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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,text 1 Words that Work Miracles,1.FFTTFFFT 2.DBDAAC (P4),3.translate the following sentences into Chinese (P5),1)Yet we must bask in the warmth of approval now and then or lose our self-confidence.,可是我们都要时常享受到热情地赞美,否那么我们就会失去自信。,2)When we are proud of our self-image,we feel confident and free to be ourselves.,当我们对自身的形象感到骄傲时,会有自信心,感觉很自在。,3)A new minister called to a church jokingly referred to as the refrigerator,decided against criticizing his congregation for its coolness toward strangers.Instead,he beban welcoming visitors from the pulpit and telling his flock how friendly they were.,一位牧师到一座教堂上任,这座教堂被开玩笑地称作“冰箱,他没有批评教堂的教徒们对陌生人冷漠,而是站在讲坛上欢送来访者,并对大家说他们是多么的友善。,4)Coming home after a hard days work ,the man who sees the faces of his children pressed against the window,watching for him,can water his soul with their silent but golden opinion.,经过一天的劳累,一位父亲回到家,看到孩子们把小脸贴在玻璃窗上等他回家,这无声然而珍贵的赞美滋润了他的心田。,1.fill in the blanks with the phrases given below.change the form where necessary. (P6),1.live with 2.add,ed,to 3.take for granted 4.live up to 5.now and then 6.boil,s,down to 7.decide,d,against 8.once in a while,2.translate the following sentences into english ,using the words given in brackets.(p6),1.你应该多吃点,不然你会把自己弄出病来。,You should eat more, or you will,make yourself ill,.,2.虽然哈里尽量让人觉得语气平和,但她显然生气了。,Although Harry,did,his best to sound calm,it was,obvious,he was annoyed,.,3.她立刻指出那不是她的错。,she was quick to point out that it,was,not her fault,4.弟弟住在离家很远的地方,我们渴望得到他的消息。,W,e are hungry for the news of,our brother, who lives away from home.,5.如果你们有什么不懂的地方,请随意打断我。,P,lease fe,e,l free to interrupt me,if you dont understand anything.,text 4 To Face Life with Courage,FTFTT FTT(P33) DDCCCD(P34),3.translate the following sentences into Chinese(P35),1. But few people, either then or later, know how often this busy and attractive man was in pain. It wasnt in his character to give up.,但是,不管在当时还是以后的日子里,很少有人知道,这位政务繁忙、富于魅力的人有很多时候是魔缠身的。他的性格中没有屈服二字。,2. But his parents brought their children up to lead useful lives no matter what riches were coming to them.,他的父母从小教育子女,不管将来会拥有什么样的财富,都要过一种有意义的生活.,3.For, although John had the best doctors that money could provide, he never had the gift of perfect health or of freedom from pain.,因为,约翰虽然请得起最好的医生,但他却从未拥有过天赐的健康体魄,也从未能免受病痛的困扰。,4. Massachusetts had had its share of dishonest politicians.,不老实的政客在马萨诸塞州已经够多的了。,5.From then on John Kennedy, with his serious manner and easy charm, became the golden boy of American politics.,从那时起,由于他那端庄而又潇洒的风度,约翰肯尼迪成了美国政治的宠儿。,6.What made him, in that short time as president, such a bright spot on the American political scene?,是什么使他在短暂的总统任期内在美国政治舞台上如此荣耀照人?,1.fill in the blanks with a proper adjective from the list given below.(P35),1.wide 2.steady 3.manly 4.rough 5.strong 6.hopeless 7.thoughtful 8.friendly 9.easy 10.serious 11.solid 12.delicate,2.fill in the blanks with the phrases given below.change the form where necessary.(P36),1.Shot up 2.are expected to 3.in their favor 4.give up 5.in our name 6.has been leading the way 7.think better of 8.stick together,3.translate the following sentences into english ,using the words given in brackets.P36,1.他站起身来去讲话。 He rose to his feet to deliver his speech.,2.最近她在电视荧屏上露过几次面。 She has made several television appearances recently.,3.我们指望你给予帮助。 We look to you for help.,4.我母亲虽然年近八十,她十分健康My mother is in perfect health, though she is near eighty .,5.约翰肯尼迪出身于政治上有权势的家庭。 John Kennedy came from a powerful political family.,6.在英国,男人通常六十五岁退休,女人六十岁。 In the uk ,men usually retire at the age of 65, and women at 60.,7.她滑了一跤,但很快站了起来。 She slipped and fell but quickly picked herself up.,8.实际上,医院以为她已经死亡。The hospital had virtually given her up for dead.,Text 7 About Heroes,TTFTF TFTFT (P64) CBCBA(P65),1.translate the following sentences into Chinese(P66),1.It is often applied to ordinary people who happen to perform an act of great courage.,这个词经常用来指那些偶然做出某种英勇之举的普通人。,2.The desire to be worthy of them could bring out the best in their admirers.,因为想要无愧于自己的偶像,所以崇拜英雄的人们就能激发出自己的潜能聪明才智。,3、But we pay a price for their truthfulness, for in their efforts to show “the whole person, they tell us more than we really need to know about private lives, family secrets, and human weakness.但是我们为这种真实性付出代价, 因为他们努力地为我们展示了“完整的人,他们告诉我们的信息比我们希望知道的要多,而这些信息都是关于私生活、家庭秘密和人性的弱点。,4、“the people we try to imitate are the unknown adults, the noncelebrities in our lives.,我们试图模仿的是些默默无闻的成年人,是我们生活中的小人物。,5.The qualities required of a hero vary with the times, and some great figures of a certain period would surprise the people of another generation.,一位英雄人物被要求具有的品质是随着时代的改变而改变的,一个时期的伟大人物可能会使另一个时期的人们很吃惊。,6.They can be heroes if people are willing to ignore their human imperfection and to admit the respect that their admirable qualities inspire.,如果我们愿意无视他们人性中的弱点并且成认他们令人钦佩的品质激发了我们的崇敬,那么这些人就是英雄人物。,7.Its a sad sky that has no shining stars.,没有星星闪烁的天空是令人忧伤的天空。,1.fill in the blanks with the phrases given below.change the form where necessary.(P67),1.critical 2.venture 3.display 4.horizon 5.object 6.grief 7.principal 8.despise 9.constitute,2.Complete each of the following sentences with the appropriate form of the word given.(67),A B C D,1Perfection Perfection Perfect Inperfect,2Admire Admirable Admire Admiration,3Superior Superiority Superior Superior,4Heroine Heroical Heroic Heroic,5Mourn mournfulmourning mourners,6Remark Remarked Remarkable Remarkably,Text 11 what profession to enter,1.FTFFF FTTTT(P103),2.BDACADC(P104),3.translate the following sentences into Chinese(P105),1、I hope this results in a more mature and productive decision, one that will place me in a field that I truly love one in which whatever talents I have will flower naturally and lead to a lifetime of accomplishment.,我希望在一个更成熟的和富有成效的决策产生结果,这将我放在一个领域,不管我的才华怎样,都将自然绽放,并会使我去的终身成就。,2、Several years ago the Yale Alumni Association had the idea of matching Yale undergraduates interested in a given profession with successful graduates established in that field.,几年前,耶鲁校友协会有一个想法,把在某些领域有兴趣的本科生和在某些领域成功的毕业生相匹配。,3、Common workplaces chosen are consulting firms, law offices, brokerage houses, banks, architectural firms, research labs and hospitals, but in theory any workplace with a Yale alumnus could be the setting.,常见的工作场所选择的是咨询公司、律师事务所、证券公司、银行、建筑公司、研究实验室和医院,但理论上任何工作场所都可以作为耶鲁校友的实习场所。,4、The staff were already prepped for surgery when Dr Matory sailed in with me in tow.,员工已经已为手术做好准备,当马托雷博士和我走进来的时候。,5、That morning she did three operations in a row, only ducking out for five minutes to eat lunch, a bagel.,那天早上她做连续三台手术,只离开五分钟吃午饭,午饭是一个面包圈。,6、I told the resident I was shadowing that first afternoon at Brigham and Womens Hospital that I was thinking of going to medical school.,我告诉我跟踪一下午的住院院长,我想就读医学院。,7、He also told me that work in such fields as investment banking and law are much more project-oriented than is the practice of medicine.,他还告诉我,在工作等领域工作,工程趋向投资银行和法律界,而不像医疗实践。,8、This is the valuable new awareness I brought away from my externship,这是在我见习活动中而获得的新认识。,1、fill in the blanks with the phrases given below.change the form where necessary.(P106),1.esteem 2 mit oneself 3.consult 4.discharge 5.to participate 6 mitment 7.passion 8.in a row 9.to recast 10.annual,2、Complete each of the following sentences with the appropriate form of the word given.(67),A B C D,1Repeated Repetitived Repeatedly Repetition,2Efficiency Efficieiently Efficiency,3Intensibe Intense Intensily Intensify,4Inspire An inspiration Inspire Inspirer,Text 14 Henry ,1.FFTFT TFT(P133),2.DCBBB(P134),3.translate the following sentences into Chinese(P105),1) At first all went well. He kept a balance of power in Europe, so that no country should become strong enough to threaten his shores; and this has been Englands official aim ever since. (L.22) 起初一切顺利。他保持了欧洲的实力均衡使任何国家都不会强大到足以威胁他的海岸线这是自他以后英国政府的一贯目的。,2)When Parliament declared that criminal clerks must be tried in public courts, Wolsey wanted to refer the case to Rome. (L.36) 当议会宣布犯罪的教士必须在公共法庭受审时,沃尔西想把此事交由罗马教廷仲裁。,3)Henrys trouble over his marriage made him realize something that most English people had known for years: that foreign interference in English affairs had gone on too long and must be stopped for ever. (L.75) 亨利在婚姻方面遇到的麻烦使他意识到许多年来大多数英国人都懂得的一点,外国对英国事物的干预已经持续得太久,必须彻底结束。,4)The only objections to the Reformation came from the north, where some of the abbeys still did good work among the poor. (L.136) 对改革唯一的反对意见来自北方,那里的教士们仍然能为穷人们做些好事。,5)The old kind of ship was good enough for the old kind of sea fight, when they charged each other and their men fought hand-to-hand on board; but such ships did not suit Henrys new ideas of war at sea. (L.147) 旧式战船应付旧式海战游刃有余,战船相互攻击,士兵们在甲板上进行肉搏战,但这些战船不符合亨利看待海战的新观念。,6)Their length was only twice their breadth, which made them awkward to steer and hard to turn quickly in battle. (L.151) 船的长度仅仅是船宽的两倍,这样打起仗来战船难以调度,不能迅速掉头。,His courage and political wisdom left England strong and free to make her way in a new world.She was no longer tied to Europe.Her wealth had passed from the dead hand of the feudal Church to men who would use it boldly for developing trade across the world. (L. 190) 他的勇气和政治智慧使得英国强大了英国从而可以在一个崭新的世界里开创自己的道路。 她再也不被欧洲所束缚,她的财富从死气沉沉的封建教会手中转到了那些将会利用它勇敢地在全球开展贸易的人们手中。,1.fill in the blanks with the phrases given below.change the form where necessary.(P135),1.geting birth to 2.keep a balance 3.make they way 4.objection 5.claim,6.persuading 7.however 8.break away from 9.by mistake 10.retirement,11.remedy 12.moderate,2.fill in the blanks with any words you think fit (P136),1.rid 2.male 3.divorce 4.breaking 5.made 6.power 7.wealthy 8.monks,9.loyal 10.threat 11.shut 12.disappear 13.attack 14.ruins 15.,16.change 17.peformation 18.way 19.however 20.religious,Text 16 A man who had no eyes,1.TFTTT FFT (P158),2.CBCA (P159),3.translate the following sentences into Chinese(P159),1.He was a blind beggar, carrying the traditional battered cane, and thumping his way before him with the cautious, half-furtive effort of the sightless. (L.3),这是一个盲人乞丐手持一根残旧的老式盲杖不停地敲打路面一副盲人那种小心翼翼、畏畏缩缩的样子。,2.And he had done it alone, unaided, struggling beneath handicaps. (L.18) 他是自己干出来的没有求助于人而战胜了残障。,3. The blue air of spring, fresh from it memories of windy pools and lush shrubbery, could thrill him with eagerness. (L.19),清新温暖的春风掠过涟漪微荡的池塘和苍翠茂盛的灌木林拂面而来令他兴奋不已。,4.Mr. Parsons stood there, somewhat annoyed and embarrassed. He was a handsome figure with his immaculate gray suit and gray hat and Malacca stick. (L.31) 帕森斯先生站住了心中闪过一丝不快有点不知所措。他身材匀称一身笔挺的灰色西装戴一顶灰色礼貌手持一根马六甲白藤手杖。,5. But the blind peddler was caught up with the train of his one dramatic reminiscence. (L.58) 可盲人小贩却已沉浸在他那戏剧性往事的不尽回忆之中了。,6. He swalloweda studied soband stood dumbly expectant. (L.86),他成心发出哽咽,并且默默地站在那里。,1、fill in the blanks with the phrases given below.change the form where necessary.(P160),1.gropeing 2.trample 3.insure 4.yellowed 5.futile 6.shift 7.pocket 8.rest against 9.riched with 10.swallowing 11.cling,Text 21 The Man on the Moon and the Man on the Street,1.TFTTF FFTFF,2.CDABB BD,3.translate the following sentences into Chinese(P206),1.It has already brought a new appreciation of the complex system of which man is only a part. (L.21) 它使人们对人类只构成其一局部的复杂天体有了新的认识。,2.This is potentially the most powerful tool in mans history. The question now is whether such techniques can be refashioned and turned to other tasks as well. (L.18) 这种管理技术将是人类历史上最有潜力的手段。现在问题是这些技术能否重新铸造并且用于完成其他任务。3.Satellites are being used not only for medical purposes and for education but also for predicting the weather in a more reliable way. (L.19) 卫星不仅正在医学和教育领域投入使用而且它在更可靠地预测天气。,4. Of all the benefits resulting from space travel, none has been more significant than the view it has given us of the planet on which we live. (L.31),在所有得益于太空旅行的事物中意义最为重大的莫过于它让我们看到了我们生存在其上面的这颗星球的画面。,5.Thanks to advanced technology in photography, the images are sharp and can be enlarged many times without becoming less clear. (L.58),由于有了先进的摄影技术图像十分清晰即使放大许多倍也不会失真,。,1、fill in the blanks with the phrases given below.change the form where necessary.(P207),1.to transfer 2.originate 3.endeavor 4.consdering 5.increasingly 6.assurances 7.endangerd 8.reliable 9.contribute 10.potentially,Text 24 How Advertising Informs to Our Benefit,1.FTFTF FFTT,2.DBCCD DDA,3.translate the following sentences into Chinese(P234),1) This fact does not keep politicians and opinion leaders from routinely dismissing the value of advertising. (L.6) 官员和舆论导向人物通常不成认广告的价值上述事实也未能改变他们的看法。,2) Persuasion and skepticism work in tandem so advertising can do its job in competitive markets (L.19) 广告的目的是劝诱消费者有疑心心理二者相辅而行广告才能在竞争剧烈的市场中发挥作用。,3)Their goal was to change consumer diets and reduce the risk of cancer, but they had little hope of success given the tiny advertising budgets of federal agencies like NCI. (L.38) 他们的目标是改变消费者的饮食习惯降低患癌症的风险但是鉴于像全国癌症协会这种联邦机构只有微缺乏道的广告经费他们成功的希望是渺茫的。,4)The food would be reclassified as a drug and would be removed from the market until the seller either stopped making the health claims or put the product through the clinical testing necessary to obtain formal approval as a drug. (L.76) 这种食品得作为药品重新分类销售商如果不停止其保健方面的宣传其食品就要么从市场上下架要么去通过必要的临床测试作为药物正式获取批准进入市场。,5)In the face of consumer demand for better and fuller information, health claims quickly evolved from a blunt tool to a surprisingly refined mechanism. (L.102) 面对消费者对更好更全面的信息的需求广告中的保健宣传很快从一个不好用的工具演变成了经过改进后的一整套运行机制。,6)With its mastery of the art of brevity, its ability to command attention, and its use of television, brand advertising touched precisely the people the public health community was most desperate to reach. (L.136) 以其精湛简洁的艺术、引人驻足的能力和电视媒体的运用品牌广告正好触动了公共健康社团拼命想影响的人群。,1、fill in the blanks with the phrases given below.change the form where necessary.(P235),1.sort out 2.skepticism 3.recent 4.desperate 5.be kick in 6.regularity 7.prospects 8.linked to 9.unleash 10.blunt 11.refined 12.catering to 13.advertisement 14.insoluble 15 pel,以下为附加内容,以下为附加内容,让更多的农民成为新型职业农民,中央农业播送电视学校 刘天金,20210507 陕西,农业部部长韩长赋:,这是一项根底性工程、创新性工作,要大抓特抓、坚持不懈。,让更多的农民成为新型职业农民目标,生产更多更好更平安的农产品供给社会方向,一、为什么要大力培育新型职业农民,二、什么是新型职业农民,三、如何加快培育新型职业农民,一、为什么要大力培育新型职业农民,一深刻背景,农村劳动力持续转移,“人走村空问题愈演愈烈,2021年我国农民工数量到达2.6亿,每年新增900-1000万。,四川抽样调查:,26% 举家外出农户,20% 留守农户,转移比例平均60%,高的70-80%,一、为什么要大力培育新型职业农民,一深刻背景,农村青壮年劳动力大量外出,“老人农业“妇女农业“小学农业问题日益凸显,陕西抽样调查:,72% “80后“90后青壮年劳动力农民工,55岁 务农农民平均年龄,63% 妇女,83% 初中及以下文化程度,四川抽样调查:,务农农民50岁以上54%,60岁以上30%,70岁以上13%;,妇女60%;,初中及以下90%。,一、为什么要大力培育新型职业农民,一深刻背景,农村新生劳动力离农意愿强烈,农业后继乏人问题步步紧逼,新生代农民工,76% 不愿再回乡务农,85% 从未种过地,国家统计局2021年10省调查:90%的新生代农民工没有从事过一天的农业生产活动,一、为什么要大力培育新型职业农民,二紧迫课题,“谁来种地“地如何种?,党的十八大:坚持和完善农村根本经营制度,构建集约化、专业化、组织化、社会化相结合的新型农业经营体系。,国务院常务会议:要采取有效措施,使一局部年轻人愿意在农村留下来搞农业,培养和稳定现代农业生产队伍。,中央经济工作会议、中央农村工作会议:要稳定完善强农惠农富农政策,充分保护和调动农民生产经营积极性,使务农种粮有效益、不吃亏、得实惠。,2021年中央一号文件:农村劳动力大量流动,农户兼业化、村庄空心化、人口老龄化趋势明显,农民利益诉求多元,加强和创新农村社会管理势在必行。,十二届全国人大一次会议?政府工作报告?:要采取有效措施,稳定农业生产经营队伍,积极培育新型农民。,聚焦“谁来种地“地如何种,一、为什么要大力培育新型职业农民,二紧迫课题,“谁来种地“地如何种是一个问题的两个方面,农村劳动力结构性缺乏:“不是没人种地,而是这地由什么人来种,创新农业生产经营方式:“不是种不过来,而是怎么种得更好,一、为什么要大力培育新型职业农民,三历史使命,答复好“谁来种地“地如何种的问题,历史性地落在了培育新型职业农民上。, 2021年中央一号文件聚焦农业科技,着力解决农业生产力开展问题,明确提出大力培育新型职业农民;2021年中央一号文件突出农业经营体制机制创新,着力完善与现代农业开展相适应的农业生产关系,进一步强调加强农业职业教育和职业培训。,创新农业生产经营方式,现代家庭经营+合作组织+社会化效劳,=新型农业经营体系,新型职业农民,新型生产经营主体,新型农业经营体系,现代农业,新型职业农民是伴随农村生产力开展和生产关系完善产生的新型生产经营主体,是构建新型农业经营体系的根本细胞,是开展现代农业的根本支撑,是推动城乡开展一体化的根本力量。,一、为什么要大力培育新型职业农民,四重大意义,不失时机地大力培育新型职业农民:,一是有利于促进农民从身份向职业的转变,在推动城乡开展一体化中加快剥离“农民的身份属性,使培育起来的新型职业农民逐步走上具有相应社会保障和社会地位的职业化路子,解决有人愿意在农村留下来搞农业的问题;,一、为什么要大力培育新型职业农民,四重大意义,不失时机地大力培育新型职业农民:,二是有利于促进农民从传统农业生产向现代农业生产经营的转变,在加大强农惠农富农政策力度中加快开展现代农业,使培育起来的新型职业农民逐步走上专业化、规模化、集约化、标准化生产经营的现代化路子,解决务农种粮有效益、不吃亏、得实惠的问题;,一、为什么要大力培育新型职业农民,四重大意义,不失时机地大力培育新型职业农民:,三是有利于促进农民从传统小农生产向社会化大生产的转变,在坚持和完善农村根本经营制度中加快培育新型生产经营主体,使培育起来的新型职业农民逐步走上“家庭经营+合作组织+社会化效劳新型农业经营体系的组织化路子,解决保供增收长效机制的问题。,培育新型职业农民的过程,就是激活农民自身活力和增强农业农村开展活力的过程,就是培养高素质现代农业和新农村建设者的过程,就是培育“三农事业开展未来的过程。,农业部部长韩长赋,应对农业后继乏人问题的挑战,必须在稳定提高农业比较效益的根底上,大力培育种养大户、家庭农场、专业合作社等各类新型农业经营主体,让更多的农民成为新型职业农民。,世界性课题,比方在英国,农场主平均年龄到达59岁。,欧盟一直关注农民老龄化和培养青年农民问题,在CAP新一轮改革议案中提出,将2%的直接支付专门用于支持40岁以下的青年农民从事农业。,世界性课题,法国经验,统筹农村劳动力转留,加强农业后继者培养,重视农业劳动力教育培训,切实把培育新型职业农民放在三农工作突出位置予以推动落实。农村劳动力向城镇和二三产业转移,是伴随现代化进程的必然趋势。目前我国农业劳动力供求结构已进入总量过剩与结构性、区域性短缺并存新阶段,关键农时缺人手、现代农业缺人才、新农村建设缺人力问题日显普遍,“谁来种地“地如何种事关13亿人的饭碗。,各级农业部门要把培育新型职业农民作为一项重要职责和根本任务,积极争取当地政府和有关部门的重视支持,将其放在三农工作的突出位置,坚持“政府主导、农民主体、需求导向、综合配套的原那么,采取更加有力的措施加以推动落实,培养和稳定现代农业生产经营者队伍,壮大新型生产经营主体。,二、什么是新型职业农民,一根本表述,传统农业向现代农业转型,必然要求传统农民向新型职业农民转变。从我国农村根本经营制度和农业生产经营现状及开展趋势看,新型职业农民是指以农业为职业、具有一定的专业技能、收入主要来自农业的现代农业从业者。,二、什么是新型职业农民,二主要类型,生产经营型:专业大户、家庭农场主,专业技能型:农业工人、农业雇员等,社会效劳型:农村信息员、农产品经纪人、跨区作业农机手、统防统治植保员、村级动物防疫员等农业社会化效劳人员,


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