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,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,Unit 1,Women of achievement,Warming Up,Pre-reading,Reading,Homework,Warming Up,A Chinese saying goes:,Women can hold up half of the sky.,Guessing Game,I will describe some people to you, please guess who they are according to my description.,She was the only female monarch(,君主,) of China, and remains the most remarkable(,非凡的,), influential(,有影响的,) and mysterious(,神秘的,) woman in Chinese history.,Empress(,女皇,) Wu Zetian,(624 - 705),in Tang Dynasty,She was Dr Sun Yat-sen,s wife. She was one of the top leaders in modern Chinese history. She,concerned,herself,with,welfare,projects, leading China Welfare,Institute,especially for women and children,.,Soong Chingling,(1893-1981), China,A doctor who became a,specialist,in women,s illnesses. She,devoted,all her lift,to,medical work for Chinese women and children. Her work,encouraged,many other women to become doctors.,Lin Qiaozhi,(1901-1983), China,She was an inventor and a scientist from Poland.,She went to Paris and studied,physics and chemistry,there,.,She is the only woman scientist who was awarded,two Nobel Prizes,.,Marie,Curie (1867-1934),On July 4,1934, she died in Paris, killed by her own experiments.,She died of radiation poisoning(,放射物中毒,).,A girl from the countryside who dressed as a man and went to fight for the French and to drive the English out of France. She was caught and,put to death,by the English.,Joan of Arc,(1412-1432), France,She went to Africa and studied chimps.,As a young girl, she always wanted to study animals. She went to Africa and studied chimps. Her research showed the,connections,between chimps and human beings. She works to protect chimps everywhere.,Jane Goodall,(1934- ), Britain,Jane Goodall went to Tanzania(,坦桑尼亚,) and studied chimps from 1960s. She went with three African helpers to live in the Gombe National Park in East Africa.,Her life was spent following and recording the,social,life and relationships of the chimps. Because of her research, we now know that chimpanzees hunt for meat, use tools, and have different personalities.,In 1965, she earned her PhD(,博士学位,) in ethology (,动物行为学,) from Cambridge University.,Jane Goodall,Pre-reading,Enjoy a short video about Jane and the chimps and then answer the following two questions:,Why do you think Jane Goodall went to Africa to study chimps rather than to a university?,Do you think her work is important? Why?,Reading,A protector of African wildlife,1,st,reading:,Fast reading,1. Who is the protector?,2. What animals are observed?,Jane Goodall,Chimps,2,nd,reading,Intensive Reading,Comprehending,What did the group do first in the morning? They_.,went into the forest slowly,left the chimp family of chimps wake up,observed,the family of chimps wake up,helped people understand the behaviour of the chimps,2. Why did Jane go to Africa to study chimps in the wild? Because she wanted_.,To work with them in their own environment,To prove the way people think about chimps was wrong,To discover what chimps eat,To,observe,a chimp family,C,A,3. Jane,was permitted to,begin her work after_.,A. The chimp family woke up B. she lived in the forest,C. Her mother came to,support,her D. she arrived at Gombe,4. The purpose of her study was to _.,Watch the wild chimps in cages,Gain a doctors degree,Understand and,respect,the lives of chimps,Live in the forest as men can,Comprehending,C,C,The whole day,A family of chimps,wake up,Wander off,into the forest,Feed or clean,each other,The mother chimp and her babies,play in the tree,Come into,mother chimps arms,go to sleep,together in their nest,T h e f i r s t p a r a g r a p h,The first thing,The second thing,She discovered that chimps hunt and eat meat.,She,observed,chimps as a group hunting a monkey and then eating it.,She also discovered how chimps,communicate with,each other.,The second paragraph,The third paragraph,True or false:,She hopes that chimps can be left in the forest.,She supposes that people should not use chimps for,entertainment,.,She has spent more than forty years helping people understand her work.,She has built many homes for the wild animals to live in.,(True),(True),(True),(True),The achievement of Jane,Working with animals in their own,environment,Gaining a doctors degree for her studies,Showing that women can live in the forest as men can,The fourth paragraph,Getting the main idea of each paragraph,Paragraph 1: It is about a day in the park.,Paragraph 2: It is her way of doing her research and some achievement.,Paragraph 3: It is her attitude and feeling to the animals.,Paragraph 4: It is a short summary to her.,A PROTECTOR OF AFRICAN WILDLIFE,Making a chart,A day in the park,Jane,s way to study chimps and her achievement.,Her attitude to the animals.,She has achieved everything she wanted to do.,1,2,3,4,We have a choice to use the gift,of our lives to make the world,a better place,-Jane Goodall,Only if we can understand can we care,Only if we care will we help,Only if we help shall all the life is hopeful,-Jane Goodall,Intelligent,Ambitious Self-motivated Daring,Innovative Caring Positive Sensitive Persistent,What are the qualities that make a distinguished woman?,basis,sparkle,drive,courage,Idea,attitude,Inspiration,will power,Attitude,is a little thing that makes a great difference!,Nothing is impossible to,a willing heart,.,Language points,She helped,improve,prison,conditions,and gave prisoners work and education.,condition c,状况, 状态,the,condition,of weightless,be in good/excellent/ perfect condition,be in bad condition,c,条件,差的工作和生活条件,poor working and living conditions,teaching and studying conditions,on the condition that,引导条件从句 只有在,的条件,下,I will buy you a notebook on the condition that you are admitted to a key university.,concern oneself with sth,使担心,使挂念,show concern about,be concerned about,对,关心,be concerned with,与,相关,connect v. - n.connect,ion,organize v. -n.organiz,ation,She,devoted,all her life,to,medical work for Chinese women and children.,devote to,把,奉献给 ;专心致志于 ; 把,专用于,He has devoted all his life to _(help) the blind people.,Jane has studied these animals for many years and helped people understand how much they,behave,like human.,Jane,已经研究他们很多年了,她帮助人们了解黑猩猩跟人类的行为是多么的相似。,behave,(,1,),vi. to act; bear oneself,行为;举止,她表现出了很大的勇气,She,behaved,with great courage.,他对顾客的态度不好,He _to the customers,.,behaved badly,(2)vt. &vi. to bear (oneself) in a socially accepted or polite way,举止适当或有礼,你应该学会举止得体,You should _.,learn to,behave,.,(3) vi. (of things) to act in a particular way,(,指事物)有某种作用,我的摄像机自从修好后一直很正常。,My camera_ since it was repaired.,has been,behaving,well,3.,worthwhile,worthwhile:,(,adj.),值得,(,花精力、时间、金钱做,),的,a worthwhile experiment,It is worthwhile to do / doing sth.,worth:,值得的,这辆自行车值,50,英镑,_.,这个博物馆(非常)值得参观。,The museum_.,The bicycle is worth,50.,is,(,well) worth visiting,(.,be (well) worth + n. / doing sth.,worthy:,值得的,be worthy to be done,be worthy of + being done / n.,The experiments,is worthy to be done.,eg. He is worthy of our praise.,The experiment,is well worth,the time and money.,The experiment is,well worth doing.,Jane,spent,many years,observing,and,recording,their daily activities.,spend to pay the money or to use time, etc.,花钱, 花时间。,你暑假怎么打发?,How will you _,spend sth on sth,He spent all his savings on a new house.,spend sth( on / in doing sth),其中,ing,前的介词,in ,on,可以省略。,He spent his whole life,looking,after the poor.,花费,Spend sb. Spend sth. (on sth.)/ (in) doing sth,Pay sb. Pay some money for sth,Cost sth. Cost sb some money,Take it takes sb to so sth.,He _about a third of his salary in drinking.,She _ 3000 dollars for the dress.,The DVD_her 150 yuan.,It _him ten days to finish the experiment.,4. observe,(1)vi.&vt. to notice/ watch carefully,观察注意到。,observe +,n./pron./,sb. doing/do sth,that-cl,这位科学家一生都在观察星星。,The scientist has,observed,the stars all his life.,我看到一个陌生人进了、正在进办公室。,I,observed,a stranger,go/going,into the office.,我注意到班上有几个学生睡着了。,I,observed,that several students,were asleep in class.,(2) vt. to obey; to act in accordance with,遵守,顺从,我们必须遵守交通规则。,We must _,observe,the traffic rules,.,(3) vt. to hold or celebrate,举行(仪式等),,,庆祝(节日等),你们国家的人庆祝圣诞节吗?,Do you,_,in your country?,observe,Christmas Day,8.,Only+,状语,+,部分倒装,只有这样,我们才能学好英语。,Only in this way_.,到那时我才意识到我的错误,。,Only then_.,她母亲来帮她的忙,这才使她得以开始自己的计划。,Only after her mother came to help her,_,to begin her project.,did I realize,my mistakes,can we,learn English better,但,Only+,主语时不倒装,只有你了解我。,Only you_,was she allowed,understand me.,I failed in the final examination last term and only then _ the importance of studies.,A. I realized B. I had realized,C. had I realized D. did I realize,D,It was _ back home after the experiment.,A. not until midnight did he go,B. until midnight that he didnt go,C. not until midnight that he went,D. until midnight when he didnt go,C,9.,现在完成进行时,have/ has been doing,表示过去某一时刻开始的动作或状态一直持续到现在,甚至到将来,强调进行的过程或表示到现在为止的一段时间内一再反复进行的动作或存在的状态。,He has been lying in bed for two weeks.,他已经卧床两周了。(现在还躺着),他累了。 一天来他一直在学习。,(,现在还在学习,),He is tired.,He,has been studying,all day.,这些天他不断地给我们的杂志写文章。,All these days _,to our magazine.,he,has been writing,articles,几个月以来,汤姆每天晚间都给艾丽斯打电话。,Tom _,for several months.,has been phoning,Alice every night,Eg Anne has been painting the ceiling.,安一直在粉刷天花板。,Ann has painted the ceiling.,安把天花板粉刷完了。,She has been smoking too much recently.,她近来吸烟很厉害。,Someone has smoked all my cigarettes.,有人把我的香烟都抽光了。,今早起,他一直在看书。,_,He,has been reading,since this morning.,Now that she is out of a job, Lucy_ going back to school, but she hasnt decided yet.,A. had considered B. has been considering,C. considered D. is going to consider,B,He went to Beijing in 1990 and _,there ever since.,A. is working B. has been working,C. works D. worked,B,他一直在写信。,_,他已写了半个小时的信。,_,He has been writing a letter.,He has written a letter for half an hour.,*,现在完成进行时指动作从过去某段时间到现在,一直进行,着,而且有可能持续下去;,现在完成时强调的是一个完成的动作,说明动作的结果。,5. argue (vi.) +with sb. about/over sth,.,同某人辩论某事,他们正在和同学争论这个问题的解决方法,。,They _,about the solution to the problem.,他们正在争执战争是否正当。,They are,arguing,with each other,_,are,arguing,with their classmates,about,the justice of the war.,argue (vt.) +n./clause(,从句,)/sb. to be,我们据理力争我们应该得到更高的薪水。,We,argued,_ .,他花钱的方式说明他很富有。,The way he spends money _ _,that we should be paid more,argues,him to be,rich,.,argue for/against,为、为反对,而辩论,工人们为争取罢工的权力而辩论。,The workers _ .,一些人为反对自由贸易辩论。,Some people _ .,argued,for the right to strike,argue,against free trade,6. inspire,: encourage,adj: inspired / inspiring,n. : inspiration,eg: She was an,inspiration,to all of us.,Her _speech yesterday made us_. We are determined to learn from her and try to do our job better.,inspiring,inspired,He was an _ poet at that time and his,_ poems spread through all the country.,inspired; inspired B. inspiring; inspired,C. inspired; inspiring D. inspiring; inspiring,c,7.,Support 1),支持,2,)承受,3,) 供养,我不知道美国人是否拥护新成立的政党。,I wonder if the Americans,_.,我认为支持本地企业是很重要的。,I think its important to,_ .,那张长椅承受不了,4,个人。,That bench wont _ .,support,the new political party,support,local businesses,support,four people,Subject-verb Agreement,主谓一致,What is S-V agreement?,用动词的适当形式填空,1. I _ a teacher. (be),2. He _ good at swimming. (be),3. You _ late for school again.(be),4. They _ many new books. (have),5. She _ two sisters.(have),am,is,are,have,has,根据主语决定与其一致的单数或复数的谓语,Ex 1 On P5,Rule:,集体名词如,: group, class, company, government, family, army, enemy, population, team, public, crowd, audience,等作主语时,如果强调,整体,,谓语用,单数,,如果强调,个体(其中的各个成员),就用,复数,The,team,is,the best in the league,这个队在联赛中打得最好。,The football,team,are,having baths,足球队队员们在洗澡。,Ex 2 on P5,Rule: every one, everybody, everything, any one, anybody, anything, no one, nobody, nothing, some one, somebody, something, (none,除外,),等不定代词及,each, the other,作主语时,谓语动词用,单数,形式。如:,Nothing,in the box,is,mine.,Rule: None,作主语时,谓语动词,可用单数,也可以用,复数,;但在,代表不可数的,东西时总是看作单数,因而谓语动词要,用单数,。,The teacher with two students _ at the meeting . (was / were),2. A woman with a baby in her arms _ waiting for the bus in the rain.,A,was B,were C,has D,have,3. E-mail, as well as the telephones, _ an important part in daily communication.,A. is playing B. have played,C. are playing D. play,was,A,A,Exercise and Rules,语法一致,Rule,:,单数主语即使后面带有由,with,along with,together with,like,but except,besides,as well as,more than,no less than,rather than,including,in addition to,引导的短语,谓语动词仍用,单数,。如:,My sister,together with/along with/with/as well as/besides my parents,has,gone to Beijing.,The book, including ten science stories,sells,well.,Exercise and Rules,3. Reading English papers and magazines _helpful to our study of English. (is/ are),4. Whether he comes or not _ of no matter. (is /are),5. To say _ one thing; to do _another. (is/are),6. Listening, speaking, reading and writing _four skills for English study. (is/are),7. Where to find the plant and what to do with it _still the problems to settle,.,(is/are),is,is,is,is,are,are,语法一致,Rule,:,单个,不定式(短语)、动名词(短语)或从句作主语时谓语用,单数,;,多个,时看作,复数,Exercise and Rules,8.Many a boy _ made such a funny experiment.,A. have B. are C. has D. is,9.Every means _ been tried since then.,A. has B. were C. was D. has been,10.Each actor and (each) actress_ invited to our school. (is /are),11.Every boy and (every) girl _ got a toy train. (has/have),12.No teacher and no student _ to have classes on Sunday. (agree/agrees),C,A,is,has,agrees,语法一致,Rule:,连接的并列主语被,each,every,、,no,修饰或,many a+,名词,谓语动词用,单数,Rule:each of +,复数代词,谓语动用,单数,Exercise and Rules,13.A number of the students_ gone for an outing. (is/ are),14.The number of the students_ increasing year after year. (is/are),are,is,Rule:,A number of,+,复数名词,表许多的,谓语用,复数,,,The number of,+,复数名词,表,的数量谓语用,单数,。,Exercise and Rules,15. 70 percent of the surface _covered with water.,(,is/are),16. 70 percent of the farmers _ improved their living conditions. (have/has),17. The rest of his journey _ pleasant.(was/were),18. The rest of the girls _ fond of music.( is /are),19. All of your work _well done.(is/are),20. All of your answers _ correct.(is/are),is,have,was,are,is,are,意思一致,Rule,:,all (some, a lot, plenty, any, part, the rest, most, percent,分数,,half)+ of+,名词,,谓语动词根据,of,后面的名词决定,,如果,of,后面是可数名词单数或不可数名词,谓语用单数;如果,of,后面是名词复数,谓语用复数形式,,意思一致,Exercise and Rules,Rule,:,the + adj. / p.p,结构作主语,指人,时,谓语动词用,复数,但如果指,事物或抽象概念,时,用,单数,谓语动词,.,21.The poor_to be helped.(is/are),22.The beautiful _ not always good.(is/are),are,is,就近一致,Exercise and Rules,Rule,:,用,here,there, where,等引导的倒装句中,谓语动词与,靠近它的主语在数上一致,。,21. There _ three chairs, a desk and a computer in the room. (is / are ),22.There _ a desk, a table and three chairs in the room. (is / are ),are,is,Exercise and Rules,23. Either the girl or the boy _ from Canada. (is /are),24. Not only the door but also the windows _ open.,(is /are),25. Neither you nor I _ the answer. (knows/know),26. Not you but I _wrong. (am/ are/ is),You or he _ to take part in the competition. (is/are),is,are,know,am,is,就近一致,Rule:,由,eitheror,,,neithernor,,,not onlybut also,,,notbut,,,or,连接两个主语,谓语动词通常和,邻近的主语一致,。,谓语应该跟主语一致还是跟表语一致,?,We Chinese _ a hard-working people,A,is B,are,C,is being D,are being,此题应选,B,。这里应注意的是:我们通常说的是主谓一致(即谓语与主语保持一致),而不是表谓一致(即不是谓语与表语一致),本题意为:我们中国人是一个勤劳的民族。,并列主语中谓语应与哪个保持一致 ?,1. You or he _ to blame.,你或他有一人要受责备。,2. _ you or he to blame?,受责备的是你还是他?,A,is,,,Is B,are,,,Are,C,is,,,Are D,are,,,Is,答案:,C,,就近一致,是否,and,连接的主语,谓语都用复数 ?,(is/are),1. Both bread and sugar _sold out.,2. The worker and the writer _ from Beijing.,3. The worker and writer _ from Wuhan.,4. Bread and butter _ a daily food in the West.,由,and,连接的并列成分指的是,同一概念,,兼具身份或匹配出现,谓语用,单数,。,由,and,连接的两个并列成分表示,两个不同的概念,,谓语用,复数,。,are,are,is,is,When we grow up we need food to give us nutrition. But the most important thing that we couldnt do without is the love from our parents ,our friends and the ones we loves ,Similarly, a persons success couldnt leave the love to others. Knowledge is the food that a man should absorb(,吸收,) while love is the sunshine, a success should show love to others.,Preface(,前言,),Using Language,a Good Example for Me,Name:,Date:,Home place:,Occupation:,Work:,林巧稚,1901,-1983,Xiamen,Fujian,china,a,specialist,in womens illness,妇科肿瘤学,Gynecologic oncology,Before the lesson please tell us something,about Lin Qiao zhi,.,1.what was the writers problems?,2.what did he decided to do at last? Why ?,3. Which words can we find in the text used to describe Lin Qiaozhi ?,4. What are Lin Qiaozhis achievements mentioned in the passage?,Fast reading,What was the writers problems?,The writer did not know which subject to choose to study at university among English, biology and chemistry.,2.what did she decided to do at last? Why ?,She chose to study at medicial college, because she was moved by Lin Qiaozhi and wanted to help others just like Lin Qiaozhi.,3. Which words can we find in the text used to describe Lin Qiaozhi ?,hard work determination good nature,kindness consideration,4. What are Lin Qiaozhi,s achievements mentioned in the passage?,1.write down three of Lin Qiaozhi,s achievements after reading the passage,a.-,b.-,c.-,She got a medical training for her career.,She became a specialist in womens disease.,She had made sure that about 50,000babies were safely delivered to their mothers.,Careful Reading 2. Answer the following questions,1.For whom and for what purpose did Lin Qiaozhi write a book about how to look after babies?,2.Which period did Lin Qiaozhi live in?,3.Was it easy for a woman to get medical education at that time? Give a reason.,She wrote a book for mothers in the countryside who were not able to get a hospital easily,.,She lived in the early twentieth century.,It was not easy for a woman to get medical education at that time for education was for men first and women second.,4.What do you think are the important qualities a good doctor should have?,I think a good doctor should be kind,patient and have a good knowledge of diseases and ways of cures,Finish the summary.,One day,the writer did some on Lin Qiaozhi,a in women,s diseases.He found something about this great woman: she did her to study medicine and wrote a book for the women in the


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