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核心考点,精讲专练,菜 单,典题演练,知能提升,隐 藏,2013 ,新课标高考总复习,英语(浙江专用),山东金太阳书业有限公司,核心考点,精讲专练,菜 单,典题演练,知能提升,隐 藏,2013 ,新课标高考总复习,英语(浙江专用),山东金太阳书业有限公司,Unit 2,Healthy eating,.,词汇认识,1,_,n,.,日常饮食;,vi,.,节食,2,_,vt,.&,vi,.,油煎;油炸,3,_,adj,.&,vi,.,变细;减肥;苗条的;纤细的,4,_,n,.,好奇心,5,_,n,.,女主人;女主持人,diet,fry,slim,curiosity,hostess,6,_,adj,.,生的;未加工的,7,_,n,.,折扣,8,_,vt,.&,vi,.,消化;,n,.,摘要;概要,9,_,n,强项;长处,10,_,adj,.,有限的,11,_,说谎,12,_,谋生,13,_,增加体重,14,_,不久以后,15,_,赢回;重新获得,raw,discount,digest,strength,limited,tell a lie,earn ones living,put on weight,before long,win.back,.,语境助记,Out of,1,,,I,2,her about how she keeps so slim and energetic.She explains that she never discounts the,3,of the balance of a,4,She benefits from more fibre and,5,amount of fat.Believe it,;,its not a lie.,答案,:,1.curiosity,2.consult,3.strength,4.diet,5.limited,lie,vi,.&,n,说谎;谎话,谎言,tell a lie/tell lies to sb.,对某人说谎,lie to sb.,向某人说谎,lie in,在于,处于,状态,There lies.,某地有,lie on ones back/stomach,仰卧,/,俯卧,Its no wonder that she lied to the court.,难怪她对法庭撒了谎。,You are lying but _,你在说谎,但谎言掩盖不了事实。,lies can not cover up facts,lie,,,lay,原形及意义,过去式,过去分词,现在分词,lie,v,i,.说谎,lied,lied,lying,lie,v,i,.躺;卧;处于(某位置),在于,lay,lain,lying,lay,v,t,.放;搁;下(蛋);产(卵),laid,laid,laying,amount,n,数量,vi,.,合计,总计达,相当于,等同于,an amount of.,大量的,the amount of. ,的数量,a large amount of.,大量的,amount to,总共;相当于;等于,I need a large amount of money to buy a new house.,我买新房需要一大笔钱。,Planning without any real action _,nothing.,只计划不行动等于什么都没做。,The total cost of repairs _ $100.,修理费用总计达,100,美元。,amounts to,amounted to,表示数量的短语及用法:,a great deal of,,,a large/small/huge amount of,不可数名词,(,作主语时谓语用单数形式,),large/vast amounts of,不可数名词,(,作主语时谓语用复数形式,),many,,,a good/great many,,,a number of,,,large numbers of,,,a few,,,dozens of,,,scores of,可数名词复数,(,作主语时谓语用复数形式,),a large/small quantity,,,plenty of,,,a lot of,可数名词复数,(,作主语时谓语用复数形式,),;也可加不可数名词,(,做主语时谓语用单数形式,),limit,n,.,界限;限度,vt,.,限制;限定,within limits,在一定范围内;有限度的,without limit,无限,(,制,),地,set a limit to sth.,对,规定限度,limit sth.to sth.,把,限定在,的范围内,be limited to sth.,受限制于,limited,adj,.,有限,(,制,),的,There is a limit to the amount of pain we can bear.,我们能忍受的疼痛是有限度的。,Families _four free tickets each.,每户限发四张免费票。,are limited to,benefit,vt,.,使,受益,得益,n,.,好处,利益,优势,benefit from/by.,从,受益,得益于,be of (much,,,great) benefit to sb.,对某人有益处,be of no benefit to sb.,对某人没有益处,for the benefit of.,为了,的利益,I have benefited a lot from extensive reading.,广泛的阅读使我受益匪浅。,It is said Yoga _human health.,据说瑜伽对人体健康有很大好处。,He was travelling _his health.,为了身体健康,他出去旅游了。,is of great benefit to,for the benefit of,benefit,,,interest,,,profit,,,advantage,(1) benefit,普通用词,指通过正当手段从物质或精神方面得到的任何好处或利益。它的复数形式,benefits,表示,“,救济金,”,。,(2) interest,作,“,利益,”,解时,多用复数形式,既可指集团、群体的利益,又可指个人的利益。,interest,作不可数名词时,意为,“,利息,”,。,(3)profit,着重收益,尤指从物质、钱财等方面获得的利益。,(4)advantage,指因某方面占优势或利用某机会以及对方弱点而获得利益与好处。,combine,vt,.&,vi,. (,使,),联合;,(,使,),结合,combine into.,联合成,combine.with.,把,与,结合起来,combination,n,结合;联合;化合,(,物,),a combination of.,一种,的结合,(,物,),in combination with,与,联合起来,Some films combine education with recreation.,有些电影把教育与娱乐结合起来。,The workers _,工人们联合起来反对工头。,combined against the boss,get away with,被放过,,(,做坏事,),不受惩罚,get across (,使,),被理解,get rid of,摆脱;除掉,get down to (doing)sth.,开始认真地做某事,get in,插话;收获,get in touch with,与,取得联系,get into the habit of.,染上,的习惯,get into trouble,陷入困境,get hold of,抓住,get on/along well with.,与,相处得好,进展顺利,get through,完成;花光,(,时间、钱等,),;通过;接通电话,If you cheat in the exam youll never get away with it.,考试作弊必予以追究。,I wont have you _cheating in the exam.,我不能容忍你考试作弊而不受惩罚。,getting away with,take off,从,中去掉,脱掉,(,衣服,),,起飞;突然大受欢迎,迅速流行,Dont take off your sweater.Its cold here.,别脱掉毛衣,这儿冷。,Her singing career _ after her TV appearance.,她在电视上亮相后歌唱事业就迅速发展。,took off,in debt,欠债,out of debt,不欠债,in trouble,处在困境中,in charge,管理;负责,in detail,详细地,in need,需要,in surprise,惊奇地,in danger,处在危险之中,in line,站队,in order,有秩序地,in tears,在哭泣,in public,公开地;当众,She was in debt when she was poor,,,but has been out of debt since she got rich.,以前穷的时候她欠了债,可自从富了以后就没欠债了。,Keeping what belongs to another person _ to stealing.,A,applies,B,accounts,C,attaches D,amounts,解析,:考查单词辨义。句意:占有别人的东西等同于盗窃。,amount to,等同于。动名词短语作主语,谓语动词用第三人称单数形式。,答案,:,D,1.,Ive limited myself _ 1,,,000 calories a day to try to lose weight.,A,in B,for,C,to D,on,解析,:考查固定结构。,limit.to.,把,限制在某个范围。,答案,:,C,2.,I dont know how he managed to _ cheating in the exam.,A,get away with B,get away from,C,get out of D,get behind with,解析,:考查词组辨义。句意:我不知道他是如何在考试中作弊却逃脱惩罚的。,get away with,干坏事而逃脱惩罚。选,A,。,答案,:,A,3.,Ill always be _to you for your help.,A,in debt B,debt,C,running into debt D,debts,解析,:考查,debt,的用法。句意:由于你的帮助,我总是欠你的。,in debt,欠债。故选,A,。,答案,:,A,4,Ladies and gentlemen,,,please fasten your seat belts.The plane _,A,takes off B,is taking off,C,has taken off D,took off,解析,:考查时态。句意:女士们,先生们,请系好安全带。飞机就要起飞了。表示方向动作性的动词用进行时表将来。,答案,:,B,5.,Lets _my scientific knowledge and your business skills and start a company.,A,connect B,relate,C,combine D,put,解析,:考查单词辨义。句意:让我们把我的科学知识和你的经商技能结合起来成立个公司吧。,combine A and B,把,A,和,B,结合起来,故选,C,。,答案,:,C,6.,She _to them about her age in order to get the job.,A,lay B,laid,C,lied D,lain,解析,:考查动词辨义。句意:为了得到一份工作她在年龄上跟他们撒了谎。,lie to sb.,对某人撒谎,故,选,C,。,答案,:,C,7.,(,2012,年合肥模拟,)To my surprise,,,I never thought I _ those kinds of books.,A,was benefited by B,was benefited from,C,benefited from D,benefited,解析,:考查动词用法。句意:让我吃惊的是,我从没有认为我从那类书中获益。,benefit from,从,中受益,无被动语态,故选,C,。,答案,:,C,8,Something terrible,must have happened,if Li Chang was not coming to eat in his restaurant as he always did.,要是李昌不像往常那样到他店里吃饭,那问题一定严重了。,知识提炼,情态动词,must,have done,用于肯定句中,表示对过去发生的事情或状态进行肯定的推测,意为“过去一定做过某事”。,句式仿写,你知道每个细节。你肯定看过电影,淘金热,。,You knew everything well.You_ the film,the,Gold,Rush,.,答案,:,must have seen,Wang Peng was enjoying,a second,plate of dumplings.,王鹏正在品尝下一盘水饺,知识提炼,a second,相当于,another,。,句式仿写,你在三年级要学另外一门外语吗?,Are you going to _ in the third grade?,答案,:,learn a second foreign language,“According to my research,,,neither,your restaurant,nor,mine offers a balanced diet,,,”,explained Wang Peng.“,根据我的研究,你我两家的餐馆都不能提供均衡的膳食,,”,王鹏解释道。,知识提炼,neither.nor.,既不,也不,,为并列连词。当其连接两个名词或代词作主语时,谓语的形式与最近的一个保持一致。,句式仿写,肯特和孩子们都不想去动物园。,_want to go to the zoo.,答案,:,Neither Kent nor the children,“,Nothing could be better,,,”,he thought.,他想:,“,再没有比这些更好吃的了。,”,本句中比较级,better,与否定词,nothing,连用,表示最高级的意义。例如:,Did you sleep well last night,?,你昨夜睡的好吗?,Never better,,,like a rock.,从未这么好过,睡的很死。,否定词与形容词、副词原级或比较级连用表示最高级的结构:,(1)“nothing,形容词原级,but ”,结构,意为,“,除了,外再也没有什么更,了,”,。,(2)“nothing(,或,no),so,原级,as.”,或,“,nothing(,或,no),比较级,than.”,结构。,(3)“never,so,原级”或“,never,such(so),原级名词,”,结构。,(4)“never,比较级,”,结构。,There is nothing great but man in the world.,世界上人最伟大。,There is nothing so embarrassing as when things go wrong.,没有什么比事情弄糟更使人难堪的了。,Nobody is more content than the Arab.,没有谁比这个阿拉伯人更心满意足了。,John said he had never been so angry.,约翰说他从未这么生气过。,He has never seen such sight.,他从未见过这种景象。,Never before have so many people gone to the town.,从来没有这么多人去这个镇。,Ive never read a more interesting book.,我从没看过如此有趣的书。,Never was a man more fortunate than he.,世上没有一个象他那样幸运。,He could not,have,Yong Hui,getting,away with telling people lies!,他可不能让永慧哄骗人们后跑掉。,have sb./sth.doing sth.,“让某人,/,某事一直做某事,”,,表示一个持续的动作。用于否定句中表示,“,不允许某人做某事,”,。例如:,They had the machine working all day and all night.,他们让这机器整日整夜地工作。,Its rude of you to speak to father like that and I wont have you speaking to father like that in future.,你那样跟父亲说话很粗鲁,今后我不会再容忍你那样跟父亲说话了。,have sb./sth.do sth.,使某人或某物做某事,(,注意不要在,do,之前加上,to),have sb./sth.done sth.,请别人做某事,(,自己不去做或无法做,),Id have you know that I am ill.,我要让你知道我病了。,Jack must have his motorbike repaired.,杰克必须把他的摩托车修理一下。,(,2012,年南通模拟,) I expected him to be nervous before his speech,,,but he was as cool as a cucumber.,He _ it carefully.,A,could have prepared,B,shouldnt have prepared,C,must have prepared,D,cant have prepared,答案,:,C,1,Your story is perfect.Ive never heard _ before.,A,the better one B,the best one,C,a better one D,a good one,答案,:,C,2.,(,2012,年泰州模拟,)Did Susanna visit you again _ next year?,No,,,it was almost ten years before she came to see me _ second time.,A,the,;,a B,the,;不填,C,a,;,the D,a,,,a,答案,:,A,3.,In my opinion,,,neither you nor he_the standard so far.,A,meet B,has met,C,meets D,have met,答案,:,B,(,2012,年潍坊模拟,)As your teacher,,,I could not have you _ away with cheating in the exam.,A,get B,getting,C,breaking D,break,答案,:,B,4.,5.,教材设题,By now his restaurant _ be full of people.But not today! Why was that?,A,can B,may,C,ought to D,shall,答案,:,C,.,1.,注:未讲到的教材重点知识,查缺专练,Perhaps with a discount and a new sign he could _ his customers _,A,hold,;,back B,win,;,back,C,put,;,away D,give,;,out,答案,:,B,Their balanced diets became _ success _ before long Wang Peng became slimmer and Yong Hui put on more weight.,A,such a,;,that B,a such,;,that,C,such a,;,as D,a such,;,as,答案,:,A,2.,3.,At the library Wang Peng was surprised to find that his restaurant served_fat and Yong Huis _,A,far too much,;,far too little,B,too much far,;,too little far,C,too far much,;,too far little,D,much too far,;,little too far,答案,:,A,4.,I dont want to upset you,,,but I found your menu so limited that I stopped _and started _ the benefits of my food.,A,to worry,;,to advertise,B,worry,;,to advertise,C,to worry,;,advertise,D,worrying,;,advertising,答案,:,D,5.,单元语法,(,2011,年高考陕西卷,)Will you read me a story,,,Mummy?,OK.You_have one if you go to bed as soon as possible.,A,might B,must,C,could D,shall,答案,:,D,.,1,(,2011,年高考辽宁卷,)If you_go, at least wait until the storm is over.,A,can B,may,C,must D,will,答案,:,C,(,2010,年高考安徽卷,)Jack described his father, who _ a brave boy many years ago, as a strongwilled man.,A,would be B,would have been,C,must be D,must have been,答案,:,D,2,3,(,2012,年福州质检,)Moms gift? She _ have chosen a better one for me.,She must be very happy to know it.,A,should B,might,C,couldnt D,mustnt,答案,:,C,4,(,2011,年高考重庆卷,)Why didnt you come to Simons party last night?,I wanted to, but my mom simply_not let me out so late at night.,A,could B,might,C,would D,should,答案,:,C,5,本小节结束,请按,ESC,键返回,


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