(山东)《龙门亮剑》高三英语一轮课件 Module 4 外研选修7

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(山东)《龙门亮剑》高三英语一轮课件 Module 4 外研选修7_第1页
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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,2021/8/11 星期三,*,2021/8/11 星期三,1,.单词聚焦,1_,n,技巧;手法,2_,n,. 方法;步骤,3_,n,. 衰退;下降;减少,4_,v,. 出现,5_,v,. 触动;感动;使动心,technique,approach,decline,emerge,touch,2021/8/11 星期三,2,6_,v,. 繁荣;兴起;迅速发展,7_,n,. 融洽,一致,8_,n,. 美德,9_,adj,. 新潮的,10_,adj,. 整齐的;整洁的,11_,v,. 制定预算,按预算来安排开支,12_,adj,. 自负的,自视过高的,boom,Harmony,virtue,fancy,neat,budget,vain,2021/8/11 星期三,3,13_,adj,. (控制)严格的,严密的,14_,n,. 计划表,进度表,日程表,15_,n,. 截止时间,最后期限,16_,ad,v,. 否则,要不然,tight,schedule,deadline,otherwise,2021/8/11 星期三,4,17_,n,. 津贴,补助,18_,n,. 养老金;退休金;抚恤金,19_,v,. 离开,辞去,20_,adj,. 幽默的,allowance,pension,quit,humorous,2021/8/11 星期三,5,.短语扫描,1dance _ music 配合音乐跳舞,2side _ side 并排;并肩,3be bored _厌烦,4_ silence 沉默地;静静地,5try _尝试,to,by,with,in,out,2021/8/11 星期三,6,6be blessed _有幸,7come _出版,8far _完全不,9be devoted _对专一,专注,10beg _乞求,请求,with,out,from,to,for,2021/8/11 星期三,7,.原句突破,1“_ _ _ _ _(我一听到),”he said,“I knew it was a completely new kind of music.”,【答案】,The moment I heard it,2Hip top _ _ _ _ (利用了这一点) and provided a kind of disco music for people who hated disco!,【答案】,took advantage of that,2021/8/11 星期三,8,3I wanted black music _ _ _ _,_ _ _ (给白人听众留下印象) and we got some great blues,jazzand gospel artists and Robert Johnson was the greatest.,【答案】,to make an impression on white audience,2021/8/11 星期三,9,4“My message is that it doesnt matter if youre black,white,fat,thin,old and youngwere all the same,its_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _(这是一个美妙的世界,你可以在有生之年做些事情)”,【答案】,a great world and you can do something with your life,2021/8/11 星期三,10,5Songs that _ _ _ _ _(不是唱而是说出来的) are called rap.,【答案】,are spoken rather than sung,2021/8/11 星期三,11,approach,n,(研究)方法;接近;通道,入口,This is the best approach to learn English well.,这是学好英语的最佳方法。,At the approach of the Spring Festival,we are all busy going shopping.春节将至,我们大家都忙着购物。,2021/8/11 星期三,12,With the approach of winter,the weather came colder.,随着冬天的来临,天气越来越冷了。,All the approaches to the airport were blocked by the police.,所有通往机场的路都被警察封锁了。,2021/8/11 星期三,13,v,t,.&,v,i,.走近,接近;看待,处理(问题),We approached the birds quietly and watched them.,我们悄悄上前观察那些小鸟。,The Spring Festival was approaching.A lot of people were traveling back and forth.春节快到了,来往的旅客很多。,2021/8/11 星期三,14,He will know how to approach the problem correctly.,他会知道如何正确处理这个问题的。,We should approach this problem with great care.,我们应该非常慎重地处理这个问题。,2021/8/11 星期三,15,1.With spring_,the weather became warmer.,AApproachesBapproaching,Capproach Dapproached,【解析】,“,随着春天的临近,”,用with spring approaching或As spring approached/approaches.因为with是介词,后面要接动名词。,【答案】,B,2021/8/11 星期三,16,touch,v,t,.接触,触摸,碰及,lose touch with/be out of touch with 与失去联系,get in touch with/be in touch with与取得联系,keep/stay in touch with与保持联系,No visitors are allowed to touch the exhibits.,游客禁止触摸展品。,2021/8/11 星期三,17,Dont touch the button.别碰那个按钮。,When the war broke out,they lost touch with each other.,战争爆发后,他们失去了联系。,How did you get in touch with her?,你是怎样与她取得联系的?,They keep in touch with each other by Email.,他们靠电子邮件保持联系。,2021/8/11 星期三,18,v,t,.感动(move),touching,adj,.令人感动的,touched,adj,.被感动的,Its obvious that the students were all touched by the touching film.很明显,这部感人的电影让学生们非常感动。,We were deeply touched by his story.,我们被他的故事深深地感动了。,2021/8/11 星期三,19,2.The doctor keeps _touch _telephone _his patients.,Ain;with;with Bin;by;with,Con;by;with Don;with;by,2021/8/11 星期三,20,【解析】,本题考查了两个词组,即keep in touch with 与,保持联系和by telephone 通过电话。因为by telephone插入keep in touch with之中,无疑给解答此题增加了不少难度。,【答案】,B,2021/8/11 星期三,21,arise,v,i,.(arose,arisen)出现,发生(appear);起源于,起因于(arise from/out of起因于),A new difficulty has arisen.出现了新困难。,A strong wind arose in the night.夜间刮起了大风。,New difficulties will arise from such situation.,那种状况将会产生新的难题。,2021/8/11 星期三,22,A good idea arose in his mind.,一个好主意浮现在他的脑海中。,There are many problems arising out of the lack of communication.有很多由于缺乏交流而产生的问题。,Accidents can arise from carelessness.,意外事故可能因疏忽而引起的。,2021/8/11 星期三,23,上升;起来,He arose from a chair and walked to the fire.,他从椅子上起身向火炉边走去。,2021/8/11 星期三,24,3.We should be aware that difficulties might _ from such a situation.,Aarise Bawake,Ccause Darouse,2021/8/11 星期三,25,【解析】,句意为:我们应该意识到困难可能由这种情况产生。arise 意为,“,(由,)引起/产生,”,;cause 为及物动词,若用 cause 应为被动语态;awake 唤醒,arouse 唤起,均与句意不符。,【答案】,A,2021/8/11 星期三,26,harmony,n,和谐,一致,融合,In a beautiful picture there is harmony between the different colors.美丽的画面中,不同色彩相互协调。,They worked in perfect harmony.他们合作默契。,2021/8/11 星期三,27,Tom and I worked together in harmony for years.,几年来汤姆和我一起工作,和睦相处。,His tastes are in harmony with mine.,他的口味与我的一致。,2021/8/11 星期三,28,in harmony with.与协调一致,live in harmony和睦相处,be out of harmony with.与不协调,2021/8/11 星期三,29,4.There was once a town in this country where all life seemed to live in _with its surroundings.,Achance Bharmony,Cresponsibility Dintroduction,2021/8/11 星期三,30,【解析】,考查in harmony with这个短语的用法。in harmony with.与,协调。句意为,“,过去有一个城镇,那儿的一切似乎都与周围的环境非常协调,”,。,【答案】,B,2021/8/11 星期三,31,vain,adj,.自负的,炫耀的,She is vain about her beautiful blue eyes.,她对自己那一双漂亮的蓝眼睛颇为自负。,2021/8/11 星期三,32,in vain徒劳;白辛苦,He tried to save his son from drowning,but in vain.,他试图救他儿子免于溺死,但是徒劳。,We tried in vain to persuade him to change his mind.,我们试图说服他改变主意,但没有成功。,2021/8/11 星期三,33,We tried in vain to swim across the lake.,我们试图游到湖对岸,但是没有成功。,We shouldnt pass our life in vain.我们不应虚度一生。,2021/8/11 星期三,34,5.(2008年山东潍坊高三质检3月)The police have searched for the missing gunman for the three months,but_.,Ain vain,Bat large,Cbeyond question,Dagainst their will,2021/8/11 星期三,35,【解析】,句意为:警察找那个失踪的持枪者已经三个月了,但是没有结果。in vain 白费地,徒劳地;beyond question 没有问题;against their will 违背意愿。,【答案】,A,2021/8/11 星期三,36,otherwise,conj,.否则,要不然,You should go now,otherwise youll miss the bus.,你现在该走了,否则就要误车。,Lets hurry up,otherwise well be late.,我们得快点,不然就迟到了。,Do come earlier next time,otherwise youll be punished.,下次一定早点来,否则就惩罚你。,2021/8/11 星期三,37,otherwise后面的分句中常用虚拟语气。,He is old and sick;otherwise he would be working.,他老了也生病了,否则他会工作的。,They liked the apartment;otherwise,they wouldnt have stayed so long.他们喜欢这套公寓,要不然,他们不会住这么久的。,2021/8/11 星期三,38,6.He was very busy yesterday;otherwise,he _to the meeting.,Awould come Bcame,Cwould have come Dshould come,【解析】,句中 otherwise 相当于 if he had not been busy yesterday,表示与过去事实相反的虚拟语气。,【答案】,C,2021/8/11 星期三,39,7We didnt know his telephone number,otherwise we _ him.,Awould have telephoned,Bmust have telephoned,Cwould telephone,Dhad telephoned,【解析】,前面句子用的是陈述语气,但是 otherwise 后应用虚拟语气。,【答案】,A,2021/8/11 星期三,40,quit(quit,quit/quitted,quitted),v,t,.&,v,i,.停止;放弃;辞(职),quit office离职,quit school退学,quit doing sth.停止做某事,They quit work at five.他们在5点钟停止工作。,2021/8/11 星期三,41,Quit smoking in this room,please.,在这间房子里请勿吸烟。,He quit studying to take a walk.他中止学习去散步。,He quit his job last month.上个月他辞职了。,He has decided to quit as manager of the team.,他已决定辞掉球队经理的职务。,2021/8/11 星期三,42,解除,免除(后接介词of),She finally quit herself of fear.她终于消除了恐惧。,2021/8/11 星期三,43,8.Doctors are doing research to find out what happens physically when people _smoking.,Aquit Bdecline,Cdepart Dreserve,【解析】,quit smokinggive up smoking,意为,“,戒烟,”,。decline婉拒,谢绝;depart离开(某地);reserve保存,保留,三者皆不合题意。,【答案】,A,2021/8/11 星期三,44,be devoted to专心致志于,忠于,很喜欢,Some of them were devoted to the study of natural science.,他们中的有些人专门研究自然科学。,2021/8/11 星期三,45,Her son,to whom she is so devoted,went abroad last year,leaving her alone in the small village.,她非常疼爱的儿子去年去了国外,留下她一个人在小村子里。,He is devoted to his career.他专注于自己的事业。,2021/8/11 星期三,46,devote.to.忠诚于,献身于(to为介词,后接,n,./,pron,.或doing.,不能理解为动词不定式符号),He devoted his whole life to studying the origin of cancer.,他的一生都在研究癌症的根源。,He devotes his spare time to learning English.,他把业余时间用来学英语。,2021/8/11 星期三,47,She devoted her lifetime to helping homeless children.,她把一生用来帮助无家可归的孩子。,She devoted her life to promoting world peace.,她一生致力于促进世界和平。,2021/8/11 星期三,48,9.Mr Reed made up his mind to devote all he had to_some schools for poor children.,Aset up Bsetting up,Chave set up Dhaving set up,【解析】,he had为定语从句修饰all,是devote all to setting up的增扩。,【答案】,B,2021/8/11 星期三,49,make an impression on给某人留下印象,have/make/give/leave a good impression on sb.,给某人留下好印象,be under the impression that.觉得,以为,Were under the impression that they were brothers.,我们有这么一个感觉,他们是弟兄。,2021/8/11 星期三,50,The book left/made a deep impression on him.,这本书给他留下了深刻的印象。,What he said gave her a bad impression.,他的话给她留下了恶劣的印象。,2021/8/11 星期三,51,impress,v,t,.印上,impress somebody/something 对留下印象/印在上,The book didnt impress me at all.,这本书根本没给我留下什么印象。,be impressed by/on.被留下印象/留在上,His words are strongly impressed on my memory.,他的话深深地留在我的记忆中。,2021/8/11 星期三,52,I am strongly impressed by his words.,我对他的话印象深刻。,impress somebody on something留在某人上/强调,My father impressed me on the importance of hard work.,我父亲跟我强调努力学习的重要性。,2021/8/11 星期三,53,10.The new teacher made a strong_on all of us by her humorous speech.,Aidea Beffect,Copinion Dimpression,【解析】,idea想法,主意;effect效果;opinion 观点;impression印象。make a strong impression on sb.给某人留下深刻的印象。,【答案】,D,2021/8/11 星期三,54,Songs that are spoken rather than sung are called rap.说出来而不是唱出来的歌叫说唱音乐。,rather than倒不如;而不是,The parents should be blamed rather than the children.,应该受到责备的是父母而不是孩子。,I went shopping by bike rather than on foot.,我买东西是骑自行车去的,而不是走着去的。,2021/8/11 星期三,55,(1)rather than连接两个主语时,谓语动词的数与前面的主语保持一致。,I think Tom,rather than you,is to blame.,我认为是汤姆,而不是你应受责备。,2021/8/11 星期三,56,(2)rather than,前后所连的词性通常是一致的。rather than连接动词时,动词的形式可用其过去式、不定式(不带to)或动名词。,She telephoned rather than wrote.她打了电话而不是写信。,He usually gets up early rather than late.,他经常早起而不是晚起。,I think Id like to stay at home this evening rather than go out.,我想今晚我宁愿在家里也不愿出去。,2021/8/11 星期三,57,2021/8/11 星期三,58,I prefer to go there on foot rather than take a bus.,我宁愿步行去而不愿坐车去。,Id rather die than ask him for help.,我宁愿去死也不会去求他帮忙。,2021/8/11 星期三,59,11.Most people would agree that nuclear science should be developed to benefit the human beings _ harm them.,Amore than Brather than,Cother than Dbetter than,2021/8/11 星期三,60,【解析】,考查连词。rather than 胜于,而不是;more than 常用来做比较,比,多;other than 不同于,除了;better than 比,好。,【答案】,B,2021/8/11 星期三,61,As well as attracting huge audiences in its Hong Kong home,Cantopop has spread offshore,and its stars are known in Beijing,London and New York.粤语流行音乐不仅仅吸引了香港本地的大量听众,而且传到海外的其他国家,香港的歌星在北京、伦敦和纽约都很有名。,as well as用做连词,意为“和,同,又;不但而且”。,2021/8/11 星期三,62,as well as强调前者;而not only.but also强调后者。,He is not only clever but also hardworking.,他不但聪明,而且能干。(强调后者),He gave me clothes as well as food.,他除了给我食物,还给我衣服。,He is hardworking as well as clever.,他不但聪明而且能干。(强调前者),2021/8/11 星期三,63,(1)as well as连接并列主语时,谓语动词单复数形式应与前者保持一致。,I as well as many students am fond of music.,我和许多学生都喜欢音乐。,2021/8/11 星期三,64,(2)as well as后接动词时,常用动名词形式。,As well as breaking his leg,he hurt his arm.,他不但摔断了腿,而且还伤了胳膊。,(3)well也可作副词,此时as well as有“和一样好”之意。,She sings as well as she plays.她弹得好,唱得也好。,2021/8/11 星期三,65,12.The father as well as his three children _skating on the frozen river every Sunday afternoon in winter.,Ais going Bgo,Cgoes Dare going,2021/8/11 星期三,66,【解析】,as well as,n,./,pron,.作主语时,谓语动词与as well as前者主语一致,由every Sunday afternoon in winter可知应用一般现在时态。,【答案】,C,2021/8/11 星期三,67,.单词拼写,1The old man has retired and lives on his p_.,【答案】,pensions,2After several days negotiations,the two parties reached a c_on this issue.,【答案】,consensus,2021/8/11 星期三,68,3Unfortunately there has been a sharp d_in profits this year.,【答案】,decline,4When he was a student,his father gave him a monthly a_towards his expense.,【答案】,allowance,5They worked hard day and night to finish the project ahead of s_.,【答案】,schedule,2021/8/11 星期三,69,6Its not a hotel in the_(传统的) sense,but rather a whole village turned into a hotel.,【答案】,conventional,7Teachers should learn various_(技巧) for dealing with the problems that students have.,【答案】,techniques,8The blind man b_ for money from passersby.,【答案】,begged,2021/8/11 星期三,70,9By the 1980s,the computer industry was_(迅速发展),【答案】,booming,10The tourists_(抗议) about the bad service at the restaurant.,【答案】,protested,2021/8/11 星期三,71,.短语运用,take advantage of,make up for,side by side,experiment with,apart from,rather than,consist of,in silence,be bored with,be supposed to,11He never helps me without trying to_me.,【答案】,take advantage of,2021/8/11 星期三,72,12She is a career woman_a housewife.,【答案】,rather than,13Pay increases will not always_poor working conditions.,【答案】,make up for,14Most people are familiar with the idea that all matters_atoms.,【答案】,consist of,2021/8/11 星期三,73,15The general manager and the chairman are sitting behind the desk_.,【答案】,side by side,16Early_military rockets prepared the ground for space travel.,【答案】,experiments with,17I_work not equal to my abilities.,【答案】,was bored with,2021/8/11 星期三,74,18_the injuries to his face and hands,he broke both legs.,【答案】,Apart from,19I could not stand it_any more and disclosed it to my best friend.,【答案】,in silence,20They_be here an hour ago.,【答案】,were supposed to,2021/8/11 星期三,75,.完成句子,21他专心致志地学习语言。,He is_ _ _ _of the language.,【答案】,devoted to the study,2021/8/11 星期三,76,22我们应该学会与邻居们和睦相处。,We should learn_ _ _ _ _our neighbours.,【答案】,to live in harmony with,2021/8/11 星期三,77,23这个主意听起来不错,但我们要在实践中尝试一下。,The idea sounds fine,but we need to _ _ _ _ _.,【答案】,try it out in practice,2021/8/11 星期三,78,24他不但没听我的劝告,反而干了我警告他不要干的事。,_ _ _ _ _,he did just what I had warned him against.,【答案】,Far from taking my advice,25从二十世纪七十年代以来,英国的工业呈下降趋势。,Industry in Britain _ _ _ _ since the 1970s.,【答案】,has been in decline,2021/8/11 星期三,79,2021/8/11 星期三,80,2021/8/11 星期三,81,


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