湖南省茶陵县高中英语 Unit 3 Tomorrow’s World Language points课件 牛津译林版必修4

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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,*,Unit 3,1,Unit 3,Tomorrows world,2,Language points,3,The RealCine experience will,amaze,you,感受RealCine将让你惊叹,amaze,vt.,失惊奇,使惊诧,e.g.He,amazed,us by his knowledge of,Welsh history.他对威尔士的历史知,之甚多,让我们惊讶。,She is,amazed,that people still risk,travelling without insurance.,对于人们仍然不上保险就冒险去旅,行,她很惊愕。,4,2.,Not only,will he or she feel every step,of climbing Mount Qomolangma,but,the user will,also,experience the cold,smells,sights and sounds of the,surrounding environment;he or she,will enjoy a feeling of happiness and a,sense of achievement,upon,reaching the,top.,5,他/她不仅能感受到攀登珠穆朗玛峰每,一步的艰辛,还能体验到周围环境的寒,冷、气味、景观和声音;到达顶峰时,,他/她将会享受到一种愉悦感和成就感。,not only but also 不但 而且,(1)not only A but also B B as well as A,(2)not only提到句首,它所在分句用部分倒装。,(3)not onlybut also 连接并列主语时,谓语遵循“就近原则”。,6,e.g.Franklin was considered,not only,an inventor,but also,a statesman.,富兰克林不仅被看作发明家,而且被看,作政治家。,=Franklin was considered a statesman,as well as,an inventor.,Not only,does television appeal to those,who can read,but also,to those who cant.,电视不仅吸引阅读的人,而且也吸引,了不会阅读的人。,7,不但学生反对这个计划,老师也反对。,Not only,the students,but also,the teacher,was,against the plan.,Not only,the teacher,but also,the students,were,against the plan.,8,upon是介词,相当于on,意思是“当的时候,一就”。,e.g.,Upon/On,his arrival in Paris,the,famous star was warmly welcomed by,his fans.那位明星一到巴黎就受到影,迷的热烈欢迎。,Upon/On,hearing of his parents death,he fainted.一听到他父母去世的消息,,他晕倒了。,9,3.,To add to,the virtual world of RealCine,the headsets even have small openings that,give out,smells to match the environment.,给RealCine虚拟世界锦上添花的是,耳机上甚至还有一些小孔,可以释放出与环境相匹配的气味。,add to 使增强,使增加,使扩大,e.g.The news,added to,his anxiety.,这个消息增添了他的恐慌。,10,Buying a new car will,add to,my debt.,买一辆新车会增加我的债务。,也可以用作add to,e.g.A few more names need to,be added,to,the list because more people would,like to join us.,还有一些名字要加进名单中,因为还,有些人想加入我们。,11,4.In the world created by RealCine,he,became the captain of the Brazilian,football team and scored the,winning,goal in a World Cup final.,在RealCine创造的虚拟世界中,他成,为巴西足球队队长,并在世界杯决赛,中踢进了致胜的一球。,12,winning,adj.,制胜的,获胜的,e.g.the leader of the,winning,party,获胜党的领导人,Liu Tao scored the,winning,goal.,刘涛攻入制胜的一球。,13,5.An argument has,been put forward,that some users,will be disappointed by,RealCine because VR is not real.,有人提出不同意见,认为一些用户可能会对RealCine失望,因为虚拟现实毕竟不是真的。,put forward 提出,建议,e.g.,They have,put forward,a new plan at,the meeting.,他们提出了新计划在会议上。,14,be disappointed by/at/about,对 感到失望,e.g.,Are,you really,disappointed about/at,losing the game?,你真的对比赛输了感到失望吗?,The old man,was disappointed by,his,disappointing son.,那位老人对那个令他失望的儿子感到失望。,15,注:disappointed 某人感到失望,disappointing 令人感到失望,16,6.For example,firefighters could use,RealCine to train safety,without the,risk,of getting,injured,in a burning,building.例如,消防员可以利用RealCine安全地进行训练,而不需要冒着受伤的危险,闯进着火的大楼。,risk,n.,危险,风险,e.g.Smoking can increase the,risk,of,developing heart disease.,吸烟会增加得心脏病的危险。,17,risk 也可作动词,“使冒风险”,,“冒的风险/危险”,e.g.He,risked,his life when he tried to,rescue the kid from the fire.,他冒着生命危险去救大火中的小孩。,It was a difficult decision but we,decided to,risk,it.这件事决心难下,,但我们决定冒险一试。,18,injure,vt.,伤害,损害,e.g.Several policemen were,injured,in,the clashes.,几名警察在冲突中受伤。,Dontletalittledispute,injure,a,great relationship.,别让小小的争执伤害到深厚的关系。,19,难句解析,Unlike a film,where,a passive,audience watches and hears what is happening on a screen,RealCine puts you into the action and connects with your senses of,sight,hearing,smell,and touch in an active way.,20,电影仅仅让观众被动地看和听屏幕上发生的事,而RealCine与电影不同,它让你参与到剧情活动中,以一种主动的方式与你的视觉、听觉、嗅觉和触觉联系起来。,21,(1),句中where引导一个非限制性定语从,句,修饰先行词film。,由于句中film并,非指具体的某一部电影,而是指一个,抽象的地点,因此这里只能用关系副,词where,而不能用关系代词which。,该定语从句中,谓语watches and,hears后接一个由what引导的宾语从,句。,(2),句中sight和smell都用作不可数名词,,指视觉和嗅觉。,22,2.,In reality,he is disabled and can no,longer walk,but he was able to see and,touch a lion,while,still in the convenience,of the VR studio.,在现实中,他因为残疾而不能行走,但,是借助VR工作室里的便利设备,他能,看见并触摸一头狮子。,(1),句中while引导时间状语从句,该从,句中承前省略了主语和谓语,完整,形式为while he was still in the,convenience of the VR studio。,23,(2),词组in reality的意思是“事实上,实,际上”。,如:,Henry always seems so confident,but,in reality,he is rather shy.,亨利看上去总是那么自信,但事实,上他相当腼腆。,24,3.This kind of urban planning is in the,long term cheaper and more practical,compared with,the way most urban,planning is done today.,长远来说,与现在大多数的城市规划方,式相比,这种城市规划方式更经济、更,实用。,句中compared with是过去分词短,语,用作比较状语;the way后接一个,定语从句。,25,1.More trees have been planted and flowers grown to _ the beauty of the park.,A.increase B.add to,C.plus D.raise,26,2._ the rapid development of IT,more and more business are done on line.,A.For B.As C.With D.To,3.He made a living by _ milk and bread.,A.sending B.bringing,C.carrying D.delivering,27,4.Not only his parents _ but also his aunts.,A.there were B.were there,C.have D.were,5.I will not _ for such a small sum of money.,A.take the risk of my life,B.risk my life,C.at the risk of my life D.go the risk,28,Complete the following sentences according to the initials or Chinese.,1.We should face the r_ that nowadays getting a good jo


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