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,*,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,Lesson OneThinking as a Hobby,What does it mean?,Study Focus,To learn the classification of thinking defined by the author and importance of having the ability to think.,To appreciate the humor in the essay achieved by the use of irony, satire and self-mockery.,Part One Pre-reading Tasks,Quotes about Thinking,Introduction about the Author,Quotes about Thinking,“I think, therefore I am.”,Ren Dscartes,“,I cannot teach anybody anything, I can only make them think.”,Socrates,“We think too small. Like the frog at the bottom of the well. He thinks the sky is only as big as the top of the well. If he surfaced, he would have an entirely different view.”,Mao Zedong,Reading without reflecting is like eating without digesting.,Edmund Burke,Believing is easier than thinking. Hence so many more believers than thinkers.,Bruce Calvert,The trouble with most people is that they think with their hopes or fears or wishes rather than with their minds.,Will Durant,孔子曰:“学而不思则罔,思而不学则殆。” (,论语,),Its no use learning without thinking, and so is thinking without learning.,Learning without thought is useless; thought without learning is dangerous.,It throws one into bewilderment to read without thinking whereas it places one in jeopardy to think without reading., From “The Analects of Confucius”,Introduction about the Author,William Golding (1911-1993), a British writer who won the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1983, and who is known especially for his novel,Lord of the Flies,.,He often presents isolated individuals or small groups in extreme situations dealing with man, creating the quality of a fable.,Lord of the Flies,William Goldings main works,Poems,(1934),Lord of the Flies,(1954),The Inheritors,(1955),Pincher Martin,(1956),Free Fall,(1959),The Spire,(1964),Darkness,Visible,(1979),The Trilogy Rites of Passage,(1980),Close Quarters,(1987),Fire Down Below,(1989),republished under the general title,To The Ends of the Earth,Part Two While-reading Tasks,Questions for Preview,Structure of the Text,Language Study,Idiomatic Expressions,Questions for Preview,Is the essay serious or humorous? Is it an anecdotal account of personal experience or close-reasoned essay?,How many grades of thinking are there according to the author? What are they?,Structure of the Text,Part I,(para. 1-24) tells us how the subject of thinking was brought up to the author and how he came to understand the nature of “grade-three thinking”.,Part II,(para. 25-29) deals with “grade-two thinking”.,Part III,(para. 30-35) discusses the definition of “grade-one thinkers”.,Language Study,Paragraph 1,Collocations of “conclusion”,to come to a , to reach a , to arrive at a , to draw a ,to jump to a ,Paragraph 2,statuette=statue+-ette,cigarette=cigar+-ette,kitchenette,kitchen + -ette,(pig, piglet),Q: What were the three statuettes in the headmasters study?,lest: (conj.),(fml) in order to make sure that something will not happen,他怕犯错,每个字都仔细推敲。,He weighed (deliberated on) every word carefully lest he should make a mistake.,她的身体糟糕到了冬天都不敢见太阳,免得中暑。,Her health was such that she would not go out in the sun even in winter lest she get sunstroke.,C.f. in case, for fear that,他给女儿披上他的外套怕女儿感冒。,He put his coat over his daughter for fear that (in case, lest) she should catch a cold.,Note: in case,Take an umbrella, in case it rains.,In case Im late, start without me.,farther vs. further,far farther farthest (concrete),far further furthest (abstract),to be in a position to do sth,.: to be able to do something because you have the ability, money or power to do it,抱歉,我不能回答那个问题。,Sorry, but Im not in a position to answer that question.,spring (sprang sprung):,(vi.) to move suddenly and quickly in a particular direction, esp. by jumping,to spring out of / from/ towards/ down,汤姆跳下床,冲到窗前。,Tom sprang out of bed and rushed to the window.,一只小猫从矮灌木下窜出来。,A kitten sprang from under the bush.,Other meanings: season, underground water,弹簧,发条,The branch sprang back and hit him in the face.,to spring into tears, to spring to ones feet, to spring to mind,beyond (prep.):,on or to the further side of sth.,Beyond the mountains was the border territory.,a naked man, a learned professor, that blessed morning, a wicked boy, the wretched life, our beloved country, ragged pants, my aged parents, his rugged good looks, dogged efforts,Paragraph 3,delinquent (adj.),failing to do what is required by law or obligation,delinquent behaviors, delinquent students,young delinquents (n.),juvenile delinquency,Paragraph 4,integrated (adj.),forming a part of a harmonious group, disciplined,It is our hope to make all the courses and teaching materials integrated.,to integrate (sth.) into/with sth.,integration,(n.),Some historians say that integration is always followed by disintegration and the same is true vice versa.,integrity (n.),You can trust him; he is a man of complete integrity.,integral (adj.),Taiwan is an integral part of our territory.,一个国家不可能强大,除非她不但地理上是一个整体,而且经济上、政治上和文化上都是一个很好的整体。,A nation cant be strong unless it is well-integrated economically, politically and culturally as well as geographically.,if anything,: on the contrary,天气预报说今年冬天不比去年暖和,相反会更加寒冷。,The weather forecast says that it will not be warmer this winter. It will, if anything, get even colder than last year.,writhe (v.),to twist (your body) from side to side violently, esp. because you are suffering pain,He lay on the floor writhing in pain.,He lay on the floor and writhed in pain.,Paragraph 9,contemplate (vt.),to think seriously about something for a long time, esp. in order to understand it better,to contemplate (doing) sth.,Ive never contemplated leaving my job.,She stood contemplating the painting.,She is contemplating a visit to London.,contemplation (n.) contemplative (adj.),C.f. contempt, tempt, temptation, attempt,to catch the light,: to have the light shine on it brightly and suddenly,human (adj.),characteristic of humanity,E.g. human touch, inhuman,C.f. humane (adj.) merciful,inhumane,Paragraph 13,to rise to ones feet,to struggle to ones feet, to stagger to ones feet,to help somebody to his feet, to pull somebody to his feet,to leap to ones feet, to spring to ones feet,Paragraph 15,to endow somebody with sth,.: to provide somebody with a natural quality or talent,她具有杰出的写作天赋。,She is endowed with great writing ability.,a sixth sense,: a keen intuitive power, here the ability to think,Paragraph 16,Variations of “There + be” pattern,There is/are/was /were,There will be/is (are) going to be,There,has been,a secret in my heart.,There,have been,many secret,s,in my heart.,There must be some solutions for such problems.,There should/ may /could be,There seem to be; there appeared to be;,there are supposed to be;,there was said to be; there were believed to be;,there are likely to be;,there are bound to be,the clean life,: a life without moral sins,Paragraph 17,hustle (vt.),to make somebody move quickly, esp. by pushing them roughly,to hustle somebody out/ into/ through,I was hustled out of the building by a couple of security men.,The mother hustled the kids off to school.,hideous,: (adj.) unpleasant or cold,tedious,: (adj.) boring,Paragraph 19,“struggling with all the unnatural impediments”:,The fresh air had to struggle with difficulty to find its way to his chest (because it was not used to this).,“His body would reel”,He would stagger or be thrown off balance.,unaccustomed,(adj.) not used to (sth.),to be (un)accustomed to doing sth.,Paragraph 21,bulge (out):,(vi.) to stick out in a rounded shape, esp. because something is very full or too tight,His pockets were bulging with candies.,Paragraph 23,disinterested,: (adj.) objective,C.f. uninterested: not interested,interested party/ person,Metonymy,换喻,转喻,The world is watching closely what the White House will do next.,Democracy favors the vote rather than the bullet.,Political power grows out of the barrel of a gun.,C.f. simile, metaphor, synecdoche,借喻,The world is like a stage.,The world is a stage.,The teacher gave the students two pencils per,head.,C.f. proficient, sufficient, deficient, efficient,Paragraph 24,to confront somebody with sth.:,to accuse somebody of doing something by showing them the proof,在警察当面向她出示证据时,她承认了一切。,When the police confronted her with the evidence, she admitted everything.,confront: (vt.),We try to help people confront their problems.,On my first day at work I was confronted with the task of chairing a meeting.,the,confrontation,with/between sth.,confrontational,(adj.),“I no longer dismiss lightly a mental process”,I no longer consider the way grade-three thinkers think unimportant because they account for nine-tenths of the people and therefore have great power.,“They have immense solidarity.”,They represent the great majority.,“,all warming their hands at the fire of their own prejudices”,all feeling very content and happy because they share the same prejudices,Paragraph 25,stampede (v.),to get easily frightened and run with the crowd,“fall into the other fault”:,go to the other extreme,withdrawal (n.),detachment from some emotional evolvement; refusing to be part of the crowd,fuss (n.),too much attention or excitement to unnecessary and unimportant things,Dont make so much fuss over losing a pen.,justify (vt.),to give an acceptable explanation for something that other people think is unreasonable,to justify (doing) sth., to justify oneself to sb.,Nothing can justify your cheating on an exam.,to confer sth. (a title, honor, degree) on sb.:,(fml) to offer or give something to sb.,An honorary degree was confe,rred,on him by the University.,The congress men were confe,rring,with each other on the matter.,(n.) conferment, conference,Gandhi and Nehru,Gandhi (1869-1948) and Nehru (1889-1964) were both leaders of the Free-India Movement which,aimed at winning national independence for India through non-violent, civil-disobedience means.,In the course of this struggle, they were jailed by the British government several times. But their efforts finally brought about the independence of India on August 15, 1947.,Paragraph 26,compulsive,(adj.) uncontrollable (mental problems),a compulsive liar / drinker / gambler / buyer,compulsion (n.),I had a sudden compulsion to hit him.,C.f. compulsory education/ lay-offs,impulsive impulse pulse,Aviator,Leonardo Dicaprio acted the part of Howard Hughes, the young eccentric millionaire who had the compulsion of washing hands constantly and were intoxicated with aviation.,literally inspired,: a true historical record; a factual account of Gods divine plan and prophecies,flag,(v.) to decline in interest; to become dull,Paragraph 27,restive,(adj.) unable to keep still, esp. because you are impatient and bored,The children were becoming restive from sitting at the dinner table so long.,“if we were counting heads”,If we were talking about the number of people who believe in this,“the Buddhists were the boys for my money”,I would bet on the Buddhists; I believe the Buddhists are greater in number,for my money,: in my opinion; I bet; Im sure,Paragraph 28,to be given the third degree,: to be severely questioned or interrogated,Paragraph 29,to make for sth,.: to make something possible,日益扩大的贫富悬殊不能使社会保持稳定。,The widening gap between the rich and the poor will not make for social stability.,to satisfy ones ego,: to make one feel proud of ones ability and cleverness,to have a big ego,This DJ work is just a big ego trip for him.,egoism=egotism, egoist, egoistic (adj.),C.f. altruism, altruist, altruistic,Paragraph 30,few and far between,: very few,The missing children were found,safe and sound.,Youre talking as if the issue of low pay is,dead and buried,.,I think we can say that the result of the election is now,cut and dried.,He is still,hale and hearty,at 74. I saw him riding bike the other day.,They wont listen to a long sentence, so just keep it,short and sweet,.,The contract was declared,null and void,.,She has never argued for herself because shes too,meek and mild,.,They had a,free and easy,discussion. They just felt at home.,I hit him,fair and square,on the nose.,to tell somebody,fair and square,: to tell somebody honestly and directly,Rons been skiing. Hes,black and blue,all over!,in the flesh,: as actual people,aspire,(vi.) to desire and work towards achieving something important,to aspire to /after sth.,to aspire to do sth.,她立志要掌握好英语。,She aspires to (have) a good command of the English language.,I can fully understand young peoples aspirations today.,C.f. I hope this success will inspire you to greater efforts.,My visa will expire on March 1,st,.,Paragraph 31,irreverent,(adj.) lacking proper respect for official, important or holy things,at the best of times,: if something is not very good, pleasant at the best of times, it is usually even worse than this,即使在最好的时候这个小镇也不热闹。,Its not a very exciting town at the best of times.,“I came up in the end wholly logical.”,Grade-one thinking must be based on a coherent and logical system for living, in other words, a moral system, without which you cant prove yourself to be a grade-one thinker. This system probably refers to ones world outlook and basic political beliefs and moral principles.,“to do away with a number of trifles”:,to get rid of a number of unimportant things such as big business,Paragraph 33,to go too far,: to go beyond what is reasonable and acceptable,to stand to lose,: to be likely to lose,Paragraph 34,content,(n.),table of,contents,contents,page,to do sth. to your hearts content,(adj.) to be content to do sth.,to be content with sth.,(v.) to content sb. with sth.,sb. is contented with sth.,Idiomatic Expressions,to come/reach/draw/arrive at a conclusion,in (a) panic / anguish,to be in a position to do sth.,if anything,delinquent behavior,to sink ones head,to catch the light,to leap/spring to ones feet,on one occasion,to endow sb. with sth.,to leave sb./sth. out,to be given to (doing) sth.,to watch sb. out of sight,current affairs,to think well of sth.,to lecture on sth.,to confront sb. with sth.,to fall into the other fault/ to go to the other extreme,to lag behind,to confer sth. on sb.,to be given the third degree,few and far between,at the best of times,to do away with sth.,for the sake of sth.,to be content / contented with sth.,to be content to do sth.,delinquent behavior,a nodding acquaintance,to satisfy ones ego,Part III After-Reading Tasks,Discussion about the text,Writing Tasks,Discussion,What are the three grades of thinking? What are their advantages and/or disadvantages?,What kind of thinkers do you belong to?,Give a brief character sketch of Mr. Houghton.,Writing Task 1,Hundreds of thousands of Chinese have joined a debate on whether senior high school students should be separated into,science and liberal arts classes,or not.,The debate came after the,Ministry of Education,began to obtain opinions from the public on whether it was necessary and feasible to,abolish,the long adopted,classification system,.,What is your opinion about the,abolishment of class division,? Write a composition of about 200 words on the above topic.,Writing Task 2,Read Text B “ The Pleasures of Learning” and excerpt topic sentences or impressive paragraphs.,


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