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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,句子的一致、连贯和强调,正确句(Correct Sentence),1)正确句是一个语法概念,即要求一个句子的语法正确。,2)正确性也包括语音和词汇正确,如口语中音发错了,书面语中词语错了(包括拼法),就不算正确句子。,有效句(Effective Sentence),1)有效句指一个句子能有效地达到交际目的。显然有效句必须是正确句。语法上不正确的句子,或者是有发音错误,有时也可以交际,即对方能够理会意思,但有效性很不可靠,往往会造成误解,造成文际障碍。,2)要实现句子的有效性,当然还涉及是否适合语境和对象等问题。我们这里仅从修辞角度讨论句子本身结构上应具备的基本要求。句子的一致,句子的连贯和句子的强调。,句子的一致(Sentence Unity),句子一致的含义,1)一致性是指句子所表示的思想是一个完整的统一体。,例如:,Jane sat down,picked up her pen and started to,write her composition:,“I got up early,Mom told me that there was always,traffic jam and our car was a little bit too old and we,need buy new one.”,例句中Jane的作文的开头两句话就不够一致:第一句意思欠完整,需补上动作发生的时间,第二句所表示的思想不统一,因为没有讲明两个分句之间的联系,也同第一句割裂,故它们没有形成一个完整的统一体。,2)一致性是对句子结构的首要要求,全句使用的词语都要紧密地围绕一个中心思想,凡未达到这项要求的句子都应改写。例如对上面例子中那个学生的作文可作必要的增删:,I got up early,Monday morning,.Mom told me that,there was always heavy traffic,and as our car was a,bit old and couldnt run fast,wed better start earlier.,对缺乏一致性句于的两种处理方法:,1),为了取得句子的一致性,对句中与中心思想无关的内容应加删简。例如:,Parking space on the compass which is one of the most beautiful in the state,has become completely made inadequate,and recently the city council voted to increase but fates again.,此句的中心内容是讲停车场已经非常紧张,市府决定再次提高公共汽车费,势必使更多的人用私人汽车,从而加剧停车场紧张的局面。由于which引导的分句同本句中心内容无关,故应删去。,上例中的两个分句由逗号and 连接,形式上是一,个完整的句子,但实际上两个分句之间并未形成有机,的连接,中心思想未得到明确的表述,为此应当改写.,一种办法是把并列分句改为主从分句:,2),对于结构过于松散,未能明白地表示中心思想的句子应加以改写。例如:,I worry about whether I will get a job,and I am,convinced that new opportunities will open up,before the end of spring.,I worry about whether I will get a job,though,Im convinced that new opportunities will open up before the end of spring.,也可以再增加一个分句,从而使全句的中心思想,明白地表现出来:,I worry about whether I will get a job.,Although,I am convinced that new opportunities will open,up before the end of spring,I still cant help,being anxious about my prospects.,句子的连贯(Sentence Coherence),句子连贯的含义,1),句子连贯指句中的成分之间具有合乎逻辑的有机联,系,全句所表述的思路清晰,,使交际对方容易得到要,领。例如:,It goes without saying that one cannot work,logically with a statement which does not have a,clear-cut,ascertainable meaning,这是一个以“it”作形式主语的句子,后面“that”分句为实,际主语,在该分句中又以“notnot”结构为主干,既紧,凑,又清晰,确是一个有机整体。,2),上节讲到的句子“一致”是指句中的成分都要围绕和服务于全句中心思想的表达,即与中心思想形成有机联系;这里讲到的“连贯”则是指句中的成分之间,要形成有机的横向联系。“一致”和“一贯”。两者之间既有区别,又密切相关。例如:,All the players jumped from the bench and the,referee made an unfair announcement of the results.,这是一个并列句,其两个分句之间表面上虽有and 连接,但,并未能表示出两个分句之间的逻辑联系,即未达到连贯要求,因,而也未能实现句子的一致,结果整句的思想表达得不清楚。为此,应照下述方法加以改写:,The referee made an unfair announcement of the results and(so)all the players jumped from the bench,AsWhen the referee made an unfair announcement of the results,all the players jumped from the bench,All the players jumped from the bench because the,referee made an unfair announcement of the results.,影响句子连贯的若干因素,1)从语法方面看,经常会影响到句子连贯的因素有并列结构安排失当,代词所指对象不明确,垂悬修饰或修饰语错位,时态、人称、数或语气不一致,句子结构混乱或不完全,等等例如:,The report is chiefly about inflationary trends in,the last decade and that the consumer has lost,confidence in the quality of many products,介词 about 的并列宾语一为短语,一为分句,属于并列结,构安排失当,应当将that分句改为短语:,The report is chiefly about inflationary trends in,the last decade and that consumer has lost,confidence in the quality of many products.,He rode that snowy night and slipped into a ditch,but it was not serious,例中代词 it 所指不明确,故句子应加改写:,but luckily enough,he didnt get hurt.,又如:,Every member of our research team worked,conscientiously,thus producing one of the best,projects Professor Ames has ever received.,例句中ing 分词短语的修饰对象不明确,全句含义未能,得到确切表达,故宜改为:,BecauseAs every member of our research team,worked conscientiously,we produced one of the,best projects Professor Ames has ever received.,又如:,Look at that ridiculous ladys hat!,修饰语位置不当会引起歧义或显得滑稽可笑,有时会造成,误解。上例中的修饰语位置不当,应改为:,Look at that ladys ridiculous hat!,又如:,When we began our composition course,there was little knowledge about the importance of strategy in the writing of a paper.Correctness in spelling,punctuation,and grammatical usage was what had been drilled into,us;but the effects of interrelationships among speaker,audience,and occasion were foreign to us,上例两个较长的句子讲的是作者,但由于用了,4,个不同的,主语,影响了句子的连贯和一致,故应改为:,At the beginning of our composition course,we knew little about the importance of strategy in the writing of a paper.,We,knew the necessity for correctness in spelling,punctuation and grammatical usage but were unaware of the effects of inter-relationships among speaker,audience,and occasion.,2)从修辞角度看,词语选用不当,辞格应用不当,重复、省略等其他修辞手法运用不当,都会影响到句子的连贯(同时也会损坏句子的致)。例如:,On hearing that his father had kicked the bucket,I,wrote him letter to express my sorrows and sympathies.,句子“,kick the bucket,”是俚浯,既粗俗、又轻浮,相当汉语中讲某人“翘辫子”。这里把俚语用到一个表示忧伤和同情的句子里,显然很不恰当,而应选用委婉语的形式,如“,pass away,”,“,be no more,”,“,depart,”,等。又如:,Flattens hills like flattens the floor,这是一个广告稿,意在用夸张手法宣传使用该汽车爬山时高山变成了平地,但flattens重复使用时出现下败笔:既然是floor,就用不着再去flatten,为此应改为:,Flattens hills like driving on the floor,又如:,The campaign was successful and costly,,but the victory was sweet,两个问题影响了句子的连贯:一是不应当用and连接两个含义上矛盾的并列成分,而应用表示转折、对照关系的,but,;二是用词不精练,,successful和victo


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