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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,shang hai,Shanghai is a very modern and traditional Chinese city. Located in the most middle of Chinas long coastline of the Yangtze River. More than a century, Shanghai has been the commercial center of China, the aggregation of wealth, the contact and the worlds most closely Flanagan link. China is famous shopping paradise after Hong Kong.,上海是一座极具现代化而又不失中国传统特色的都市。地处中国漫长海岸线的最正中,位于长江入海口。是中国四个中央直辖市之一。百余年来上海一直是中国商业的中心、财富的汇聚地,更是和世界联系最紧密的那根纽带。也是中国仅次于香港的著名“购物乐园”。,南京路步行街:位于上海市黄浦区,西起西藏中路,东至河南中路,步行街的东西两端均有一块暗红色大理石屏,上面是江泽民主席亲笔题写的“南京路步行街”,6,个大字。国庆,50,周年时落成的这条步行街,使“百年南京路”焕然一新,成为上海又一处靓丽的城市新景观。,Nanjing Road Pedestrian Street: Located in Huangpu District, Shanghai, west Tibet Road, east Henan Central Road, the pedestrian street east and west ends have a dark red marble screen, above the Nanjing Road Pedestrian Street, President Jiang Zemin inscribed the six characters. The 50th anniversary of the completion of the pedestrian street, the brand new Rise of the Nanjing Road, the Shanghai is another beautiful city in the new landscape,The old Temple: go to the Shanghai City God Temple, did not mean to Greater Shanghai. Seen the old Temple in Shanghai, status and influence. In general, the Shanghai City God Temple is the old Temple of the Huangpu District, attractions, known as Yu Garden, the former Shanghai County Town Gods Temple, which is a famous South Classical Gardens, a national key cultural relics protection units. Shanghai has a long history of the Temple, every year attracts a considerable number of tourists who come here for sightseeing,The Bund: Today, the Shanghai Bund, also known as Zhongshan Dong Yi Road, a total length of 1.5 km. East of Huangpu River, west of Gothic, Romanesque, Baroque, Chinese and western wall of 52 different styles of building, known as the exhibition of architectural. The essence of the Bund is here. Buildings north from Suzhou estuary outside the White Bridge, south of Nanking East Road, a total length of 1500 meters.,外滩:如今的上海外滩又名中山东一路,全长约,1.5,公里。东临黄浦江,西面为哥特式、罗马式、巴洛克式、中西合壁式等,52,幢风格各异的大楼,被称为“万国建筑博览群”。而外滩的精华就在于此。建筑群北起苏州河口的外白渡桥,南至金陵东路,全长约,1500,米。,If you go to Shanghai tour, you will learn more,Thank you !,


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