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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,HOW TO PREPARE FOR CET-4,四级考试讲座,Listening&Writing,Contents,1.,Procedure of CET-4,2.,Listening Comprehension,3.,Writing 30 minutes/120 words,四级考试流程,9:00,考生进考场,;,9:00-9:10,发答题卡和试卷册,;,9:10-9:40,作文部分(在答题卡一上做作文部 分,时间,30MIN);,9:40-9:55,快速阅读(同样是做在答题纸一上,,15,分钟时间,);,9:55-10:00,收答题卡一,;,10:00-10:35,听力部分,LISTENING;,10:35-11:00,仔细阅读(,INTENSIVE READING,),;,11:00-11:15,完型填空或者改错(,CLOSE,),or,(,ERROR CORRECTING,),;,11:15-11,:,20,翻译部分(,TRANSLATING,),;,11:20,整个答卷完成,收取答题纸二包括试题册,PART 1:Listening Comprehension,(35 minutes),新四级考试题型分析,Section A:8 short conversations&2 long conversations(15),Section B:3 passages(10),Section C:Spot Dictation(8 words&3 sentences),听力总体策略,浏览题干。浏览问题时,最好能划出关键词、名词和相关词汇,并可作出一定预测。,听的过程注重整体理解。,随着对话的进行,一题一题往下看。可作一些笔记,特别涉及时间,数字,日期,价格方面时。注意留心一些转折词如,but,、,however,等。如果听到的信息在题干中有出现,一定要动笔作记号。,听力总体策略,听写的技巧:,第一遍整体理解。对于,8,个词听后心中要有个轮廓,是哪,8,个词,词性,拼写要有个,general idea,。,3,句话要明白它们的意思。第二遍,记下,8,个词。尽可能把,3,句话按原文记下,实在记不下的话可用自己的话把意思表达出来,这样也能得分。记时学会运用缩写、符号、音标。第三遍补充。,A:She was absent all week owing to sickness.,B:She was seriously injured in a car accident.,C:She called to say that her husband had been,hospitalized.,D:She had to be away from school to attend to,her husband.,A:An employee in the city council at Birmingham.,B:Assistant Director of the Admissions Office.,C:Head of the Overseas Students Office,D:Secretary of Birmingham Medical School,2.A:Nearly fifty percent are foreigners.,B:About fifteen percent are from Africa.,C:A large majority are from Latin America.,D:A small number are from the Far East.,3.A:She will have more contact with students.,B:It will bring her capability into fuller play.,C:She will be more involved in policy-making.,D:It will be less demanding than her present job.,Students pressure sometimes comes from their parents.Most parents are well _1_,but some of them arent very helpful with the problems their sons and daughters have in _2_ to college,and a few of them seem to go out of their way to add to their childrens difficulties.,For one thing,parents are often not _3_ of the kinds of problems their children face.They dont realize that the _4_ is keener,that the required _5_ of work are higher,and that their children may not be prepared for the change._6_ to seeing As and Bs on high school report cards,they may be upset when their childrens first _7_ college grades are below that level.At their kindest,they may gently _8_ why John or Mary isnt doing better,whether he or she is trying as hard as he or she could,and so on._9_.,Sometimes parents regard their children as extensions of themselves and _10_.In their involvement and identification with their children,they forget that everyone is different and that each person must develop in his or her own way.They forget that their children,_11_.,Final Preparation,听时调整心态。错过一个信息的话,别管它,继续往下听。紧张时深呼吸。,剩下的五天每天听一套真题或模拟题,特别是考前一天,把耳朵叫醒。,Part 2:Writing 30 minutes/120 words,写作要注意的方面,Diction,Sentence,Paragraph:introduction-body(supportive paragraphs)conclusion,Remember it is important to use some,transitional expressions,in paragraphs.,Useful Transitional Expressions,举例:,for example,for instance,to illustrate,in other words,as follows,generally speaking,take/consider sth for example,on the whole,类比:,similar to,correspond to,in the same way,resemble,as,in like manner,比较:,differ from,however,nevertheless,in contrast to,on the contrary,on the opposite side,on the other hand,although,原因:,because,as a result of,the reason/cause for,owing to,due to,thanks to,out of,be attributed to,结果:,consequently,so,therefore,accordingly,as a result,result in,have an effect on,转折:,but,however,whereas,列举:,first,second,finally,in the first place,in the second place,递进:,moreover,furthermore,besides,whats more,Useful Transitional Expressions,A Good Sample,On the Spring Festival Gala,1.许多人喜欢在除夕夜看春节晚会,2.但有些人提出取消春节晚会,3.我的看法,On the Spring Festival Gala,Many people love the Spring Festival Gala,because,it,involves,all kinds of programs.,No matter what,you do and,how,old you are,you can always find something to,make your day,.,Cross talks,and other,comic perform-,ances,bring people a lot of laughter and famous stars showing up,adds up,more,fun and excitement,.,While,others,claim,that the Spring Festival Gala should be cancelled.,They are,complaining about,its,lack of originality,and its,dominant status,on TV on that very special day.They,also,think,focus on,this hour-long program,disturbs,family members communications and,prohibits,them from attending more,meaningful,activities.,I think it is,unnecessary,to cancel the Spring Festival Gala,for,many people still have a strong feeling for it.,But,the program organizers should,definitely,try harder to,figure out,some more interesting and original programs,catering to,the change of the audiences taste.,Three types of CET writing,1.Writing based on pictures or graphs,(图表作文),2.Practical writing(letters,speeches,announcement)(应用文),3.Argumentation (议论文)。,1.Writing based on graphs,1.Requirements:,要求考生对图表中的数据所提供的信息加以分析理解


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