太谷县明星镇中学九年级英语全册 Unit 15 We’re trying to save the manatees Section A 人教新目标版

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太谷县明星镇中学九年级英语全册 Unit 15 We’re trying to save the manatees Section A 人教新目标版_第1页
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太谷县明星镇中学九年级英语全册 Unit 15 We’re trying to save the manatees Section A 人教新目标版_第2页
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太谷县明星镇中学九年级英语全册 Unit 15 We’re trying to save the manatees Section A 人教新目标版_第3页
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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,*,Unit 15 Were trying to,save the manatees,the first period,SA 1a 1b 1c,Warming up,Animals are mans friends.,Lets go to the zoo,OK.,zoo,Look at these animals,Can you say the name of the animals?,pig,rabbit,fox,whale,dolphin,cow,panda,duck,horse,wolf,cat,mouse,zebra,monkey,turtle,parrot,goat,sheep,dog,elephant,bear,manatee,gentle,shy,Whats this?,And how to describe it?,Whats this?,And how to describe it?,enormous,gray,elephant,noisy,clever,chimpanzee,Whats this?,And how to describe it?,Whats this?,And how to describe it?,kangaroo,Playful,活泼快乐的;爱玩的,Spotted Quick/Fast,Whats this?,And how to describe it?,Cheetah,/sptd/,Whats this?,And how to describe it?,It has long neck,and it is shy,giraffe,/dir:f/,Whats this?,And how to describe it?,Polar bear,aggressive,furry,Covered with fur,1b Listening,gentle furry enormous,playful noisy shy,aggressive gray fast spotted,Tapescript fill in the blanks:,Victor,:Hey,Ginny.Whats that_ _,animal in the pond?,Ginny,:Its a_,Victor.Theyre,kind of_.,Victor,:Are they?Looks like they really,love water.,Ginny,:Uh-huh.,Victor,:And what do you call those big,_things in the water?,big,furry,polar bear,aggressive,gray,Ginny,:,Theyre called_.,Victor,:What?,Ginny,:Manatees.Theyre very_,and very_.,Victor,:Oh.And how about the _,_spotted animals in,that cage?,Ginny,:Theyre_.The cheetah is,_animal on earth.,manatees,gentle,shy,yellow,and black,cheetahs,the fastest,Play a game!,Student A,Student B,Describe an animal,Guess the animals name,Whats this?,I,am like,this animal because I am strong and intelligent.I like water and I like to eat vegetables.,Youre like an elephant.,NO.,Yes.,Youre like a manatee.,Do you think this picture is lovely?,Now,look at the following pictures,What do you think about it?,They are endangered.Maybe,in the future,youll see them in the museum,What do you think about it?What shall we do?,A hungry polar bear,is eating a baby bear,非洲海牛African manatee,Endangered animals,South China Tiger华南虎亦称“中国虎,,是中国特有的虎种,近20年来发现,数量为15只,也许实际数量更少。,The Orangutan hails from Indonesia.There are around 50,000,in the wild,but environmentalists warn they could be extinct,by 2021 without a protection programme.印度尼西亚红毛猩猩目前在野生环境下的数量大约为5万只,,但环保人士警告说,如果不好好保护红毛猩猩,那么这种,动物有可能在2021年时绝种。,The Pygmy Hippopotamus stands about one metre high,and is native to West Africa.Numbers in the wild have,fallen to below 2000 since 1993.只有1米多高的矮脚河马生活在西非,从1993年起,这种动物在野外的数量缺乏2000只。,蓝蝴蝶Palos Verdes blue butterfly目前的野生数量仅200只左右,第二课时 Section A 2a 2b 2c Grammar Focus,Unit 15 Were trying to,save the manatees,Listening match the words with definitions.,1.endangered,2.mangroves swamps,3.habitat,4.aquatic feed,a.the place where something lives,b.there arent very many of them,c.underwater plants and vegetation,d.a place where trees grow in water,2a,Kind of animal,manatee,Numbers,Habitat,Reason why they are endangered,Description,Listen and complete the chart.,2b,2500,the water under the trees in mangrove swamps.,swamps being polluted.not enough food.,10 feet long,1000 pounds heavy,Tapescript,Boy:Can you tell us about the manatees,please?,Man:Sure.Were trying to save them.,Boy:Why?Are they_?,Man:Yes There used to be a lot of manatees,but now there arent very many of them?,endangered,Boy:Do you know how many there are?,Man:At this point,there are only about _in the U.S_,it was discovered that they were endangered.Since then,the government has passed laws to protect them.,2,500,In 1972,Boy:_do they live?,Man:Their favorite habitat is the water under the trees in mangrove swamps.,Boy:And _ are they endangered?,Where,why,Man:Some of the swamps have become polluted.Also,there sometimes isnt enough food for all of them.As you can see,theyre large.The average manatee is about ten feet long and.The average manatee is about_ feet long and weighs about _ pounds.They need about _ pounds of aquatic feed a day.,ten,1,000,100,Boy:Aquatic feed?,Man:Oh,thats underwater plants and vegetation.Thats what they eat.,1.Were,trying to save,the manatees.,我们正在竭尽全力拯救海牛.,Try to do=try ones best to do,努力去做某事。,如:,Every student should,try to study,hard in order to study in a university.,为了进入大学学习,每个学生都应该,努力学习。,Important points,How big are manatees?海牛有多大?,How big.询问体重。以how组合的疑问词组有很多,如:,how old 询问年龄 how often询问频率,how long询问动作持续的长短,how much询问质量或者价钱,how far 询问距离 how many询问数量,how soon 询问过多久,Important points,.they weigh about 1,000 pounds,他们大约重1000磅。,weigh 称重量,测重量。如,:,He,weighed,the stone in his hand.,他用手掂了掂这块石头的重量。,The piece of meat,weighs,four pounds.,这块肉重四磅,。,weight 还可用做名词,重量。,如:What is your,weight?,你的体重是多少?,Part 1:Read 3a and 3b,then answer the following questions.,1.In 3a,is the writer against building a new zoo in their town?,2.How often are the animals in tiny cages only given food?,Once a day,3.If we dont support our zoos,what will happen?,They wont have enough money to take care of so many fine animals.,Yes,he is.,Part 2:Read 3a and 3b,then finish the tasks,I am writing to say that I am against building a new zoo


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