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,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,早餐还是午餐?,Lesson2 Breakfast or lunch?,a story about a man who doesnt like getting up early on Sundays.,Listen to the,tape,Why,was the writers aunt surprised?,What day was it?,What was the weather like?,Did the writer get up early that day?,Who was coming to see the writer?,Was the writer having lunch at one oclock?,Why was the writers aunt surprised?,What does“brunch”mean?Can you guess?Do you usually have brunch on weekends?Is it good or bad?,1 What day was it?,2.When did you get up last Sunday?,3.What was it like outside?,4.Did you think it was a nice day?,5.What happened just then?,6.Who was on the phone?,Listen and read the,text,to find out the answers to the following questions,1.What day was it?,It was Sunday.,2.When did you get up last Sunday?,I got up very late.,3.What was it like outside?,It was dark outside.,4.Did you think it was a nice day?,No,I didnt.,5.What happened just then?,The telephone rang.,6.Who was on the phone?,It was my aunt Lucy.,用于表示动作,状态等的持续,后面加(时间状语)从句或者表示时间的名词,一直到.为止 ,在.以前,1,、在肯定句中:与表示持续性状态的动词连用,表示持续到某一时刻,现在不是好时机,我还是等等,直到价格下来一点再说。,Its not a good time now.I shall wait until the price,comes down a little bit.,u,ntil,2,、,在否定句中:通常与描述短暂动作的动词词组连用,直到.才,”,notuntil,直到现在我才知道你的心里有另外一个女人。,I didnt know there is another,woman in your heart until now.,eg:,He_until it stopped raining.,A.waited B.didnt wait,A.leave.B.left C.didnt leave,We stayed until the rain stopped.,我们一直等到雨停为止。,We didnt start until the rain stopped.,直到雨停了我们才出发。,她六点才能来。,outside adv.,外面(作状语),eg:He is waiting for me outside.,ring(rang,rung)v.,(铃、电话等)响,注,这种响是刺耳的,往往是提醒人做某事,如:,The telephone/door bell is ringing.,而风铃等响要用,jingle,jingle(bell):,(铃儿)响叮当,v.,给某人打电话:,ring sb,n.,打电话:,give sb a ring,Remember to ring me.=Remember to give me a ring.,n.,戒指,aunt n.,姑,姨,婶,舅母,所有长一辈的女性都用这个称呼,与此相同,男性则是,uncle,他们的孩子:,cousin,:堂兄妹(不分男女),cousin,的孩子:,nephew,:外甥,,niece,:外甥女,arrive,vi.,到达,抵达,arrive at,他今天早上,6,点到达车站。,He arrived at the station at six this morning.,我晚上很晚到达酒店。,I arrived at my hotel late in the evening.,(经过努力)达到,做出,After many hours talk,the committee arrived at a decision.,arrive in,到上海给我打电话。,Call me when you arrive in,Shanghai.,她周五到达巴黎。,She arrived in Paris on Friday.,arrive,vi.,到达,抵达,小地点,Language points,1.I never get up early on Sundays.,On Sunday,s,:,指每个星期。,星期几、具体的某一天都用,on,They will be here,on Tuesday,(morning/afternoon),.,I was born,on July 1,st,.,Well see you,on Christmas Eve,.,in,on,at 的用法,in 时间范围较广,表示某年,某季节,某月,某周,某一天的某段时间,in a year 在一年中 in spring 在春季,in May 在五月 in a week 在一周中,on 表示某一天或某一天的某段时间,on Monday在周一 on March 7th 在3月7号,on Monday afternoon 在周一下午,on the morning of March 7th(2013),at 表示某个具体时刻,at two oclock 在两点 at this moment 在这一刻,注意:如果时间名词前用,this,that,next等修饰时,不需要用介词,until,用于表示动作,状态等的持续,后面加(时间状语)从句,一直到.为止 ,在.以前,在,肯定句,中:,表示持续性状态的动词连用,表示持续到某一时刻,eg.,Ill wait here until 5.,在,否定句,中,(not until):,通常与描述短暂动作的动词词组连用,直到.才,eg.,She cannot arrive until 6.,I didnt go to sleep until 11o clock last night.,2.,I sometimes stay in bed until lunchtime.,stay in bed:,待在床上,last Sunday:,上周末,last night:,昨晚,last week:,上周,last month:,上个月,last+,时间:上个,4.I looked out of the window.,look out of,:往外看,I,looked out of,the window.,look out of 向.外看,look out of the window 向窗外看,look out of the door 向门外看,look into,1.向.里看,look into the box 向盒子里面看,2.调查,分析,The police are looking into the case.,警察正在调查这个案件。,Look out!,小心,当心,Look out!The car nearly knocked you over.,当心!这个车差点撞到你。,3.Last Sunday I got up very late.,5,.What a day,!(,it is,),省略感叹句(以what引导感叹句表示愤怒,喜悦,惊奇,赞赏等感情),What+,(a/an),+形容词+,名词,+(主语+谓语),eg.What,a great pity,you missed the lecture again!,What+形容词+,可数名词复数,+其他,eg.What,interesting books,you have!,What+形容词+,不可数名词,+其他,eg.What,great fun,surfing on the Internet!,How +形容词+主语+谓语,How careless she is!,当 What+(a/an)+形容词+人称代词(+be动词时,两者完全相等,What an interesting story it is!,=How interesting the story is!,What a clever girl she is!,=How clever she is!,6,.Just then,the telephone rang.,ring(rang.rung)v.(,铃、电话等,),响,(,刺耳的,),注,这种响是刺耳的,往往是提醒人做某事,The telephone(door bell)is ringing.,给某人打电话,:ring sb.,e.g.,Tomorrow Ill ring you.,打电话,(,名,):give sb.a ring,e.g.,Remember to ring me/remember to give me a ring,7,.It was my aunt Lucy,aunt n.,姑,姨,婶,舅妈,(,所有长一辈的女性都用这个称呼,),与此相同,男性则是,uncle:,叔叔,他们的孩子,:cousin:,堂兄妹,(,不分男女,),cousin,的孩子,:nephew:,外甥,niece:,外甥女,8,.Ive just arrived by train.,arrive,vi.,到达,抵达,arrive at,到达(较小的地方),eg.,He arrived at the station at six this morning.,(经过努力)达成,做出,eg.,After many hours talk,the committee arrived at a decision.,arrive in,到达(较大的地方),eg.,She arrived in Paris on Friday.,9,.But Im still,having breakfast,I said.,have,breakfast/lunch/supper,have a,great breakfast,Key structures,本课的重点句型是,现在进行时,和,一般现在时,.,1.,Now,现在进行时,(,说话的,当时正在发生,现阶段正在发生,的动作,),现在进行时,的,基本形式,:,is/am/are+现在分词,I,am working,as a teacher now.,The kettle,is boiling,.Shall I make tea?,Dont you think you eat too much?You,re putting,on weight.,The workers,are


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