新版人教版 八年级上Unit 2 how often do you exercise Section A-2a-2d

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新版人教版 八年级上Unit 2 how often do you exercise Section A-2a-2d_第1页
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Unit 2 How often do you exercise? Section A Period 1( 2a2d) go to the movies use the InternetWhat do you usually do on weekends? help with housework exercise help 做 动 词 “ 帮 助 ” 时 , 有 两 种 用 法 : help sb (to) do sth. 帮 助 某 人 做 某 事 。help sb. with sth帮 助 某 人 ( 做 ) 某 事 read books/newspapers watch TV go shopping/shop play the piano always usually often sometimes hardly ever never 100% 总 是 80% 通 常 60%经 常 40% 有 时 20%很 少 ,几 乎 从不 0 从 不 hardly: 几 乎 不 , 几 乎 没 有 , 表 示 否 定 。 hardly ever: 几 乎 从 不 hard: “ 艰 难 的 , 坚 硬 的 , 努 力 地 ” 频 率 副 词 在 句 中 通 常 放 在 实 义 动 词 之 前 , be动 词 或 助 动 词 之 后 ,多 用 于 一 般 现 在 时 态 。频 率 副 词e.g. He never watches TV. I am always busy. never hardly eversometimesoftenusually alwaysplay basketballplay badminton skate danceswimplay footballWhat do you do on weekends? She usually helps with housework.What _he/she usually do on weekends?He usually plays football.does They often go to the moviesWhat_ they usually do on weekends?They usually shop/ go shopping do Read the words and expressions loudly.how often on weekends use the Internet go to the movies exercise do sports help with housework go shopping read watch TV 多 久 一 次在 周 末上 网去 看 电 影锻 炼做 运 动帮 助 做 家 务购 物读 书看 电 视 Do you like watching TV?How often do you watch TV? always? 100%usually?often?sometimes?hardly ever?never? 0% do you ? does he / she ? every day / night once a week / month twice a week / month three times a week / month once or twice a week / month 每 天 /每 夜一 周 /一 个 月 一 次一 周 /一 个 月 两 次一 周 /一 个 月 三 次一 周 /一 个 月 一次 或 两 次 “ 次 数 ” 的 表 达 方 法一 次 once, 两 次 twice, 三 次 或 三 次 以上 用 基 数 词 加 上 times, three times, five times, one hundred times.表 示 “ 几 次 ” 的 表 达 方 法 是 : once a day / a week / a month / a year twice a day / a week / a month / a year How often do you do these activities?do homeworkEvery dayA: How often do you do your homework?B: I do my homework every day. exercisethree times a weekA: How often do you exercise?B: I exercise three times a week. play basketballonce a weekA: How often do you .?B: I . once a week. play footballtwice a weekA: How often do you .?B: I . twice a week. read booksthree times a weekA: How often does he .?B: He reads . three times a week. go swimmingonce a monthA: How often does he .?B: He goes . once a month. help with houseworktwice a monthA: How often does she .?B: She helps . twice a month. go shoppingonce a monthA: How often does she .?B:She goes . once a month. go shoppingonce a monthA: How often do they.?B:They . once a month. Listen. Cheng is talking about how often he does the activities. Number the activities you hear.2aActivities a. _ go to the movies b. _ watch TV c. _ shop d. _ exercise e. _ read13542 2bActivities How oftena. go to the movies every dayb. watch TV once a weekc. shop twice a weekd. exercise three times a weeke. read once a month twice a monthListen again. How often does Cheng do the activities? Match his activities with the number of times he does them. do you ? does he / she ? every day / night once a week / month twice a week / month three times a week / month once or twice a week / month 每 天 /每 夜一 周 /一 个 月 一 次一 周 /一 个 月 两 次一 周 /一 个 月 三 次一 周 /一 个 月 一次 或 两 次 always usually sometimes hardly ever never every day once a week twice a week three times a day once a month表 示 频 度 , 频 率 的 副 词 、 短 语常 用 how often 提 问 how often “多 久 一 次 ” , 常 用 来 询 问 某 一 动作 或 事 情 发 生 的 频 率 。 - How often does your mother travel? - Once a year.回 答 : never (从 不 ) once a day/week(一 天 /周 一 次 ) twice a week/month (一 周 /月 一 次 ) three/four/five/six times a month / year 一 月 /年 三 /四 /五 /六 次 根 据 提 示 完 成 下 面 问 题 。1. We drink milk every day. _ do you drink milk? (对 划 线部 分 提 问 。 )2. -How often do you play football? - _. ( 选 出 正 确 答 案 ) A. Once a week B. In the evening C. Very well D. TwiceHow often 对 划 线 部 分 提 问 。I usually watch TV on weekends.What do you usually do on weekends? I watch TV every day.H ow often do you watch TV ? 1. I usually play soccer.2. They often go to the movies.3. He sometimes watches TV.4. I shop once a month.5. He watches TV twice a week.6. I hardly ever surf the Internet.7. Zhao Lin often goes skateboarding.8. The boy always plays computer games.对 划 线 部 分 提 问 。 How often do you do these activities? Fill in the chart and then make conversations.Activities How oftenwatch TV every dayuse the Internetread English booksgo to the moviesexercise2c Program: 节 目Whats your favorite program?你 最 喜 欢 的 节 目 是 什 么 ?Whats your favorite food? Make a conversation with your partner.A: How often do you watch TV?B: I watch TV every day.A: Whats your favorite program?B: Animal World.A: How often do you watch it?B: Twice a week. 2dRole-play the conversation. Read the passage and answer the questions below.1.Who is busy next week?2. what kind of dance is she learning ?3.How often does she have dance class?4.How often does she have piano lessons?5.What is she doing on Tuesday? Jack: Hi, Claire, are you free next week?Claire: Hmmnext week is quite full for me, Jack.Jack: Really? How come?Claire: I have dance and piano lessons.Jack: What kind of dance are you learning?Claire: Oh, swing dance. Its fun! I have class once a week, every Monday.Jack: How often do you have piano lessons?Claire: Twice a week, on Wednesday and Friday.Jack: Well, how about Tuesday?Claire: Oh, I have to play tennis with my friends. But do you want to come?Jack: Sure. 为 什 么 呢 ? 2d Role-play the conversation.


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