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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Module 3,Making plans,Unit 2,Were going to,cheer,the,players,.,Learni,n,g aims,掌握本课的单词和短语。,掌握,be going to+V.,原形,的用法。,阅读技巧的培养。,Look and,read,Vocabulary,look,forward,to,期望,盼望,/f,:,w,d,/,I,m looking forward to,the football match tomorrow.,I am,look,ing,forward to,_(watch),the football match.,watch,ing,football,fans,足球迷,We,are going to,meet other fans.,We,are going to,meet other fans,and make some new friends.,Do you want to _ _ _ him?,make friends,交朋友,make friends,with,sb.,和某人交朋友,make friends with,wear the team,shirt,穿球队衫,cheer,the,players,为队员欢呼,We,re,all,going to,wear the team shirt,and we,re going to,cheer the players.,I hope they win the match.,May Day,holiday,五一假期,Im going to,enjoy myself,during the May Day holiday.,enjoy oneself,玩得痛快,May,the,first =1st May,五月一日,May,the,second=2nd May,五月二日,英语中表示日期要用序数词:,the f,ir,st,第一,1st,the s,e,c,o,nd,第二,2nd,the th,ir,d,第三,3rd,the fourth,第四,4th,the,fif,th,第五,5th,the sixth,第六,6th,the seventh,第七,7th,序数词前,一般都要用,定冠词,the,.,take a walk,in the,country,乡村散步,go swimming,游泳,Were going to,take a walk in the country or go swimming.,collect litter,收垃圾,Were going to,collect litter,in the park near my friends house.,summer holiday,暑假,a summer,camp,夏令营,Im,go,ing,on a summer camp,in Sydney this summer holiday.,an,Australian,family,澳大利亚家庭,Im going to,stay with an Australia family and speak English.,go sightseeing,观光,旅游,Were going,sightseeing.,固定短语:,go+V,.-ing,go,shopping/swimming/skiing/running/,have a picnic,野炊,on the,beach,在沙滩上,Were also going,sightseeing and going to have a picnic on the beach.,t,ch,eer,/,t,/v.,为,喝彩,pl,ay,er /,pl,e,/n.,运动员,选手,f,or,w,ar,d /,f,:,w,d,/adv.,面向未来,向前,look forward to,盼望,f,a,n /f,n,/n.,迷,支持者,make friends(with sb.),交朋友,sh,ir,t /,3:,t,/n.,球衣,(男)衬衫,h,o,pe /h,p,/v.,希望,w,i,n /w,i,n/v.,赢,获胜,enjoy oneself,玩得开心,过得愉快,d,u,ring /,d,j,ri,/prep.,在,期间,M,ay,/m,e,/n.,五月,May Day,五一劳动节,May the first=1st May,五月一日,s,e,c,o,nd /,s,e,k,nd/num.,第二,May the second=2nd May,五月二日,l,a,te /l,e,t/adv.,迟,晚,adj.,迟的,晚的,go out,外出,w,al,k /w,:,k/v.,步行,走路,take a walk,散步,l,i,tt,er,/,l,i,t,/n.,垃圾,c,o,ll,e,ct /k,l,e,kt/v.,收集,collect litter,捡垃圾,f,u,n /f,n/n.,娱乐,乐趣,sp,e,nd /sp,e,nd/v.,渡过,花费,c,a,mp /k,mp/n.,营地,帐篷,summer camp,夏令营,go on a summer camp,去夏令营,Australia /,streli,/n.,澳大利亚,Australian /,strelin/adj.,澳大利亚的,S,y,dn,ey,/,s,i,dn,i,/n.,悉尼,s,igh,tseeing /,s,a,tsi:i,/n.,观光,游览,go sightseeing,观光,b,ea,ch /,b,i:,t,/n.,沙滩,on the beach,在沙滩上,Fast reading,1.Read the passage and match the people with the pictures,.,2.check(,)what theyre going to do.,Martin,Zhang Sijia,Lucy,watch a football match,spend time with family and friends,go on a summer camp,collect litter,stay with an Australian family,meet other football fans,Careful reading,Paragraph A,1.Im looking forward to the football match tomorrow.,(英译汉),2.We are going to_ _ _ _,(交一些新朋友,).,3.When is Martin going to watch a football match?,4.What does Martin hope?,make some new friends.,Tomorrow.,He hopes his team win the match.,Paragraph B,1.Im going to enjoy myself during the May Day holiday.(enjoy myself,可以替换成,_ _ _ _,),2.,我们打算在农村散步或者去游泳,.(,汉译英),3.Where are you going to collect litter?,_,4.It is going to be a g_ holiday for Zhang,Sijia,busy and good f_.,have a good time,In the park.,reat,un,We are going to _ _ _ in the country or,go _.,take a walk,swimming,1.Who is Lucy going to stay with?,_,2.,我们也将去观光并在沙滩上吃野餐。,(,汉译英,),_ _,3.What are you going to do for your summer holiday?(Any idea is OK),Paragraph C,An Australian family.,We are also,going sightseeing,and going to,have a picnic,on the beach,.,I am going to,travel to the Great Wall.,Language points,1.Im looking forward to the football match tomorrow.,我期待着明天的足球赛。,look forward to“,期待,盼望”,后面接,名词,或,动名词,(V-ing),。,例如:,Im looking forward to my holiday.,我盼望着假期的到来。,The children are looking forward to visit,ing,Beijing.,孩子们期待着去北京游览。,2.Im going to enjoy myself during the May Day holiday.,我要在五一假期好好玩一玩。,enjoy oneself“,过得愉快”,相当于,have a good time,,,例如:,I hope you enjoy yourself this evening.,我希望你今晚过得愉快。,enjoy,喜欢,享受,固定短语:,enjoy do,ing,sth,.“,喜欢做某事,”,(表示一种爱好,相当于,like doing,sth,.,),e.g.I like singing/dancing.,2.,固定短语:,enjoy oneself,玩得很愉快,这里,oneself,是,反身代词,,代表某人自己。,my,self,your,self,him,self,her,self,it,self,我自己 你自己 他自己 她自己 它自己,our,sel,ves,your,sel,ves,them,sel,ves,我们自己 你们自己 他们自己,enjoy,I,am going to,enjoy,myself,during the May Day holiday.,You,are going to,enjoy,yourself,during the May Day holiday.,He,is going to,enjoy,himself,during the May Day holiday.,She,is going,to enjoy,herself,during the May Day holiday.,We,are going to,enjoy,ourselves,during the May Day,They,are going,to enjoy,themselves,during the May Day,注意,都是玩得很开心,enjoy oneself,不同的,主语,要采用,不同的反身代词。,3.Were also going sightseeing and going to have a picnic on the beach.,我们也在海滩上游览、野餐。,go sightseeing,=do dome sightseeing,观光游览,类似结构:,go shopping go swimming,go fishing go boating,在沙滩上,on the beach,beach-(pl.)beaches,Exercises,Fill in the blanks:,1.,Im looking forward to _(see)you soon.,2.Tom is going to_ _ _ _(,交一些新朋友,),in Shenzhen.,3


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