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,Click to edit Master title style,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,10/13/2011,#,Harvard StyleCitation and References,Adapted from,Harvard,-,Style,.ppt,Learning Outcomes,At the end of this lesson, students are able to:,Understand the appropriate citation and references using the Harvard referencing style,Demonstrate their understanding of the use of the Harvard referencing style, i.e.,Books,Journal Articles,Electronic Resources etc,Why Cite + Ref ?,Its good academic practice and enhances presentation,It allows you to:,acknowledge the work of others,AND,allows your tutor to differentiate between your own work and the work of others AND to locate the sources you have used,It allows you to demonstrate that:,You have gathered evidence to support your ideas/ arguments,You have used credible, good quality sources,Have read widely,AND have read at an appropriate academic level,Citation and Reference,In your assignments you must demonstrate that you have used relevant, good quality sources to support your arguments by:,providing,in-text,citations,in the,body of your work,AND,a,reference list,at the end of your work,Citation,According to Myers,1,the reason for.,The,reference,is presented as a footnote at the bottom of the,page or at the end of your work:,1,Myers, D. (2008,),Construction economics,:,A,new approach, 2nd ed., London: Taylor and Francis,p.159.,Numeric style,An,in-text citation, that provides the following information:,The name of the author(s)/ editor(s) of the source,its date of publication,AND wherever possible, the page numbers you have used material from,AND,A,reference list,that provides full details of the sources you have cited in your text,Harvard,style requires,:,According to Clegg (1985, p.543,),the inter-war period was.,Barter (2003, p.258) has shown that.,As Evans, Jamal and Foxall (2006, p.76) point out.,It has been suggested by Reed (,2008, pp.30-31).,Barter (2003, p.258) and Stuart (2001, p.85) note,A number of authors including Smith (2008, pp.21-24) and Adams (2001, pp.165-166) have argued that,*p. - page number / pp. - page numbers*,Whats,an in-text citation,?,25% of manufacturing jobs were lost in the 1980s (Jones, 1995, p.64).,Several authors (Ray, 2002, p.23; Smith, 2004, p.70) conclude.,A recent survey (Gordon, 2001, pp.21-28) has found,Page numbers,Always cite page numbers except if you merely wish to mention the,existence of a book, journal etc. without using material from it. For,example:,A number of recent studies (Gray, 2002; Toms, 2004; Lee, 2008) have considered the Scottish economy in the 1990s.,Whats an in-text citation,?,Whats a reference list,?,Its a list of,all,the sources you have,cited,in the text of your assignment,Its presented at the,end of your work,in,alphabetical order,by author/ editor,Do not list books, journals, newspapers, then websites etc.,Note: a,bibliography,lists all of the sources you have read to help write,your assignment, not just those cited in the text.,When must I provide a citation,?,Quote directly,: use another persons ideas in their words,Paraphrase,: present another persons ideas in your words,Summarise,:,express another persons ideas in fewer words,Use,ideas,theories,facts,experiments,case studies, from a source,Adopt another persons,research method, survey,or,experiment design,Use,statistics, tables, diagrams,etc. not just words!,Quote,directly,If you present information exactly as it appears,in a source, indicate this by using quotation,marks:,Market segmentation is where the larger market is,heterogeneous and can be broken down into smaller,units that are similar in character (Easy and,Sorensen, 2009, p.133).,Paraphrase,Original,: MPs were not paid a salary until 1912. In medieval times constituents sometimes paid their members and met some of the expenses of sending an MP to Westminster, but the practice died out by the end of the 17,th,century and thereafter MPs needed personal wealth or a personal patron in order to sustain a political career (Rush, 2005, p. 114.),Until the 20,th,century, when MPs received a salary, personal wealth or the support of a patron was essential for a long-term career in politics. Financial support for MPs had on occasion come from their constituents in the medieval period but this system had ended by the 17,th,century.,Cite?,Yes. Sentence 2 has been re-written but the meaning is the same as the original,Summarise,Original,: The proportion of manual workers in the ranks of the parliamentary Labour Party declined from 1945 to 1979, from approximately 1 in 4 to 1 in 10. Of the 412 Labour MPs elected in 2001, 12% were drawn from manual backgrounds (Criddle cited in Norton, 2005, p.23).,Since 1945 the proportion of manual workers in the parliamentary Labour Party has fallen from 25% (approx.) to 12% in 2001.,Cite?,Yes. Sentence 1 has been shortened and rewritten but the key point is maintained,No citation,required,Your own ideas, theories, arguments, conclusions,Surveys and experiments designed and carried out by you,Your own research method,Very basic common knowledge: i.e. Glasgow is in the west of Scotland,BUT,Glasgow is in the west of Scotland and has a population of 530,000 (cite source!),Citing books: 1 author,Citation,In the,1980s,sales of blue jeans slowed and then declined (Ransom, 2002, p.100).,or,According to Ransom (2002, p.100,),the sales of blue jeans.,Reference list,Ransom, D. (2002,),The no-nonsense guide to fair trade, Oxford: New Internationalist,or,Ransom, D. (2002,),The,no-nonsense guide to fair trade, Oxford: New Internationalist,*if no italics available - use an underline*,Citing books: 2 or 3 authors,2 Authors,Citation,As,Sloman and Wirde (2009, p. 65) point out,Unemployment rates are traditionally higher among women (Sloman and Wirde, 2009, p.419).,Reference list,Sloman, J. and Wirde, A. (2009,),Economics, 7th ed., Harlow: Pearson Education,3 Authors,Citation,According to Torrington, Hall and Taylor (2008, p.579,),companies that discriminate.,Companies that discriminate against various groups lose talent (Torrington, Hall and Taylor, 2008, p.579).,Reference list,Torrington, D., Hall, L. and Taylor, S. (2008,),Human resource management, 7th ed., Harlow: Prentice,Hall.,* in citations authors names must appear in same order as source*,*edition - ed./ note ed. if not the first edition*,Citing books: 4+,authors,Use the Latin abbreviation et,al.,(and the others) in the citation,Reference list,Provide all authors surnames and initials:,Solomon, M., Bamossy, G., Askegaard, S. and Hogg, M.K. (2006,),Consumer,behaviour,:,A,European perspective, 3rd ed., Harlow: Financial Times,Citation,Solomon,et,al.,(2006, p.69) suggest that.,or,People have been consumers for a long time, but consumption has only recently become a focus for study (Solomon,et,al.,2006, p.23).,Not,X,Solomon, Bamossy, Askegaard, and Hogg (2006, p.23),Citing a chapter in an edited book,Many academic books are comprised of chapters written by different authors + the book will have an editor(s),Cite the chapter author(s) not the book editor(s),Reference list,Include page numbers of entire chapter:,Tiesdell, S. (2010,),Glasgow: renaissance on the clyde?, in Punter, J. (ed.).,Urban design and the British urban renaissance, Abingdon: Routledge,pp.262-279.,Citation,Tiesdell (2010, p.263) provides an overview of,or,A major development challenge has been the Clyde waterfront (Tiesdell, 2010, p.272).,*when citing chapters with 4+ authors use et. al.*,Citing books: editor,Reference list,Palmer, A. (ed.) (,1996),Whos who in world politics,:,from 1860 to the present day,London:,Routledge.,Newmark, L. (ed.) (1999,),Albanian-English dictionary, Oxford:,OUP.,Citation,Palmer (1996, p.74) notes that,Kohl won elections in 1983, 1987 and 1990 (Palmer, 1996, p.200).,According to an entry in,Whos who in world politics,:,from 1860 to the present day,(Palmer, 1996, p.80),In the,Albanian-English dictionary,(Newmark, 1999, p.90),.,*ensure that you are not citing from a chapter that has its own author(s)*,*editor - ed. / editors - eds.*,Citing books: no date/ author,No date,Reference,list,Hendry, S. (n.d,.),Flora and fauna of Scotland, Glasgow: Collins,Citation,Hendry (n.d,., p.21,),describes.,No author,:,Reference list,Understanding SPSS,(2009,),London: SPSS,Press.,Harraps pocket Portuguese dictionary,(1988) London:,Harrap.,Citation,Understanding SPSS,(2009, p.26) describes.,Harraps pocket Portuguese dictionary,(1988, p.65) defines.,Citing books:,translations,Reference list,Provide information about the translator:,Vondung, K. (2000,),The apocalypse in Germany,. Translated from German by S.D. Ricks, Columbia: University of Missouri Press,Citation,According to Vondung (2000, p.64).,or,In,Vondungs,The apocalypse in Germany,(2000, pp.36-50), translated by S.D. Ricks, .,Citing books: e-book,E-books can be accessed via the library catalogue & are supplied by Netlibrary, Dawsonera etc.,Citation,Chudley and Greeno (2006, p.26) show that., (,Chudley and Greeno, 2006, p.26).,Reference list,Chudley, R. and Greeno, R. (2006,),Building Construction Handbook,Online, 6th ed., Oxford: Elsevier. Available from: (Accessed 21 January 2010),*always use Available from: prior to providing a URL*,*Accessed: date you accessed the source*,Citing journal articles:,paper,Journals contain articles by different authors,Cite the article author(s) not the journal title,Reference list,Motluk, A. (2010,),Who killed the Maples?,New Scientist, 16 January, pp.,30-33.,*in the reference list provide page numbers for entire article*,Citation,Chalk River reactor is the worlds largest supplier of,radioactives (,Motluk, 2010, p.30).,or,Motluk (2010, p.31) concludes that,Citing journal articles: 4+ authors,Citation,Krams et. al. (2009, p.513) suggest that.,According to a recent article in the,Proceedings of the Royal Society B,by Krams et. al. (2009, pp.513-518) there are.,Reference list,(Provide all authors surnames and initials):,Krams, I., Berzins, A., Krama, T., Wheatcroft, D., Igaune, K. and Rantala, M.J. (2009,),The increased risk of predation increases cooperation,Proceedings of the Royal Society B, vol.277, no.1681, 22 February,pp.513-518.,*volume - vol. / number - no.*,Citing journal articles: online,Reference list,Hogan, J. (2006,),Snapshot, face facts: a blow for Mars conspiracy theorists,Nature,Online, vol. 443, 28 September, p.379. Available from: (Accessed 24 January 2010,).,Citation,As Hogan (2006, p.379) notes.,(Hogan, 2006, p.379).,Citing,journal articles:,databases,HW library databases: ScienceDirect, Web of Knowledge, Ebsco etc.,Reference list,Geraskin, S.A., Fesenko, S.V. and Alexakhin, R.M. (2008,),Effects of non-human species irradiation after the Chernobyl NPP accident,Environmental International,online, vol.34, no.6, pp.880-897. Available from: (Accessed 21 January 2010,).,Citation,Geraskin, Fesenko and Alexakhins (2008, p.881) findings.,.(,Geraskin, Fesenko and Alexakhins, 2008, p.881).,*if possible, avoid very long URLs*,Digital Object Identifier,Some databases (such as ScienceDirect) provide a DOI: a unique permanent identifier provided by publishers so that an article can always be found online. You can use this instead of the URL,do,Geraskin, S.A., Fesenko, S.V.and Alexakhin, R.M. (2008,),Effects of non-human species irradiation after the Chernobyl NPP accident,Environmental International,online, vol.34, no.6, pp.880-897. Available from:,do,(ScienceDirect),(Accessed 21 January 2010).,Citing newspapers: online,Citation,According to Travis (2010).,or,An article in,The Guardian,by Travis (2010).,Reference list,Travis, A. (2010,),Crime drops 8% despite recession,The Guardian,Online, 21 January. Available from: (Accessed 3 January 2010,).,*no need for page numbers*,Citing newspapers: print,Reference list,Macleod, A. (2010,),Public sector pay freeze,The Times, 21 January, p.3,Citation,Macleod (2010, p.3) notes,Macleods article in,The Times,(2010, p.3) points out,No author,Reference list,The Times (2010,),Diplomacy without arms,The Times, February 1, p.2,Citation,An article in,The Times,(2010, p.2) argues,Citing a thesis/,dissertation,Citation,As Arnot (1985, p.167) notes.,or,The experiment took place over a 10 year period (Arnot, 1985, p.70).,Reference list,Arnot, R.J. (1985,),The Schekino experiment,:,the question of control over the Soviet industrial workforce, PhD. thesis, Glasgow: University of Glasgow.,*MSc. thesis*,Citing the,web,Reference list,BBC (2010,),Obama makes jobs priority,online. Available from:,http:/,(Accessed 21 January 2010),Citation,A BBC (2010) report argues.,Reference list,H.M. Treasury (,2009),Reforming,financial markets,online. London: TSO. Available from:,(Accessed 25 January 2010,).,Citation,According to a H.M Treasury report (2009, p.16).,or,In,Reforming financial markets,(H.M. Treasury, 2009, p.20) it is stated,*cite page numbers where available i.e. PDF documents*,Citing the web,Reference list,Kenway, P. (2008,),Addressing in-work poverty,online. Available from: (Accessed 21 January 2010,).,Citation,Kenways (2009, p.10-13) findings suggest.,A recent report from the Joseph Rowntree Foundation entitled,Addressing in-work poverty,(2008) considers a range of issues.,Reference list,Vodafone Group Plc (2010,),Code of ethical purchasing,online. Available from: (Accessed 21 January 2010,).,Citation,Vodafones,Code of ethical purchasing,(2010),Citing a conference,Reference list,IEEE (2005,),10th,IEEE conference on emerging technologies and factory automation. EFTA 2005,. Catania, Italy, 19-22 September, 2005.,Citation,The findings of the,10,th,IEEE conference on,emerging technologies and factory automation,(2005),Citing a conference paper,Reference list,Harashima, F. (2005,),Human Adaptive Mechatronics: interaction and Intelligence, in,10th IEEE conference on emerging technologies and factory automation. EFTA 2005,. Catania, Italy, 19-22 September, 2005,p.3.,Citation,Harashimas (2005, p.3) findings suggest,*Include page numbers of entire conference paper in reference list*,Citing an electronic conference,Reference list,IEEE (2005,),10th IEEE conference on emerging technologies and factory automation. EFTA 2005,online,. Catania, Italy, 19-22 September, 2005. Available from: (Accessed 1 January 2010,).,Conference paper,Harashima, F. (2005,),Human Adaptive Mechatronics: interaction and Intelligence, in,10th IEEE conference on emerging technologies and factory automation. EFTA 2005,online.,Catania, Italy, 19-22 September, 2005. p.3. Available from: (Accessed 1 January 2010,).,Citing command,papers,Command Papers are parliamentary papers presented to parliament by a government minister,Reference list,Department for Children, Schools and Families (2010),Support for all,Cm. 7787., London: TSO.,Citation,According to,Support for all,(2010, p.16), published by,the Department for,A report by the Department for Children, Schools and Families (2010, pp.35-36) provides.,Online,Department for children, schools and families (2010),Support for all,online, Cm. 7787. London: TSO. Available from: (Accessed 25 January 2010),* Command - Cm.*,Citing a,Bill,A Bill is a draft law. It becomes an Act of Parliament if approved by the House of Commons, House of Lords and the monarch,Name of Bill/ HL or HC/,parliamentary session/ Bill number,Reference list,Childrens Rights HL Bill,(2009-10) 8,Identity Cards HC Bill,(2005-06) 49,Citation,The,Childrens Rights Bill,(2009-10) seeks to.,*House of Lords HL / House of Commons HC*,Citing an Act of Parliament / Statutory,Instrument,An,Act of Parliament,is a law, enforced in all applicable areas of the UK,Reference list,Great Britain (2009),Banking,Act 2009,.,Chapter 1,. London: HMSO,Citation,The Banking Act,(2009, c.1, section 112, p.64) states.,A,statutory instrument,is issued by a government minister or committee, named within an Act of parliament which affects the working of the original Act.,Reference list,The Employers Duties (Implementation) Regulations,(2010) SI 2010/4. London: HMSO,Citation,The,Employers Duties (Implementation) Regulations,(2010) sought to,Citing a law report,Law report,Names of parties / year of report / vol. number in which case is reported/ abbreviation for law report title/ page number or case number / court,Mullin v Richards,1998 1 WLR 1304 (CA),WLR: Weekly Law Reports,CA: Court of Appeal,Citation,The decision in,Mullin v Richards 1998 1 WLR 1304 (CA),Oxford Standard for Citation of Legal Authorities:,Cardiff Index to Legal Abbreviations:,Citing TV / DVD,Reference list,Newsnight,(2010,),TV Programme BBC2, 25 January,22.30,.,Online,Newsnight,(2010,),TV Programme BBC2, 25 January, 22.30. Available from: (Accessed 25 January 2010),Citation,In an interview with,Newsnight,(2010),or,Newsnight,(2010) examined,DVD,To kill a mockingbird,(1961) DVD. Directed by Alan Pakula. USA: Universal Pictures,E-mail / discussion list / blog,Smith, V. (V.Smithhw.ac.uk) (2010,),UK,consumers and fair-trade,E-mail. Message sent to J. Adams (). Sent 23 January.,Finn, P. (,P,.F,) (2010,),Digital libraries,E-mail. Message sent to J. Smith (). Sent 26 January.,Lis-Link,. Available from: (Accessed 26 January 2010,).,Plait, P., (2010,),Wise uncovers its first near-Earth asteroid!,Bad Astronomy,weblog, 25 January. Available from: (Accessed 26 January 2010,).,Miscellaneous,Presentation,Sims G. (2009),The,development of the Scottish economy in the 1990s, Lecture Heriot Watt University, Edinburgh, 9,December.,Standard,British Standards Institution (1997,),BS 7885:1997.,Code of practice for safe entry into silos,. Milton Keynes: BSI,.,Map,Ordnance Survey (2007,),Firth of Clyde,Landranger series, Sheet 63, 1:50 000. Southampton: Ordnance,Survey.,Encyclopaedia entry,Baker, C. and Prys Jones, S. (1998,),Thresholds theory,Encylopedia of bilingualism and bilingual education, Clevedon: Multilingual,Matters.,Encylopaedia entry: with an author,Bohren, C.F. (2004,),Atmospheric optics,in,Brown, T.G., Creath, K., Kogelnik, H., Kriss, M.A., Schmit, J. and Weber, M.J. (eds.),The optics encylopedia, vol. 1,pp.53-91, Weinheim: Wiley,.,*(cite the author not the eds.)*,Quoting directly: 1,author,According to Royle (2000, p.167) the British state was strong because it was militarily effective and relatively efficient at raising taxes.,OR,The state in Britian was strong because it was militarily effective and relatively efficient at raising taxes (Royle, 2000, p.167).,Also,According to Royle (2000, p.167) the British state was strong because it was.relatively efficient at raising taxes.,Reference list,Royle, E. (2000,),Revolutionary Britain,:,Reflections on the Threat of Revolution in Britain, 1789-1848, Manchester:,Manchester University Press,*( - words left out of the original text)*,Quoting directly: 3/ 4+,authors,Reference list,Evans, M., Jamal, A., and Foxall, G. (2006,),Consumer Behaviour, Chichester: John Wiley & Sons,Citation,According to Evans, Jamal and Foxall (2006, p.176) cohesiveness is also closely connected with the affective nature of the group.,. (,Evans, Jamal and Foxall, 2006, p.176),4+ authors,Reference list,Solomon, M., Bamossy, G., Askegaard, S. and Hogg, M.K. (2006,),Consumer behaviour,:,a European perspective, 3rd ed., Harlow: Financial Times,Citation,Solomon,et,al. (2006, p.176) note that the use of celebrity endorsers is an expensive but commonly used strategy.,.(Solomon, et. al., 2006, p.176),Quoting directly: long quotes,Le


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