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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,*,Every dog has his day(西)A dog counts on his mastersbacking(中),Lu xiafly,dog 在西方文化中一般象征着“the best friend of man”,一般是个褒义词,所以有“Love me,love my dog(爱屋及乌)”;“You are indeed a luck dog(你真是一个幸运儿)”;“Every dog has his day(凡人皆有得意时)”;“a top dog(有优势,胜人一筹的人)”;“a lucky dog(幸运的人)”;a big dog(要人,大款,保镖等);a sea dog(熟练的水手);a clever dog(一个聪明的小孩);die dog for sb.(敢为知己者死,效犬马之劳。);work like a dog(勤奋工作);A living dog is better than a dead dog(好死不如赖活着);A good dog deserved a good bone(论功行赏)。,guide dog,在有些英语国家中,虽然有些与dog有关的词语不表示褒义,作为中性词使用。,a dump dog(一个沉默寡言的人);a lost/homeless dog(无家可归者);not to have a word to throw at a dog(不和别人讲话);teach the dog to dark(多此一举);dog ones step(跟着某人走);The dog it was that died(害人如害己);Each dog is a lion at home(狗是百步王,只在门前凶);The scalded dog feared cold water(一朝被蛇咬,十年怕井绳);Old dogs will learn no new tricks(人老不学艺,朽木不可雕);Barking dogs seldom biting(吠犬不咬人);Let the sleeping dogs lie(不惹是非事);call off the dogs(停止追逐),但是,圣经中与狗有关的相关词汇或习语有时也有贬义。如“a dog in a manger.(狗占马槽)”,“treat somebody like a dog(视人命如草芥)”,and dog eat dog(残酷争夺)。a black dog(意志消沉的人);bull dog(难以相处的);a sad dog(无赖);a surly dog(一个脾气暴躁的人);a vile dog(无耻之徒);a yellow dog(卑鄙、胆小之人);in the dog house(受冷遇、失宠);out of the house(又受到宠爱);treat sb.like a dog(把某人看的一无是处);put on the dog(装腔作势、摆臭架子);throw sth.to the dogs(毫不吝啬的扔掉);Nobody but a dog would evict his own mother(只有禽兽不如的人才会把母亲逐之门外),一个难以相处的人人,在中方文化中,狗常与反面形象联系在一起,用来描绘所厌恶的人。因此,在中文中很多与狗有关的词汇均是贬义的。如:狗腿子(lackey);狗急跳墙(a cornered beast will do something desperate);狗嘴里吐不出象牙(a filthy mouth can not utter decent language);狗仗人势(a dog counts on his masters backing).,翻译,An old dog barks not in a vain.,If she chooses your way door as her place to sleep in the night,it is as morally hard to turn her away as it is a lost dog.,They said the black dog was over Tom.,


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