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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,*,1)to start an activity,especially an orgnized one,This computer company launches a new product,this year.,2)to make a product available to the public for,the first time,The new model will be launched in July,3),send sth on its course,Scientists launched the worlds first artificial,satellite,1.launch:,vt,.,Collocation:,launch an attack 发起进攻,launch a campaign 发起一场运动,launch an inquiry/investigation 开始进行询问/调查,launch a rocket/missile 发射火箭/导弹,launch a company 开一家公司,2.campaign:,n,.,a series of military operations,or planned activities with a particular aim,战役,运动,Today police launched a campaign to reduce,road accidents,Collocation:,conduct a campaign 领导一场运动,an advertising campaign 一场广告宣传运动,an election campaign 竞选运动,3.conquest:,n.,conquering,defeat,征服,战胜,Napoleon,confident of a quick victory,predicted,the conquest of Russia in five weeks.,4.retreat:,v,.,move back or withdraw when,faced with danger or difficulty,退却,撤退,When the enemy advances,we retreat;,when they retreat,we pursue.,After a fierce battle,the troops retreated,southward.,5.be faced with:,have to deal with,He was faced with a crucial decision.,6.take a gamble:,take a risk,She knew she was taking a gamble,but decided it was worth it.,*gamble,赌博 打赌 冒风险 碰运气,gamble on the horses,gamble at cards,gamble on sth/on doing sth,冒风险 碰运气,He gambled on being able to buy a,ticket at the last minute.,7.press on/ahead:,continue doing sth in a determined way,继续进行,The company is pressing on with its plans.,8.bide ones time,:,wait patiently for a chance,等待时机,He decided to bide his time until he,got an opportunity to talk to her alone.,9.drag on,:,move slowly and with effort;continue endlessly and tediously,The dispute has dragged on for too long.,How much longer is the meeting going to drag on?,10.catch sb off guard,:,take sb by surprise,趁人不备,The manager didnt know what to say.It was clear that my question had caught him off guard.,11.render,:,vt.,1)cause sb/sth to be in a specified condition,使处于某种状态,2)to render sth useless,使某事物无用,Hundreds of people were rendered homeless by the earthquake.,12.casualty,:,n,.,a person who is killed or injured,in war or in an accident,伤亡人员 死伤者,Both sides had suffered heavy casualty.,The drug will render the tiger harmless for up,to two hours.,13.bring to a halt:,stop completely,使停止,Our journey was brought to a halt by a storm.,The thought brought her to an abrupt halt.,14.thanks to:,because of,Thanks to her financial support,the children,in the remote village could go to school.,It was all a great success thanks to a lot of,hard work.,15.reckon:,v.,count;consider;think,计算认为,Many people reckon him to be a good singer,The age of the earth is reckoned at about 4600,million years.,be reckoned with,=be,taken into consideration,All these problems had to be reckoned with as,they arose,16.toll:,n.,1.,the number of people or animals,killed or injured in particular circumstances,伤亡人数,The official death toll has now reached 7000.,2.,money paid for the use of a bridge,road,etc.,通行费,Each car must pay a toll to cross the bridge.,Collocation:,take a heavy toll,造成重大伤亡(或损失),The flood took a heavy toll on several villages.,take a/its toll,造成损失(或危害、伤亡等),The earthquake took a toll of 3,000,000 lives.,


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