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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,定语从句在写作中的运用,C205,班,我们班是一个大家庭。我们班有,15,个男生,,50,个女生。大多数的人来自农村。钟慧玲是我们的班长,总是对我们非常严格。同时,她随时准备帮助那些有困难的同学。她的热心和善良使我们班成为一个团结的集体。,Speaking,Our class is a big family.It consists of 15 boys and 50 girls.Zhong is our monitor,she is always strict to us.Meanwhile,she is ready to help those,who have difficulties,.Her warmth and kindness make our class a united community.,Speaking,She is the girl _ lives next door.,who,先行词,关系词,Attributive clause,Review,关系词,关系代词,that,which,who/whom/,whose,as,关系副词,when,why,where,1.,A plane is a,machine,_can fly.,2.,The woman,_ you saw in the park is our English teacher.,3.I saw,a woman,_bag was stolen.,4.,The reason,_he was late was that he got up late.,which/that,who/whom/that/,whose,why,5.I still remember,the day,_I first,came to Beijing.,6.This is the place _ I live.,7.,His father,_ works in Beijing,came back yesterday.,when,who,where,11.,Shanghai,_is in East China,is developing quickly.,12.,My mother,_ you met last year,is a business woman.,14._ we had,expected,he failed in the exam.,which,whom/who,As,限定性定语从句,VS,非限定性定语从句,This is the book,(,that,/which),I lost yesterday.,这就是,他昨天丢的,那本书,The book,which,he lost yesterday,has been found.,那本书已经找到了,,是他昨天丢的那本,。,形式上,意义上,关系词,译法上,配色方案,限定性定语从句,VS,非限定性定语从句,区别,形式上,意义上,译法上,关系词使用上,限制性定语从句,不用,逗号,隔开,是先行词,不可缺少,的部分,如若删去,,意思不完整,译成先行词的,定语,作宾语时可省略;可用,that,非限制性定语从句,用逗号隔开,只对先行词进行,补充说明,,如删去,,意思仍然完整,通常译成与主句,并列,的分句,不,可省略;,不,可用,that,非限定性定语从句翻译时通常译成一个,并列句,,其形式往往可以用,and,替换。,He said that he had never seen her before,which,was not true.,他说他以前从来没有见过她,这不是真的。,He said that he had never seen her before,and,this was not true.,I met a friend,and he invited me to his house.,Learning is ones own business,and it can not rely on others.,Learning is ones own business,which,can not rely on others.,I met a friend,who,invited me to his house.,改写句子,_,POST CARD,Made in England,How to write Attributive Clause,1,限制性定语从句,1,.教我们英语的老师,the teacher who teaches us English,2,.昨天我妈妈给我的钱,The money that/which my mother,gave me yesterday,翻译短语,4.矗立在河边的楼房,The building which stands by the river,5.一位皮包被偷了的女士,a woman whose bag was stolen,6.我们在农场工作的开心日子,the happy time when we worked on the farm,7.,她工作的地方,the place where she works,8.她没有交作业的原因,the reason why she didnt hand in the homework,翻译句子,1.不努力学习的学生很难通过考试。,The students who dont study hard will not easy to pass the exam.,2.她上周买的房子非常好看。,The house which she bought last week is very nice.,3.,他是我会尊重其意见的人,He is the man whose opinion I respect.,4,.这就是他爸爸工作的地方。,This is the place where his father works.,5.,我仍然记得我第一次去学校的日子,I still remember the day when I first,went to school.,6.,我不知道他今天不高兴的原因,I dont know the reason why he is,unhappy today.,2,非限制性限制性定语从句,1,.约翰通过了考试,这使他的父母很高兴。,John passed the exam,which made his parents very happy.,2.,张继科,一个奥运冠军,和景甜恋爱了。,Zhang,who is a champion of Olympics,falls in love with Jing.,3.,我仍然记得我第一次去学校的日子。,I still remember the day when I first went to school.,4.,正如我们预料的那样,她又迟到了。,As we had expected,she was late again.,5.,这里有,16,个学生,他们大多数都通过了考试。,There are 16 students here,most of,whom have passed the test.,6.,他下载了一些歌,其中有四首很好听。,He downloaded some songs,four of which were very sweet.,Our class is a big family.It consists of 15 boys and 50,girls.Most of them are from countryside.Zhong is,our monitor,she is always strict to us.,Meanwhile,she is ready to help those who have difficulties,.Her warmth and kindness make our class an united community.,rewriting,which,whom,who,Our class is a big family,which,consists of 15 boys and 50 girls,most of,whom,are from countryside.Zhong is our monitor,who,is always strict to us.Meanwhile she is ready to help those,who,have difficulties.Her warmth and kindness make our class an united community.,rewriting,我的姐姐是一个大学生,,就读于北京大学。我永远不会忘记去年暑假参观这所大学的日子。,她带我参观了那里的各项设施(,facilities),,包括,非常吸引我的,图书馆。这里有超过一万的学生,,他们所有人都为自己的光明前途,(promising future),而奋斗着,,,这点是我之前没有想到的。,她是,我学习的,榜样,我决心努力学习来报答(,repay,),为我辛勤工作的,父母和老师们。,Translation,My,sister is a college student,who,is,studying in Peking University.I will never forget the days when I visited this university last summer.,She showed me around to see the various facilities,including the library,which,attracts me very much,.There are more than ten thousand college students,all of,whom,are fighting for their promising future,which,I have,never thought before.,She is a model,from,whom,I will learn,I am determined to study hard to repay my parents and teachers,who,are working hard for me.,某中学英语报开设了“人物介绍”栏目,请根据一下内容,为该栏目写一篇介绍阿里巴巴集团的创始人马云的英文稿件。内容要点如下:,1.1964,年,9,月,10,日出生于中国浙江省杭州市,2.,曾经两次高考失败,,1988,年毕业于杭州师范学院,3.1995,年,马云创办中国黄页,被广泛认为是中国第一家互联网公司,4.1999,年创办阿里巴巴,为来自,200,个国家和地区的会员提供服务,5.,马云的成功来自于对所做事业的坚持,Homework:write a composition,注意:字数,100,左右,可以适当增加细节,使行文连贯,参考词汇:中国黄页:,China Yellow Pages,杭州师范学院:,Hangzhou Normal University,Ma Yun is the founder,chairman and CEO of Alibaba Group.,_,_,Ma Yun,who,was born in Hangzhou,Zhejiang province on September 10,1964,is the founder,chairman and CEO of Alibaba Group.Ma Yun failed the college entrance examination twic


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