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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,无忧,PPT,整理发布,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,教师英语口语,Episode 1,Todays tasks.,1.How to introduce yourself in the first class.,2.How American greet each other.,3.How to organize a class.And pay attention to step 1.,4.Video,on English class,.,5.spoken English.,How to introduce yourself in the first class,Greetings.(p22,p50),Introducing yourself.,Short communication to arouse their interest on you and on English.,Simple.Grammar.,Loud enough.Slow enough.,Repeat for some time.,T:,大家好,我今天很高兴在这里。首先,我想先介绍一下我自己。,从现在开始我教大家英语,我们将共同度过未来三周的时光,很高兴见到你们。我希望我们能在短时间里成为朋友。(,intern teacher,),S:,T:,现在请认真听讲。,T:,今天我们要学习第一单元:,alphabet,2.,美国人打招呼常用语,What,s up?,What,s happening?,What,s going on?,How,s it going?,How,s everything?,How,s everything going with you?,How are you doing?,How are you getting along?,How are things going with you?,How are you?,How have you been?,How,s life been treating you?,美国人打招呼常用语,What,s up for today?,What,s going on today?,Do you have anything planned?,When are you free?,When are you available?,I,d like to spend some time with you.,What time is good for you?,What time is convenient for you?,I really enjoy being with you?,3.How to organize a class.,And pay attention to step 1.,Teaching aim,Listen up,class.,Listen up,boys and girls.,Attention,please.,May I have your attention,please.,I want your attention,please.,首先我们来听一首字母歌。,大家跟我读。,非常好。,*你来读一下。恩,很标准。要是能大声点就好了。,我们总共有四组同学,让我们看看哪组同学读得最好。,现在开始。第一组同学先来。,四组同学表现都非常好。,现在老师再播放一遍歌曲,同学们认真听。,你们喜欢这首歌吗?,我们一起来学习这首歌吧。,大家跟我一起唱。,Follow me,Repeat after me.,Repeat exactly what I say.,Say what I say.,Do what I do.,All eyes on me.,Raise your hand.,Make a fist.,Sound off after me.,(Shout out after me.Repeat loudly after me),Louder,please.,Speak up,guys.,Say it loud and clear.,Raise your voices.,I cant hear you.,Dont sound like zombies.,Turn it up.,Shout it out!,Tell it to the world!,不要看书本,看着我,我要你们注意听。,看着考卷,不要东张西望,不准偷看书。,Time to recite.,Time to remember.,Lets practice and rehearse.,No books allowed.,Rely on your memory.,Show me what you know.,Any volunteer?,Whos first?,You all must take a turn,Episode 2,不准抽烟。,禁止饮食。,禁止携带宠物。,未成年人不得入内。,不得使用手机。,No food or drinks allowed.,No pets allowed.,No minors allowed.,No cell phones allowed.,No+N/Ving+allowed,Whos ready?,Whos ready to go?,Who wants to go?,Everyone take a turn.,Every student will take a turn.,Every student must take a turn.,Episode 2,Read aloud.,Read loudly.,Read quietly.,Read silently.,Read to yourself.,Read all together as one.,Episode 2,一起读。,我会告诉你们什么时候从哪里开始。,等我的信号。,你们准备好了吗?,We are all set,。,我先读第一行。,你跟着读,继续读不要停。,继续读,不要停。,Episode 2,1.Greeting.,2.Revise the numbers.(,提问,唱歌,),3.lead-in of new lessonHappy birthday.,4.Key pointsHow many?,Episode 2,单击此处添加文本,单击此处添加文本,


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