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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Module 1,Life in the Future,Language Points,肯定地,;,爱护;关心,;,用完,;,可回收材料,;,浪费自然资源,;,依靠,;,可替代能源,;,处理掉;摆脱,;,Language points,for sure,care for,run out/use up,recycled materials,waste natural resources,rely on,alternative energy,get rid of,9.把 B 装入 A 中,10.逮捕罪犯,11.通过方式,12.免费,13.一按开关,14.做手术,15.远程手术门诊部,load A with B,arrest criminals,by doing sth.,free of charge,at the flick of a switch,carry out operations,telesurgery outpatient clinic,run out,run out of与use up,run out,(become used up)用完了;其,主语通常为时间、食物、金钱等名词。,如:,His money soon _.(花完了),run out of,“用完了”表示主动含义,主语一般是人。如:,ran out,They call the officer because they are,_ water and food.,A.run out B.run out of,C.running out D.running out of,【解析】run out用完了;其主语通常为时间、食物、金钱等名词。run out of“用完了”表示主动含义,主语一般是人。本题主语为they,从而可以确定应选用run out of,根据句子时态可以确定答案为D。,rely on/upon sb./sth,.指望或依赖某人,(物),我指望你早点来。,I _ your coming early.,She cant be _ to tell the truth.,A.depended B.relied upon,C.relied on D.both B and C,relied on,【解析】rely on/upon=depend on/upon指,望,依赖,信赖。,1.What will the city of the future look like?,Lets enjoy the following sentences:,What does he,like most?,How do you,like/find it?,b)It is,terrific!,d)He likes,hamburger most.,What does he,look like?,What is he,like?,c)He is tall with,thick glasses.,He is kind-,hearted.,每个人一出生就得到一个电话号码,无,论他们住在哪里,电话号码都永远不会,改变,。,点拨 no matter+疑问词,where/when/what/how,引导让步状语从句。,2.Everyone will be given a telephone,number,at birth that will never,change,no matter where,they live.,Ill give the ticket to _ comes first.,Ill give the ticket to _ I meet first.,_ he is,Ill give the ticket to him.,whoever,whomever,No matter who/Whoever,3.Distance surgery will become common,as,doctors,carry out,operations from thousands of miles away,_,_,_.(随着每一个城市都有了自己的远程手术门诊部),with each city having its own telesurgery outpatient clinic,with+名词/代词+,形容词 adj.,副词 adv.,过去分词-ed,现在分词-ing,介词词组,动词不定式 to do,concentrated/fixed,1.With his attention _ (concentrate/fix)on the novel,he didnt notice the teacher came in.,2.With so much homework _,Tom has to stay at home.,A.to do B.to be done,C.done D.doing,Exercise,4.Senior citizens and people with disabilities will be able to go anywhere in the world using high-tech cameras,attached to their head.,点拨 attach sth to sth 将系在上;,attached to their head过去分词短语做定语,相当于定语从句which/that are attached to their head.,e.g.,attach,a label,to,each piece of luggage,每件行李上都加上标签.,No one is suggesting that any health risks _this product.A.attach to B.belong to,C.are belonged to D.are attached to,【解析】attach to是附加,联系,有关的意思(这里指副作用)belong to是属于,两者主从关系,不用于被动语态和进行时。D项含被动意义,故选A。本句译为:没有人会认为,任何健康风险和这种产品相关。,Copy these phrase;,Dictation,Homework,在将来,随着地球自然资源的枯竭,关注,环境将会变得非常重要,。,2.In the future,care for the,environment,will become very,important,as,earths natural recourses,run out.,care n/v,a mothers care for her children,母亲对于孩子的关怀,care for,喜欢;照顾;想要,care about,关心,在乎,3.Here are some of the ideas they had.,全部倒装.在以here,there,out,in,up,down,away等副词开头的句子,以示强调。但主语是人称代词时,主谓语序不必倒装,。,1).They arrived at a village,_ a,river.,A.in front of it flowed,B.in front of which flowing,C.in the front of which flowed,D.in front of which flowed,2).Hearing that,_.,A.up he jumped from his chair,B.up jumped he from his chair,C.up did he jump from his chair,4.To _(摆脱)garbage problems,the city will _ huge spaceships _ waste materials and send them towards the sun,_ landfill and environmental problems.,get rid of,load,with,preventing,1).The Olympic champions came back to China _ honors.,A.loaded of,B.loaded with,C.covered of,D.covered with,2).The visiting Minister expressed his,satisfaction with the talks,_ that,he enjoyed his stay here.,A.having added,B.to add,C.adding,D.added,6.All cars will be,powered,by electricity,solar energy or wind,and it will be possible to change the color,at the flick of a switch,.,power n/v,This is a fan powered by electricity.,come into power,掌握政权,得势,in power,当权,beyond ones power,力所不能及,use up 用完,耗尽,用尽(材料等),He has used up all his strength.,他已耗尽体力。,练习:Ive _,all the glue(胶水).,A.run out B.used up,C.given out D.been run out of,【解析】run out(become used up),用完了;其主语通常为时间、食物、金钱等名词。run out of“用完了”表示主动含义,主语一般是人,D项为被动形式。give out主语一般为事物。故答案为B。,


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