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外研版,英语,五,年级,上,册,第一课时,第二,课时,Module 8,Unit 2 Yesterday I went to,Sam and Amys school.,第一课时,Lets sing!,火眼金睛,coffee,exercise,skip,playground,before,tea,school,start,past,late,time,go to bed,exercise,skippingrope,join,You say you do.,Walk,walk,walk to school.,Run,run,run to the zoo.,Jump,jump,jump like a rabbit.,Play,play,play in the playground.,Amy walk,s,to school,too.Lets see!,Listen and chant.,Watch the video.,Free talk.,中国学校,or,英国学校,Students,start school at eight oclock,.,China,Students,play in the playground before nine oclock.,England,Differences between you and me,I get up at 7:00 this morning.I got up at 6:30 yesterday morning.,I get up at,What did Lingling do yesterday,?,Lets,go and see together.,Listen,and read.,Watch the video.,Listen and choose.,1)School starts at 9 oclock._,2)The children do morning exercises._,3)The children play in the playground._,A.England,B.China,A,B,A,1.What time do children start school in the UK?,2.What,do,children,do in the playground,?,3.What,did Lingling do,with,the girls?,In the UK they start school at nine oclock.,They all play in the playground.,She skipped with the girls.,Listen again and answer.,15 Marling Street,London,NW2,UK,Dear Daming,Yesterday I went to Sam and Amys school.,In,the UK they,don,t start school at,eight,o,clock.They,start at,nine,o,clock.They don,t,do morning exercises here.They all play in the playground.,I,skipped with the girls.,The,bell rang at,nine,oclock.Then we went into the classroom.,Love,Lingling,Listen and read after it.,15 Marling Street,London,NW,2,UK,Dear Daming,Yesterday I went to Sam and Amys school.,In the UK they,don,t start school at,eight,o,clock.They,start at,nine,oclock.They dont do morning exercises here.They all play in the playground.I skipped with the girls.,The bell rang at 9 oclock.Then we went into the classroom.,Love,Lingling,称呼,信的正文,结束语,签名,地址,Read and Fill in the blanks.,Dear Sam,Yesterday I _ to Linglings school.In China they dont start school at _.They start at _ oclock.They dont play in the _.They do _here.The bell _ at eight oclock.Then we went into the _.,Love,Amy,went,n,ine oclock,eight,playground,m,orning exercises,rang,classroom,一,、,汉译英。,1.,做早操,_,2,.,在教室里,_,3.,在操场上,_,4.,在英国,_,5.,在学校附近,_,do morning exercises,in the classroom,in the playground,in England,near the school,Try to do.,二、根据句子提示写出下列各句描述的是英国学校,“E”,的习惯还是中国学校,“C”,的习惯。,(,)1.The school starts at nine oclock.,(,)2.The school finishes at half past four.,(,)3.The children all play in the playground.,(,)4.The school starts at eight oclock.,E,C,E,C,重点句式:,Yesterday I went to Sam and Amys school.,I skipped,with the girl.,The bell rang at nine,oclock.Then we,went into the classroom.,Sum up.,写一封,信给你的朋友介绍你们学校的情况。,Homework,第,二,课时,Lets sing!,What subject is missing?,Look,!What,time is it now?,Its three oclock.,What do you do at three oclock,?,I have Music,at,three oclock.,Mime,ask and answer.,Look,!What,time is it now?,Its three oclock.,What,do you,do at three oclock?,I have,at,three oclock.,Name,Time,Classes,A,3 oclock,Music,B,C,D,Make a survey.,Name,Time,Classes,A,3 oclock,Music,B,C,D,Make a report.,A has Music at three oclock.,B,What do,you do at,eight oclock every weekday?,I go to school.,Did you go,to,school at eight oclock yesterday?,No,I,didnt,.I,went swimming.,Make a timetable,.Then,ask and answer.,Every weekday,Yesterday,8:00,go to school,went swimming,10:00,do morning exercises,played basketball,17:30,go home,did homework,21:30,go to bed,watched TV,Do and say.,What do,you do at,oclock every weekday?,I,.,Did you,yesterday,?,No,I,didnt,.,Every weekday,Yesterday,8:00,go to school,went swimming,10:00,do morning exercises,played basketball,17:30,go home,did homework,21:30,go to bed,watched TV,Group work.,Time,weekend,Yesterday,7,:,20,go,to school.,.,10,:,00,17,:,30,21,:,30,Make your own timetable.,找,规,s,un,ri,c,e,jui,c,e,h,ouse,h,ead,h,ear,s,h,律,找,规,th,is,mo,th,er,th,at,z,oo,no,s,e,tho,s,e,z,律,找,规,fi,sh,sh,oe,sh,orts,r,ed,r,iver,r,obot,r,律,s,c,z,s,th,sh,r,h,s,un,z,oo,th,is,sh,oe,r,ed,h,ouse,ri,c,e,no,s,e,mo,th,er,fi,sh,r,obot,h,ead,Listen and repeat.,一、选出下列单词画线部分读音不同的一项。,(,)1.,A,.ri,c,e,B.,c,lean,C.,c,loud,(,)2.A,.,th,is,B,.,th,at,C,.mou,th,(,)3.,A,.,s,un,B.trea,s,ure,C,.,s,chool,(,)4.A,.z,oo,B.b,oo,k,C.f,oo,t,(,)5.A,.no,s,e,B,.,s,on,C,.,s,tart,A,B,C,A,A,Try to do.,二,、,连词成句,。,1.do,do,you,at,what,ten,_,2.yesterday,Did,basketball,play,you,_,3.every,I,TV,day,watch,_,What do you do at ten?,Did you play basketball yesterday?,I watch TV every day.,重点音标:,c/s,发音,s,;z/s,发音,z,;,th,发音,;sh,发音,;h,发音,h;r,发音,r,重点,句式:,What do you do at three oclock?,What do,you do,at.,o,clock?,Did,you do sth at.oclock yesterday?,Yes,I,did,./No,I,didnt.,Sum up.,Homework,找找还有哪些单词中,c/s,发音,s,、,z/s,发音,z,、,th,发音,、,sh,发音,、,r,发音,r,、,h,发音,h,。,


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