仁爱版七年级英语上册 Unit 4 Topic 2 Section C 课件(共27张PPT)

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Would you like to ? Im sorry I cant. I have to cook.Would you like to ? Yes, Id love to. Michael, howwhat about ? Id like that, but Im sorry I have no time. air/e / are/e /augh/ aw/ a+ble/eI/ a+nge/ eI /a 及a 的字母组合的发音 aw aw aw awable able able ableange ange ange angeair air air air are are are are augh augh augh aughPhonetic rules.(语音规则)air/e /are/e /augh/aw /a+ble /eI/a+nge/ eI / f h pc d sh spc t t n dt t terl s c drf t glch d r str I saw the hare flying in the air.2. The woman taught her able daughter to set the table. Speak out the English words loudly and spell them as quickly as possible.Then match them with the right pictures.hair share daughter draw table rice bread hamburgers fishchicken vegetablesA: Would you like some-?B: Yes, please No, thanks.water juicemilk tea have a picnicgo for a picnicgo fishing邀请/建议A: Would you like to do sth.? B: Yes, Id like to. Id like to, but Im sorry have some apple juice 邀请/建议句式 IIA: What H ow about doing sth.? B: All right./ OK ./ G ood idea./ G reat. Id like to, but Igo shopping fly a kite 邀请/建议句式 IIIA: Why dont you /Why not do sth.? B: All right./ OK ./ G ood idea./ G reat. Id like to, but I have toplay soccerwatch TVdo ones homework 11 34 2 Is he happy at the beginning of the story?How does he feel in the end? Is he happy at the beginning of the story?在故事的开头 How does he feel in the end?最后 Discuss the following questions before reading. H ow does the old man feel at the beginning of the story?2. What would he like to do?3. What do the old mans friends take with them?4. Are they happy at the end? Read after the MP3 跟读录音Underline the sentences of invitation. 划出表示邀请的句式Underline the sentences of invitation. 划出would like 句式 H ow does the old man feel at the beginning of the story?2. What would he like to do?3. What do the old mans friends take with them?4. Are they happy in the end?H e is not happy. H e wants to have a picnic with his friends.Some hamburgers, bananas, bread and fish with them. Yes, they are. Mr. Cooper is _. H e wants to _ with his friends. H is friends are very _ and have a picnic with him. They take some _, _, _ and _. They have a _picnic. not happyhave a picnic nice hamburgersbread bananas fish happy Im not happy. Id like to have a picnic with my friends. Would you like to have a picnic with Mr. Cooper?Yes, Id love to.Thanks. That would be very nice. What about having a picnic with Mr. Cooper?Id like that, thanks. Id like to take some hamburgers and bananas. My favorite food is fish. I want to take some bread.We are very happy! 1. Useful expressions 2. Talk about invitation:(1)Would you like to have a picnic with your friend? Yes, Id love to. Thanks. That would be very nice. (2)What about having a picnic with your friend? Id like that, thanks.野餐have a picnic go shopping do ones homework去购物做作业 Review Section C and finish exercise book.Write a short passage.Preview Section D


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