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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,人教课标,高一 必修,2,Unit 5,Unit 5 Music,_ something used to make music,2._ person whose job is to play or write music,3._ to imagine something would come true,Find the word or expression for each of the following meanings from the text.,musical instrument,musician,dream of,4._ person going past,5._ to tell exactly what one thinks,6._ to go away in different directions,7._ to connect something with another,passer-by,to be honest,break up,attach,8._ to receive money for what you do,9._ paid in money but not by cheque,in cash,earn,Read the words below.They all have two meanings.Read the passage on page 34 again and tick the meaning that is used in the reading.,Word,Meanings,Used,pretend,1.To make believe,2.to imagine something is real as in a game,1,2,Word,Meanings,Used,extra,In addition,2.not included in the price so you have to pay more,1,2,rely,1.To trust someone or something to do what you need,2.To depend on someone or something to continue to live,1,2,Word,Meanings,Used,familiar,1.(a person)well-known,to you,2.Having a good,knowledge of something,or somebody,1,2,broadcast,1.to send out radio or,television programmes,2.to tell something to a lot of people,1,2,Complete this passage with the words and phrases below in their proper forms.,Susan and I loved jazz and we _ becoming musicians.We decided to form a band so that we could earn some _ money by playing and singing in a _.The regulars there were very kind to us.,dreamed of,extra,pub,They suggested we go to record our songs in a _.We wondered if they were _ us as they were often very _ to each other.However,to our great surprise,everything was organized and we made our record.Imagine our excitement when we heard it _ on the radio for the first time!,studio,playing a joke on,humorous,broadcast,It was almost as exciting as later when we became _.Now whenever we go to the pub,we play our songs and buy drinks for the regulars.Although we are famous,we still like to play in _ places.,millionaires,familiar,dream of,梦见;渴望,I,dreamt of,seeing her last night.,我昨晚梦见了她。,His,dream of,becoming an artist has been fulfilled.,他成为一个艺术家的梦想实现了。,n.,v.,musician,n.,音乐家(,musician,的复数),That,musician,is very famous.,那位音乐家非常有名。,Hes not in the first grade as a,musician,.,他不是第一流的音乐家。,break up,破碎;开垦;破坏;解散;结束,He,broke up,the glass in his search for money.,他在找钱时把玻璃杯打碎了。,He can,break up,the stone with his hand.,他用手能打碎石头。,In spring the ice on the lakes,breaks up,.,春天湖水解冻。,Their marriage,broke up,last month.,他们的婚姻关系上月破裂了。,break up,a fight in street,驱散街上的一场斗殴,break up,the crowds,驱散人群,break up,a friendship,中断友好关系,break up,a plot of ground,翻耕一块地,musical instrument,The bagpipe is a sweet,musical instrument,.,风笛是一种听起来很悦耳的乐器。,乐器,He can play nearly every,musical instrument,.,他几乎能演奏每一件乐器。,passer-by,n.,过路人;经过者,Police asked,passers-by,if they had seen the accident happen.,警察询问过路的人是否见到事故发生的经过。,earn,He has,earned,a lot of money in this month.,这个月他已经赚了好多钱了。,How does she,earn her living,?,她靠什么谋生?,vt.,赚得;赢得;获得,It has taken years to,earn,their trust.,花了好多年才赢得他们的信任。,She studied very hard all year to,earn,good marks.,她整年努力学习以期获得好分数。,to be honest,老实说;说实话,To be honest,almost nothing.,老实说,几乎没有。,To be honest,I was surprised he knew where I was,we moved so often.,说实话,我感到惊讶的是他知道我在哪里,我们搬家搬得这么勤。,in cash,用现金,You may pay either,in cash,or cheque.,你可以用现金,也可用支票付款。,They also paid for their second house,in cash,.,他们还是用现金支付他们第二个房子。,attach,v.,附上;系上;贴上;使依附;使附属;使附着,attach,指把局部连接在整体上,小的接在大的上面,活动的接在固定的上面。,I,attach,a copy of my notes for your information.,我附上笔记一份供你参考。,Please,attach,these labels to your hand luggage.,请把这些标签系在您的手提行李上。,Please,attach,your business card below or fill up the information.,推荐人请在下面框中贴上您的名片,如不贴名片,则请详细填写框中各项。,This middle school is,attached to,a normal college.,这所中学附属于一所师范院校。,_ something used to make music,2._ person whose job is to play or write music,3._ to imagine something would come true,Find the word or expression for each of the following meanings from the text.,musical instrument,musician,dream of,4._ person going past,5._ to tell exactly what one thinks,6._ to go away in different directions,7._ to connect something with another,passer-by,to be honest,break up,attach,8._ to receive money for what you do,9._ paid in money but not by cheque,in cash,earn,Read the words below.They all have two meanings.Read the passage on page 34 again and tick the meaning that is used in the reading.,Word,Meanings,Used,pretend,1.To make believe,2.to imagine something is real as in a game,1,2,Word,Meanings,Used,extra,In addition,2.not included in the price so you have to pay more,1,2,rely,1.To trust someone or something to do what you need,2.To depend on someone or something to continue to live,1,2,Word,Meanings,Used,familiar,1.(a person)well-known,to you,2.Having a good,knowledge of something,or somebody,1,2,broadcast,1.to send out radio or,television programmes,2.to tell something to a lot of people,1,2,Complete this passage with the words and phrases below in their proper form


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