zhao Gou (赵构, about 1107-1187),4. The Feudal Society,Yuan (元朝, 1271-1368),Kublai Khan (1162-1227),Jubilee (忽必烈, 1215-1294),4. The Feudal Society,Ming (明朝, 1368-1644),Zhu Yuanzhang (朱元璋, 1328-1398,Zhu Di (朱棣),4. The Feudal Society,Qing (清朝,1644-1912),Manchu,(满) clan,Kangxi (康熙, 1654-1722),Yongzheng (雍正, 1678-1735),Qianlong (乾隆, 1711-1799),Empress Dowager Cixi (慈禧, 1835-1908),5. Democratic Revolution Period,Republic of China,(ROC),Dr. Sun Yat-sen (孙中山, 1866-1925),PRC (Peoples Republic of China),Post-class Tasks,I. Fill in the blanks with what you have learnt from the unit.,1) _, _, _ and _ were the four greatest ancient countries with advanced civilizations in the world.,2) According to Chinese myth, _ stood on the earth and supported the heaven with his hands, thus he created the world. _ refined the five-colored stones to mend the sky. _ drew the Eight Diagrams used in divination. _ first made fire.,3) _ taught people to cultivate and tasted a large number of herbs to identify their medical functions.,4) _ controlled part of the Yellow River Valley and invented cart, boat, clothes, script and medicine. He also ordered _ to invent characters and _ to raise silk worms.,5) Today, Chinese people at home and abroad are still regarded as _.,Post-class Tasks,6) According to The,Records of the Grand Historian, “Three Sovereigns” were: _, _ and _ while “Five Emperors” were: _, _, _, _ and _.,7) Archeological surveys show that _ lived about 1.7 million years ago. _was proved to live about 1.15 million years ago. _ lived about 400,000-500,000 years ago.,8) _ dating back about 7,000-6,000 years ago was prosperous in color-painted pottery, and was also called “Color-painted Pottery Culture Period.” _ dating back around 4,900-4,000 years ago was also named “Grey-pottery Culture Period.”,9) _ founded the first dynasty in Chinese history Xia, which marked the transition of the society from the primitive society to _.,10) _ was the first dynasty with record in Chinese history.,Post-class Tasks,11) “The Five Hegemons of the Spring and Autumn Period” were _, _, _, _ and _. In the,Warring States Period, “Seven Great Powers” were _, _, _, _, _, _ and _.,12) After the long bloody fights, all powers were weakened or strengthened with _, _, _ and _ known as the Southern Dynasty, while the _, _, _, _ and _ known as the Northern Dynasty.,13) _ was the only female monarch in Chinese history.,14) In,1912, _ broke out under the leadership of Dr. Sun Yat-sen who was known as _. The last emperor _ was forced to dethrone.,Post-class Tasks,II. Translate the following words or phrases into Chinese.,1) hominid,2) Homo erectus,3) Homo sapiens,4) Matrilineal Clan Society,5) Patriarchal Clan Society,6) feudal fief system,7) enfeoffment system,8) system of prefectures and counties,Post-class Tasks,III. Match the following two groups of words and phrases.,1) Dali Mana. Henan Province,2) Dingcun Manb. Shanxi Province,3) Maba Manc. Guangxi Province,4) Upper Cave Mand. Beijing,5) Liujiang Man e. Guangdong Province,6) Ziyang Manf. Shandong Province,7) Yuanmou Man h. Yunnan Province,8) Lantian Man i. Shaanxi Province,9) Yangshao Culturej. Sichuan Province,10) Longshan Culturek. Shaanxi Province,Post-class Tasks,IV. Fill in the following chart.,Dynasty Founder Capital,Qi Yin Xu,Western Zhou Haojing,Eastern Zhou King Ping,Ying Zheng,Western Han Liu Bang,Liu Xiu Luoyang,Western Jin Sima Yi,Sui,Li Yuan,Zhao Kuangyin Kaifeng,Southern Song Zhao Gou,Jubilee Yanjing / Dadu,Ming Yingtianfu,Huangtaiji,Post-class Tasks,V. Explain the following phrases in English.,1),The Reign Period of the Emperor Wens and Emperor Jings Benign Administration,2) Emperor Wu,3) The Prosperity in the Emperor Guangwus Reign Period,4) The Reign Period of the First Emperors Benign Administration of the Dynasty,5) The Grand Canal,6) The Benign Administration of Wude Reign Period,Post-class Tasks,7) The Palace Coup at the Xuanwu Gate,8) The Benign Administration of the Zhenguan Reign Period,9) The Benign Administration of Kaiyuan Reign Period,10) The,An-Shi Rebellion,11) The Five Dynasties and Ten States,12) Yue Fei,Post-class Tasks,VI. Answer the following questions briefly.,1) What is “clan”, how did it form?,2) When was the feudal fief system founded? What is it?,3) How did the Chinese sayings come, “A smile costs 1,000 pieces of gold” and “The vassals are fooled by the beacon fire”?,4)Do you know the famous philosophers of the Eastern Zhou Dynasty? Who are they?,5) What did Ying Zheng do during his reign?,6) What are the Five Barbarian Groups who divided China into the Sixteen Kingdoms?,Unit 3 General Knowledge on Chinese Culture,Lead-in Questions,1. What were the four greatest inventions in ancient China?,2. Can you say something about science and technology, pharmacology and medicine,arts, literature, ideology and education in ancient China?,3. Do you know the Ten Celestial Stems,and the Twelve Terrestrial Branches? How did the ancient Chinese mark years, months, days and hours?,1. Science and Technology,Peking Ape Man: the first user of natural fire,The Upper Cave Man: first invented artificial fire,Hemudu (河姆渡) People: first mastered the skill of well-drilling,Banpo Man (半坡人): first produced arrow, fish hook with agnail and fish fork, and first knew how to spin,1.1 Astronomy,Xia Calendar,(夏历): Chinas first calendar,“the inscriptions on animal bones or tortoise shells” (甲骨文),Book of Odes,or,Classic of Poetry,(诗经): the first sun eclipse record with exact date in China,The Spring and Autumn Annals,(春秋): the Halleys Comet,Gan and Shis Classic of the Constellations,(甘石星经),Zhang Heng (,张衡, 78-139): invented the worlds first,water-powered,armillary sphere,(浑天仪) and,seismometer,(地动仪),Zhang Sui (张遂, also named Monk Yixing 一行, 673-727):,Dayan Calendar,(大衍历),1.2 Agriculture and Planting,Fan Shengzhi (汜胜之): the Western Han Dynasty,Fan Shengzhis Book,(汜胜之书),Jia Sixie (贾思勰): the Northern Wei Dynasty,Essential Skills for the Common People,(齐民要术),Chen Fu (陈旉,),: the Southern Song Dynasty,On Agriculture,(农书),Wang Zhen (王桢): the Yuan Dynasty,On Agriculture,(农书),Xu Guangqi (徐光启):,Thoughts and Practice of Advocating Agriculture,(农政全书),Lu Yu (陆羽): the Tang Dynasty, “,the Saint of Tea,”,The Classic of Tea,(茶经),1.3 Handicraft and Commerce,the Shang Dynasty: smelt bronze and use iron tools,the Spring and Autumn Period: metallurgy,the Western Zhou Dynasty:,Simuwu Quadrate Vessel (司母戊大方鼎),Maogong Tripod (毛公鼎),“industry and commerce serving the government” (工商食官),the method of recovering melted iron (高温液体还原法),Great merchants: Bai Gui, Lv Buwei, Fan Li,Barter trade, Cowry shells Mental currency round coin flying money (飞钱) and “guifang” (柜坊, banks or stores) jiaozi (交子),porcelain manufacturing: Tang tricolor ceramics (唐三彩),Large porcelain kilns: celadon vessels of Yueyao Kiln (越窖的青瓷),porcelain of Xingyao Kiln (刑窖的白瓷),porcelain in Jingdezheng (景德镇),the Song and Yuan Dynasties: Guanyao Kiln in Kaifeng City (开封的官窖),Ruyao Kiln in Ruzhou City (汝州的汝窖),Junyao Kiln in Yuzhou City (禹州的钧窖),Dingyao Kiln in Dingzhou City (定州的定窖),Geyao Kiln at Yuezhou Town (越州的哥窖),1.4 Ancient Inventions,Eastern Han Dynasty: Du Shi (杜诗) invented “shuipai” (水排),Three Kingdoms: Ma Jun (马钧) improved damask loom (绫机),Eastern Jin and Southern and Northern Dynasties : “jimingbu” (鸡鸣布) appeared,Yuan Dynasty: Huang Daopo (黄道婆),1.4 Ancient Inventions,Shen Kuo (沈括) : the,Song Dynasty,Dream Pool Essays,(梦溪笔谈), “the milestone in Chinas science history”.,Guo Shoujing (郭守敬): the,Yuan Dynasty,Shoushi Calendar,(授时历),Song Yingxing (宋应星),the late,Ming Dynasty,Exploitation of the Works of Nature,(天工开物), “encyclopedia of technology in the 17th century”.,1.4 Ancient Inventions,Counting and time-keeping devices: shadow clock or sundial (日晷), water clock clepsydra (滴漏), hourglass (沙漏),Ivory tallies (算筹),abacus,paper-making: Cai Lun (蔡伦) in 105, paper specimen from a Western Han tomb,1.4 Ancient Inventions,the Sui Dynasty: Woodblock printing (雕版印刷),the Tang Dynasty:,Diamond Sutra,(金刚经) in 868,Northern Song Dynasty:,Bi Sheng,(毕升), the ceramic,movable type,printing (活字印刷),Wang Zhen,(王祯): the wooden movable type (木活字印刷),Hua Sui,(华燧): the bronze metal movable type (铜活字印刷),Gunpowder: invented in the Sui Dynasty and used in wars in the Northern Song Dynasty,Compass: the Qin Dynasty,south-pointing device (司南): the Warring States Period south-pointing spoon (司南勺): the Eastern Han Dynasty south-pointing wagon (指南车) invented by Ma Jun (马钧) in the Three Kingdoms south- pointing fish in the Northern Song Dynasty south-pointing needle later,1.5 Architecture and Project,Banopo Man: first built Y-shaped houses with Chinese ethnic characteristics,Hemudu People: first constructed stilt houses mainly appeared in the south of China,the Warring States Period: Li Bing (李冰,) and his son constructed Dujiangyan (都江堰) Irrigation Project,the,Qin Dynasty,: the first,Emperor,first linked the Great Wall,the Western Han Dynasty: Kaner well (坎儿井),the Sui Dynasty: Emperor Yang carved the Grand Canal in 605,from Luoyang to Zhuojun (涿郡) and Yuhang (余杭),four sections,five great water systems,the Sui Dynasty: Li Chun (李春) designed Zhaozhou Bridge (赵州桥),the Northern Song Dynasty: Li Xie (李械),Building Standards,(营造法式),Luoyang Bridge (洛阳桥,the Southern Song Dynasty: Anping Bridge (安平桥),1.6 Pharmacology and Medicine,the Warring States Period: Bian Que (扁鹊),Bian Ques Internal Classic,(扁鹊内经) and “the four-step diagnoses”,the Western Han Dynasty:,The,Yellow Emperors Internal Classic,(,黄帝内经,),the Eastern Han Dynasty:,Shennongs Herbal Canon,(,神农本草经,),Zhang Zhongjing (,张仲景,), “the Sage of Medicine”,On Cold Damage,and Other Diseases,(,伤寒杂病论,),Hua Tuo (,华佗,), “the Divine Doctor”, “cannabis boil powder” (,麻沸散,) and “the,frolics of the five animals” (,五禽戏,),the Western Jin Dynasty: Wang Shuhe (王叔和),The Pulse Classic,(脉经),the Tang Dynasty:,Tang Materia Medica,(唐本草),Sun Simiao (孙思邈), “the King of Medicine”,Essential Formulas for,Emergencies,(千金要方) and S,upplement to the Essential Formulas for,Emergencies,(,千金翼方,),the Southern Song Dynasty: Song Ci (,宋慈,),Collected Cases of Injustice Rectified,(,洗冤集录,),the Jin and Yuan Dynasties: Liu Wansu (,刘完素,), Zhang Congzheng (,张从正,), Li Gao (,李杲,) and Zhu Zhenxiang (,朱震享,),the Ming Dynasty: Li Shizhen (,李时珍,),The Category of Herbs,(,本草纲目,),1.7 Mathematics,the Zhou Dynasty:,Multiplication Table,(,九九乘法表,),the Western Han Dynasty:,The Arithmetical Classic of the Gnomon and the Circular Paths of Heaven,(,周髀算经,),the Eastern Han Dynasty:,The Nine Chapters on the Mathematical Art,(,九章算术,),the Southern Dynasty: Zu Chongzhi (,祖冲之,),Method of Interpolation,(,缀术,) and,Daming Calendar,(,大明历,), value of “pi”,the Southern Song Dynasty: Qin Jiushao (,秦九韶,),Mathematical Treatise in Nine Chapters,(,数书九章,), “Qin Jiushaos formula”,2.1 Characters,Cangjie (仓颉) invented characters,Carved symbols (刻画符号): at Banpo Sites (半坡遗址),the late Shang Dynasty: “inscriptions on tortoise shells and animal bones” (甲骨文),the late Shang and the early Zhou: Bronze inscriptions (金文或锺鼎文), the Bronze Age,the pictographic characters (象形文字),the large seal style (大篆) the small seal script (小篆) in the Qin Dynasty official script (隶书, also called clerical script) at the end of the Qin Dynasty official script, grass script (草书), running script (行书) in the Han Dynasty regular script (楷书),2.2 Calligraphy and Calligraphers,Stone Drum Inscriptions,Wang Xizhis,The Prelude of the Orchid Pavilion,Wang Xianzhis Luo Shen Fu and The Mid-Autumn,Yan Zhenqings Stone Tablet of Yan Family Shrine and Duobao Tower Epigraph,Zhang Xus The Four Copybooks of “Ancient Poems” and Record for Stomachache,Mi Fus Calligraphy Written on Sichuan Silk and Coral,Zhao Mengfus Taoist Classics,2.3 Paintings,the Qin and Han Dynasties: Cai Yong (,蔡邕,), Li Si (,李斯,), Zhang Zhi (,张芝,), Qiu Jing (,仇靖,), Cheng Miao (,程邈,),the Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties: Gu Kaizhi (顾恺之),Luoshen Appraisal Painting,(洛神赋图),the Tang Dynasty: Wu Daozi (吴道子), “the Sage of Painting”,Yan Liben (阎立本),Thirteen Emperors Scroll,(历代帝王图) and,Emperor,Tang Taizong Meetin


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