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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,高考英语专题复习,02,阅读理解,阅读理解,2008,年高考江苏省考试大纲对英语阅读作了以下说明:,1.,理解语篇主旨大意;,2.,理解文中具体信息;,3.,根据上下文提供的线索推测生词的词义;,4.,作出简单的判断和推理;,5.,理解文章的基本结构;,6.,理解作者的观点、意图和态度。,(,1,)细节题,正确答案的特点:,与原文情节表达手法不同,但所表达的意思相同。,干扰选项的特点:,1.,是原文信息,但与题目要求不符;,2.,符合常识,但不符合原文内容;,3.,与原文情节极为相似,只是在程度上有些变动;,4.,选项中所提供的信息部分正确,部分错误;,5.,在意思上与原文大相径庭甚至完全相反。,例如:,For Norman Bethune,saving lives was the most important thing in the world.,Norman Bethune thought that _.,A.he himself was a famous doctor in,the world,B.he could only save lives because he,was a doctor,C.saving lives was more important,than any other thing for him,D.in the world,he should do nothing,but save lives,(,2,)判断、推断题,判断推理的题目中常含有,infer,、,imply,词汇等。,干扰项的特点:,1.,将文章中的已知信息作为干扰项;,2.,将不符合事实、逻辑的判断推理结果作为干扰项。,解题方法:,1.,判断推理要以文中事实为依据,;,2.,不能将文中已经阐明的事实作自,己的推断,;,3.,杜绝仅凭个人的看法,主观臆,断。,例如:,I was reading a book at home when my mobile phone rang.On the phones screen was an unfamiliar number starting with a 0712,which meant the call was from Nagpur.,1.From the beginning of the story,we can infer that _.,A.the writer was at home,reading carefully,B.the writer was unfamiliar with the area,code 0712,C.the writers father lived in Nagpur and often,chatted with him,D.the writer was not familiar with the number,starting with a 0712,(,3,),猜测词义题,词、短语意思的猜测主要依据它所在段落的内容进行。如果该段落比较短,信息量不足,那么与之相邻的上下两个段落的内容则是猜词义的重要依据。具体方法为:,1.,猜测名词含义,要注意相关段落中名词的含义。例如,:,However,men quickly found more convenient,and reliable ways of telling the time.They,learned to use the shadows cast by the sun.,They marked the hours on candles,used sand,in hour-glasses,and invented water-clocks.,Indeed,any serious student of antique should,spend as much time as possible,visiting,palaces,stately homes,and,museums,to see some of the,finest examples of clocks from the past.,(,2007,广东),What does the“stately homes”refer to _?,A.state-owned houses B.houses in very good,condition,C.grand houses open to the public,D.houses where statesmen meet regularly,2.,猜测动词或动词短语的含义,要注意相关段落中动词的含义。,Many years ago,when I was fresh out of,school and working in Denver,I was driving to,my parents home in Missouri for Christmas.I,stopped,at a gas station about 50 miles from,Oklahoma City,where I was planning to stop,and visit a friend.,I,took off,but had gone only a few miles,when black smoke poured from the back of my,car.I,stopped,and wondered what I should do.,(,2006,全国,I,),The words“took off”underlined in Paragraph 2,mean“_”.,turned off,B.moved off,C.put up D.set up,3.,猜测形容词的含义,要注意相,关段落,对相关信息的描述,。例如:,A small town in southwest Britain is banning,plastic bags,in an attempt to,help the,environment and cut waste,a step that,environmentalists believe is a first for Europe.,Shopkeepers in Modbury population 1,500,agreed to stop handing out,disposable,plastic,bags,to customers on Saturday.They said,paper sacks and cloth carrier bags would be,offered instead.,(,2007,福建),The underlined word“disposable”in the,passage probably means _.,A.acceptable B.valuable,C.throw-away,D.long-lasting,(,4,)猜测句意,正确答案的特点:,1.,与原句含义相同,但表达手法不同;,2.,是原句意思的高度概括。,干扰项也有一些特点:,1.,干扰项往往是片面的,不能涵盖原句的全部意思;,2.,干扰项中的某个成分,如时间、地点等与原句存在出入;,3.,干扰项与原句意思完全不符。,被猜测句子的特点:,该句子往往是前语境的结果或结论。,例如:,We couldnt afford all the necessary medica-tion for him,and because Dad was unable to work.I had no money for school supplies and often couldnt even buy food for dinner.,I would sit in class feeling completely lost,the teachers words muffled as I tried to figure out how I was going to manage,.,(,2006,北京),What can we learn from the underlined sentence?,A.Kerrel couldnt understand her teacher.,B.Kerrel had special difficulty in hearing.,C.,Kerrel was too troubled to focus on the lesson.,D.Kerrel was too tired to hear their teachers words.,(,5,)揣摩作者态度、意图,正确答案的特点:,1.,是作者在原文中所表露的态度或意图的同义、近义句;,2.,是作者在原文中所表露的态度或意图的升华;,3.,是作者在原文中所表露的态度或意图的概括。,其干扰项的特点为:,1.,是作者在文章中所批驳的观点;,2.,是文章里所提到的某个细节,但并非作者的态度或意图;,3.,是文章中根本未提及的内容。,例如,:,I recently turned fifty,which is young for a tree,midlife for an elephant,and ancient for a sportsman.Fifty is a nice number for the states in the US or for a national speed limit,but it is not a number that I was prepared to have hung on me.Fifty is supposed to be my fathers age,but now I am stuck with this number and everything it means.,The author seems to tell us in Paragraph 1 that _.,(,2007,天津),A.time alone will tell,B.time goes by quickly,C.time will show what is right,D.time makes one forget the past,(,6,)确定最佳标题,依据短文的主题句确定短文的最佳标题。确定最佳标题的三个原则:,1.,对文章内容能高度概括;,2.,用词精炼;,3.,在上述两个特点都具备的前提下,标题还应做到能吸引读者注意力。,(,7,)阅读理解“通病”,(4,点,),1.,概念扩大或缩小化。概念扩大或,缩小化是指在选择理解题时把在概,念范围上比原文概念要大的或小的,选项作为正确答案。,例如:,He brought many medical supplies with him.He had to be very careful on his long journey to the north because he had to go through Guomindang territory.,(,误,)On the way to the north,he brought,all,medical supplies.,(,误,)He brought,few,of the medical supplies with him on the way to the north.,2.,概念人为化。概念人为化是指在做阅读理解题时,将自己对某件事的想法、体验等作为正确答案。,例如:,One of the places of interest in Beijing is the Summer Palace.Cixi had it bu


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