Introduction to Feature Writing 英语新闻采写

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单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,Page,*,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,Page,*,Introduction to Feature Writing,Week 1 II,What is a feature story?特稿/通讯,Magazines and newspapers are usually filled with profiles that tell us about interesting people,places,activities.Theyre usually called“human interest”stories,特稿的对象可以是人物、社会事件或社会问题。,相对于硬新闻(breaking news story),它的特点:,Feature writers have the time and space to develop a topic in more depth than news writers do.And their subjects are usually much less urgent,.,时效性不强,记者有更多的时间和版面来完稿。,F,eature writers have considerable freedom of expression and their stories are far more varied in style than news stories.,风格多样,记者有更大的表达自由。,What is a good profile story?,选取的人物很有新闻价值;她/他是一位重要人物或者被卷入一个新闻事件。,看似平常的人物,生活中有些鲜为人知的故事。这些故事能折射出大的社会问题或值得关注的社会现实。,这个人物故事不是干瘪枯燥,而是有血有肉,翔实又生动,能给读者以触动或思考。,广东汕头的普宁麻风病康复村最后一批患者,正随岁月一个一个消逝。,“这个没了”,村里最爱笑的老人林和阿伯,指着一张摄于2003年的普宁麻风病康复村的“全家福”,照片上13个老人,2012年现剩下9个,“那个也不在了”。林和阿伯每说一次“不在了”就“呵呵”一笑,下意识地将只剩大拇指的手掌藏起来,像是在述说发生在遥远地方与自己不相干的故事。,砍柴、生火、做饭、喝茶,是村里老人们消磨时光可做的事,这里的一天和一辈子没有太大的差别。,2011年11月26日,普宁麻风病康复村,林和阿伯吃力地用残存手掌托着竹篮里的劈柴(单朴/摄),What is a good profile?,在一位出色的人物报道里,记者用细致的观察、严谨的分析、流畅的文笔将,人物的外界环境和内心,鲜明生动地勾勒出来。,优秀的特稿记者具备有三种能力:,如画家一般观察细致,,如社会学家一般分析透彻,,如作家一般文笔生动洗练。,O,bserving,interviewing,and notetaking,are all techniques commonly used by investigative reporters,social scientists,and naturalists.,It shares many features with autobiographical and biographical writingyou can use,narrative,anecdote,description,O,nce youve acquired your materials,t,he challenge is to,analyze and synthesize,what youve gathered,and,to give it shape in an,article,that,worth peoples attention.,Profile如何开头,开头跟消息稿(Breaking news stories)不一样,没有硬性的条条框框,形式多样,记者可以发挥创意。,不需要堆砌5个W,或者陈述核心新闻信息。,应是,“点睛”,之笔。介绍一个人物最有特点和亮色的地方,或者描绘一个不同寻常的场景,还可留有一些悬念,激发读者的兴趣,让他们想看下去。,Okawachis speech fires up,talks,on racial discrimination in Albany,When she was 14,Jewel Okawachi and her family were rounded up with several other Japanese families in Albany,ordered to take just what they could carry,and sent to a concentration camp in Arizona during World War II.,Now at the age of 79,Okawachi is a City Councilmember of Albany,has served once as Albanys mayor and won a number of honors for her service to the city where she has lived for nearly eight decades.,Albanys ewly-elected ice ayor,Newly-elected Vice Mayor Joanne Wile lives with her partner Nancy,four dogs and 16 birds in a one-story house in Albany.,62-year-old Wile was a social worker for decades.She also sees herself as an environmentalist,a community activist and a lesbian who is ready to“battle any form of discrimination”.,How to write the beginning of a profile?,导语:,On weekdays,69-year-old Osha Neumann works as a,defense attorney,律师,for homeless people at a Berkeley law center.On weekends,he changes into his torn jacket and builds brilliant sculptures at the Albany Bulb,a former,landfill,垃圾场,that pokes a mile into the San Francisco Bay.,Osha Neumann:creating art out of waste at the Albany Bulb,Neumann has created a number of impressive sculptures at the Bulb in the past ten years,using,styrofoam,泡沫,driftwood,浮木,and,scrap metal,废铁,collected at the waterfront.,One of them,a female statue called the Water Lady,was once promoted as an Albany landmark.,http:/,Gaining Happiness through Hard Labor,On a recent January afternoon,Li Junsheng sat quietly tearing used plastic bags,which,were picked up at garbage heaps and food markets around Shantou.They would be sold for some cash after being sorted.Smelly slops and other liquids splashed out as Li tore the bags.Some went to his clothes,some went to his shoes.,by Xiangfeng Peng,Living Alone at Lepers Village,Leaning on a wooden door,72-year-old Lin Mushen had been sitting alone on a stool for the whole afternoon on a recent January day.The setting sunlight penetrated trees,then lay on his room.He grasped the door,and struggled with his disabled body to stand up.Its time for him to make supper.,“I do the same thing repeatedly every day.I know exactly what I would do at each moment of the day,”he said,staring at the mountain that was not far away,sheltering half of the setting sun.,Lin caught leprosy in his early 30s.It was a disease that could not be cured at that time in China.As a result,he was sent to a remote village in a mountain of Jie Dong City,where he has lived for more than four decades.,


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