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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,中考复习:宾语从句,从化良口中学英语科组,1-Do you know,the soldiers,came to Yushu Town?,-The roads were badly broken.,They had to walk there,.,(2010山东),A why B when,C how D where,连接词,2 I want to know,.(2010上海),A when we should arrive at the airport B when should we,arrive at the airport,C when the airport we should arrive at D when the airport should we arrive at,考查语序,3-Do you know,last night?,-Some school things,.,(2010广西),A what does she buy,B what she buys,C what did she buy,D what she bought,考查语序,时态,宾语从句三要素,引导词(连接词),语 序,时 态,1 that引导(,无意义,不做任何成分,),主语谓语动词,(,that,),宾语从句,e.g.I hope(that)you will like the book.,主语,be形容词that,宾语从句,e.g.I,am sorry,that you missed the,last bus.,2 if/whether引导(是否),主语谓语动词if/whether宾语从句,e.g.I wonder if/whether you can afford the car.,1.当句末为or not时.,2.介词后面,3,.在动词不定式前.,注意,连接,词只能用whether而不能用if,:,3 疑问词who,whom,whose,what,which,when,where,how,why,等等,引导。,主语谓语动词疑问词宾语从句,e.g.I dont know what time it is.,宾语从句的语序为,语序,即,主语(人或物)在前,谓语(动词),在后。,陈述,注意,几个不变语序的特殊结构:,1.who 在从句中做主语时。2.以下几个句型,Whats wrong?,Whats the matter?,Whats happening?,What happened?,时态的变化,.,当主句是一般现在时,,宾语从句的时态可以,根据句子的意思来使用需要的任何一种时态。,.,当主句是一般,过去,时,,宾语从句必须运用,相应过去的某一种时态,。,.,当,从,句是,客观事实或真理时,,,只能用一般,现在时。,中考链接一,:,考查引导宾语从句的连接词,()1.,I,noticed,one bedroom,window was open.,(,20,10广州语法选择,),A,how,B,that,C,what,D,why,()2.,Im,not sure,_,there are living,things on other planets or not,(,20,10,陕西),A whether,B,where,C,why,D,when,B,A,(),3,.,-,Theres a red car parking in our,neighborhood.,-,Do you know,_,it is?(,2007重庆,),A,w,hat,B who C,w,hose D whom,(),4,.,-,Can you tell me_it is from here to,the Summer Palace?,-,Let me see.Its about fifteen minutes ride.(2006宜昌),A how long B How soon C how far D how much,C,C,解题方法,:,先分析从句,看是否缺少成分,然后根据句子的意思选择,。,中考链接二,:,考查宾语从句的时态,(),1.,Our teacher told us the sun,in,the east,.,(2009广东),A,rise,B,rose,C,rising,D,rises,()2.Tom said he _ back in a week.(,2007四川),A will come,B would come,C come,D,B,解题方法,:,1.主句,为,一般现在时,宾语从句可以根据实际情况选用各种时态。,2.主句为一般过去时,宾语从句要用与之相对应的过去时态。(从句表示客观真理、自然现象时用一般现在时),中考链接三,:,考查宾语从句的语序,(时态,连,接,词,语序同时考查),()1.,-Can you tell me,on the Internet?,-OK,mum.(2010桂林),A.how can I use QQ B where can I use QQ,C.how I can use QQ D whether can I use QQ,()2.,-Were going to fly to Paris.How about you?(2007),-We havent decided,our Christmas holidays.,A where we should spend Bthat we should spend,C where should we spend Dwhen should we spend,C,A,(),3,.-,Did Mis.King leave a message?,-,Yes.She wanted to know,this Sunday.,(2009南京),A.wh,o,you,would,go,shopping,B.,if,you would go shopping,with her,C,that you will go shopping,D when will you go shopping with her,()4.He asked me_.,A.if she will come B.how many books I want to have,C.They would help us do it D.what was wrong with me,D,B,解题方法,:,1语序:一般为陈述句语序除了特殊结构。,2当题目综合考查连接词,时态,语序时,要按顺序一项一项检查,不能遗漏。,中考链接,四:,完成句子。,1.,我经常请教音乐老师,我,怎样才能够弹好钢琴。,(2010年中考),I often ask my music teacher,.,.,.,play the piano well.,2,.迈克还没有决定在哪买新房。(2009年中考),Mike hasnt decided,.,.,.,a new house yet.,how I can,where to buy,3,.妹妹问我是否可以在同家的路上给她买些面包,(2008年中考),My sister asked me,.,.,.,.,somebread for her on my way home.,whetherif I could buy,堂上限时小测,(,6-8分钟),一 单项选择,()1.I want to know _the day after,tomorrow.,A.what he will do B.what will he do,C.what he would do D.what would he do,()2.No one knows_.,A.when will the game start,B.where has our teacher gone,C.who will win the match,D.how long did the meeting last,A,C,()3.Have you decided _ Canada?,A.when will you leave for,B.when you will leave for,C.when are you leaving for,D.when you were leaving for,()4.-Could you tell me_?,-In Shanghai.,A.where does he work,B.when he works,C.when he will work,D.where he works,B,D,堂上限时小测,()5.Im glad _ the game.,A.when you won B.that you won,C.when win you D.that win you,()6.The manager came to see _.,A.what was the matter,B.what the matter was,C.what the wrong was,D.what happens,B,A,堂上限时小测,二 完成句子,1.你能告诉我怎样使用这台电脑吗?,Could you tell me _ _,_ use the computer?,2.吉姆问我是否想和他出去吃午餐。,Jim asked me _ _,_ to go out for a lunch with him.,how,can,I,wanted,i,f/whether,I,堂上限时小测,3.你没意识到你正在说什么。,You dont realize _ _ _,talking about.,4.我父母担心四周有太多的快餐店。,My parents are worried _ _,_ too many fast food re,s,taurants,around.,are,you,what,t,hat,are,there,堂上限时小测,巩固练习,一 单项选择,1.After two hours of interrogation(审判),the policemen finally found out _.,A.what the robber looked like,B.what did the robber like,C.what did the robber look like,D.the robber looked like what,2.-Do you know _?,-Mr Whites,I think.,A.whose house that is B.whose is house that,C.who the house is D.who is the house,A,A,巩固练习,3.-He seems to be quite familiar with this city.Do you know _?,-For about 10 years.,A.where he has stayed,B.how long he has stayed here,C.when he came here,D.how long has he stayed here,4.-Excuse me.Could you tell me_?,-Sure.Just go straight and turn left.,A.how I can get to the


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