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外研版,英语,五,年级,上,册,第一课时,第二,课时,Module 1,Unit 2 We bought ice creams.,Whats missing?,wait,above,dropped,hurry,those,finish,met,Play a game,第,一,课时,Practise.,连锁反应,一列同学一个接一个往下问。,S1:,Did,you,watch,TV yesterday?,S2:,Yes, I did.,Did,you,clean,your room yesterday?,S3: ,We know Lingling,is,in London.,What happened to,her?,Review.,Look, listen and say.,Lingling is in London now. But, how about her friend Daming?,Did,Lingling,phone,Daming?,Did,she,send,Daming an email?,Did,she,send,a postcard to Daming?,Free talk.,Watch the video.,_,Lingling,_,you?,No, she,_.,Listen and fill.,Did,she,send,you,an email,?,No, she didnt.,Heres a,_,from,Lingling,. Its for you.,Did,phone,didnt,postcard,Did she phone you?,Did she send you an email?,Did she send you a postcard?,Yes, she did.,No, she didnt.,Read, match and say.,I have got,an,email,from Lingling,.,Did Lingling phone you?,这是一般过去时的一般疑问句形式,用来询问他人过去是否做过某事。,-Did he go swimming yesterday? -Yes, he did.,例,-Did she buy a book last Sunday? -No, she didnt.,例,句型结构:,Did +,主语,+,动词原形,+,其他?,Yes,主语,+ did. /No,主语,+ didnt.,Did Lingling phone you?,No, she didn,t.,Listen again and read after it.,Did,she,send,you,an email,?,No, she didnt.,Heres a postcard from,Lingling,. Its for you.,Lets act out.,The postcard is from,to,.,What did Lingling write? Lets see.,L,ingling,Daming,L,isten and read.,Look,and fill,.,Watch,the video,.,Listen,and answer the questions,.,1. Did Lingling go to the park yesterday?,Yes, she did.,2. Did she meet John?,Yes, she did.,3. Did she go home by bus?,Yes, she did.,Dear Daming:,Yesterday I went to the park with Sam and Amy,.,W,e,met,J,o,h,n in the park,. Hes,Sam and Amy,s friend,.,W,e,bought,ice,creams,. Then,we went,home,by,bus,.,I,ran,to the bus. And I dropped my,ice cr,eam on Johns new shoes,!,I,was very sorry,.,love,Lingling,Read,and underline.,D,id,Lingl,ing go to the park yesterday,?,.,Did she meet John,?,.,Did they buy,i,ce,cream,s?,.,D,id,they,go,home,by,b,ike,?,.,Did,Lingling,w,al,k,to the bus,?,.,Did,Lingling drop,her,i,ce cream,?,.,No, she,didnt.,Yes, she,did.,Yes, she,did.,Yes,they,did.,No,they,did,nt,.,Yes, she,did.,Read,and answer.,She,ran,on the playground,yesterday,.,run,的过去式,Oh darling, I,love,you,.,go,went,met,meet,bought,buy,was,is,ran,run,drop,dropped,I went to the park with Sam and Amy.,这是一般过去时的陈述句形式,表示过去某一时刻或一段时间所发生的事情或存在的状态。,I,did,my homework yesterday.,例,I,was,young in this picture.,例,句型结构:,主语,+,过去式,+,其他。,Retell the story according to the following information.,Dear Daming:,Yesterday I went to the park with Sam and Amy,.,W,e,met,J,o,h,n in the park,. Hes,Sam and Amy,s friend,.,W,e,bought,ice,creams,. Then,we went,home,by,bus,.,I ran to the bus. And I dropped my,ice cr,eam on Johns new shoes,!,I,was very sorry,.,love,Lingling,e, ea,Chin,e,se,t,ea,cher,i,l,i,sten,g,i,ve,e,t,e,ll,th,e,n,a,c,a,t,a,pple,Listen,and repeat.,Read and choose.,s,ee,s,ea,l,i,sten,b,i,ke,t,e,n,r,e,d,a,pple,h,a,ppy,一、,选出画,线部分读音不同的一项,。,(,) 1.,A.,Chin,e,se,B.,y,e,sterday,C.,t,ea,cher,( ) 2. A.,r,i,ver,B.,rabb,i,t,C.,k,i,te,( ) 3. A.,m,ee,t,B.,h,e,n,C.,p,e,n,( ) 4. A.,c,a,t,B.,a,pple,C.,cl,a,ss,( ) 5. A.,cr,ea,m,B.,br,ea,d,C. s,ea,B,C,A,C,B,Try to do.,1. o,e,p,n,h _ 2. m,e,i,l,a,_,3,. o,p,t,s,r,c,a,d _ 4. p,r,d,o _,phone,email,postcard,drop,二、将,下列字母,组合成一个单词。,Did you,TV,y,esterday,?,Did you,y,esterday,?,Did you,an,email yesterday?,watch,p,lay football,send,三,、看图填空。,1.,词汇,:,ran, email, love,2.,动词,过去式:,gowent, meetmet, buybought,runran, dropdropped,3.,句型:,-Did +,主语,+,动词原形,+,其他?,-Yes,主语,+did./No,主语,+didnt,.,Sum up.,1.,熟读课文。,2.,给你的朋友写一,封信。说一说自己假期去了哪里、做了什么事情。,Homework,第,二,课时,Lingling,had a nice,holiday,.,S,he,wrote a letter to Daming.,Now,show your,letter to your friend!,Show time.,There is a song from,Linglings postcard!,Lets listen!,Listen and say. Then sing.,Watch the video.,T,he,L,ondon,E,ye goes round and round, round,and round, round,and round,. T,he,L,ondon,E,ye goes round and round, high,up in the sky,.,T,he people on the,E,ye say,“,L,ook,at that,!,L,ook,at that!,L,ook,at that,!,”,T,he,people on the,E,ye,say,“,L,ook at that,!,”,high,up in the,sky,.,THE,LONDON,EYE,Listen and sing with it.,THE,LONDON,EYE,Lets sing together.,T,he,L,ondon,E,ye goes round and round, round,and round, round,and round,. T,he,L,ondon,E,ye goes round and round, high,up in the sky,.,T,he people on the,E,ye say,“,L,ook,at that,!,L,ook,at that!,L,ook,at that,!,”,T,he,people on the,E,ye,say,“,L,ook at that,!,”,high,up in the,sky,.,Hi, Im Xiaohai,.,Y,esterday I bought an ice cream.,Yesterday Xiaohai bought an ice cream.,Follow and say.,Hi, Im,Lulu.,Y,esterday,I watched TV,.,Yesterday Lulu watched TV.,Y,esterday,I bought an ice cream.,Yesterday Xiaohai bought an ice cream, Lulu watched and I,Yesterday Xiaohai bought an ice cream and I watched TV.,Yesterday I visited the zoo.,Yesterday Xiaolan visited the zoo and I met a friend.,Yesterday Xiaolan visited the,zoo. Xiaoyong,met a friend,. And I,Play the game with your friends.,Lingling had a nice trip!,Do you like a trip?,Now talk about a trip with your friends!,Look and say.,We went to Shanghai last,Friday. We,came back last Sunday.,Did you go there by train?,No, we,went there by plane.,Did you go to the Huangpu River?,Yes, we,did.,Answer the questions.,1.Did he go,to Shanghai,last Friday,?,Yes, he did.,2.Did he,come,back last Sunday?,Yes, he did.,3.,Did he go there by train?,No, he went there by plane.,4.,Did he go to the Huangpu River?,Yes, he did.,We,went to,Shanghai last Friday.,We,came back,last Sunday,.,We,went,there by plane,.,And we,went,to,the Huangpu,River.,We went,to,We,came,back.,We,went there .,And we,.,We went to,We,came back. We went there . And we,.,Chain game.,Rules:,小组内,轮流,根据所给句型说一说自己,的旅行,,速度快且说得最准确的小组获胜。,一,、根据句意,选词填空。,Yesterday I 1._ to the park with Sam and Amy. We 2._ John in the park. He,s Sam and Amy,s friend. We 3._ ice creams. Then we went home by bus. I 4._ to the bus. And I 5._,_,my ice cream on John,s new shoes!,bought went ran met dropped,went,met,bought,ran,dropped,Try to do.,二,、匹配问句与答语,。,(,) 1. When did you go to the park?,A,. On foot.,( ) 2. Did you buy a new car?,B,. Last Sunday.,( ) 3. How did you go there?,C,. No, I didnt.,( ) 4. Did your father visit,D. I went there by plane.,your grandpa?,(,) 5. How did you come back home?,E,. Yes, he did.,B,C,D,E,A,句型:,Yesterday, Xiaohai,bought,an ice cream. Lulu,watched,TV and I,We,went,to Shanghai last Friday. We,came,back last Sunday.,-,Did,you,go,there by train,?,-Now, we,went,there by plane.,Sum up.,1.,将,T,he London Eye,唱给自己的家人听。,2,.,用所学句型向同伴介绍你假期都做了什么。,Homework,


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