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Can you list some parties,?,Birthday party,Surprise party,New Year party,Dinner party,招待晚宴,Cocktail party,鸡尾酒会,Tea party,茶会,Housewarming party,新居派对,School-leavers party,毕业生派对,借下午茶时间举办的简便的招待仪式,主人备好红茶、点心和风味小吃。,形式活泼,便于宾客广泛接触和交谈,饮品以酒水为主,略备小吃,仅置几张小桌或茶几。,特殊的欢聚方式,大家如约来到聚会才知道聚会的目的。,Students in America and Europe always attend the school-leavers party before they graduate.,School-leavers party,It is an opportunity to dress up and celebrate becoming a young adult.,What should students prepare for it?,food,drink,some music,clothes,for dancing and,singing,Lets enjoy a piece of video about school-leavers party.,1. To understand the conversation,about traditional food,2. To answer the questions about,the conversation by inferring,and,analysing,3. To review the structure of,passive voice,: be done,4. To be able to make a plan for a party,Objectives,Words:,invitation calendar balloon paint heat knife fork spoon,Phrases:,heat up in fact no good,Patterns:,And I was asked to bring some balloons and paint some pictures for the party.,Its made with chicken and vegetables.,But its eaten everywhere in England.,Focus on,被邀请人,时间,活动,地点,敬语,Have you ever received an invitation? What information does it include?,A Chinese invitation,activity,when,where,R.S.V.P.:,请回复,相当于,please reply.,An English invitation,Look at the picture and try to get as much information as possible.,There are some delicious finger food on the table.,Some teenagers are attending the School-leavers party.,They must have received invitations before they came here.,Listen and complete the invitation.,1,P48,Invitation,Youre invited to _,on Saturday, 30th May at _,in _,Bring a traditional dish (_),Come and enjoy the food, music and dancing.,school-leavers party,5 pm,the school hall,finger food,Now work in pairs and check.,Lingling, Betty,Daming,and Tony are preparing for the school-leavers party. Listen and read. Finish the following tasks.,Task 1,Listen to the conversation and make a list of preparations for the school-leavers party they need to make.,play the dance music,bring some balloons,paint some pictures,prepare a traditional dish from their home country,Task 2,Complete the notes.,2,P48,Dish,Made with,Lingling,Betty,Daming,Not mentioned in the passage,Tony,cheeseburgers,hamburgers and cheese,hot and sour soup,chicken and vegetables,pizza,cheese, tomato and ham,jiaozi,Task 3,Answer the questions.,3,P49,1.What was,Daming,chosen to do at the school-leavers party?,2. Where are they going to prepare the food,?,3. Why does Tony call pizza a traditional English dish?,Daming,was chosen to play the dance music.,They are going to prepare the food at home.,Tony calls pizza traditional English dish because its eaten everywhere in England.,Task 4,1. They should cook the food at home instead of at school.,2. Hot and sour soup is a good choice for the school-leavers party.,3. Cheeseburgers are a kind of finger food.,4.,Daming,decides to make,jiaozi,at last.,is not,because hot and sour soup is not finger food.,may prepare other traditional dish.,Read and try to recite the conversations in 5-10 minutes.,Role-play,1.,Role play the conversation,in groups;,2.,Role play the conversation,in front of the class,Lets see which group does the best.,Task 5,Complete the passage with the words in the box.,4,P49,The day for the school-leavers party is an important date in the school (1) _. Tony is going to bring some (2) _ and (3) _ some pictures for the party. Everyone is going to bring a traditional dish that can be eaten with their fingers. Soup is no good because it is not finger food and people need a (4) _ for it. Anything that needs a (5) _ and (6) _ is not finger food either.,balloons calendar fork knife paint spoon,calendar,balloons,paint,spoon,knife/fork,fork/knife,Language points,1.,The teachers have asked everyone to prepare a traditional,dish,from their home country.,老师让每个人都准备一道自己国家的传统菜肴。,在这句话中,,dish,的意思是“,烹制好的菜肴;一道菜,”。如:,我们走之前,我会把餐具洗好的。,Ill just do the dishes before we go.,Practise,dish,的另外一个意思是“,盘子,”,其复数形式,dishes,还可以表示“,待洗的餐具,”。,When I was in Italy, I had a wonderful pasta,dish,.,我在意大利的时候,吃过一顿很棒的意大利面。,2.,We can,heat,it,up,in the school kitchen.,我们可以在学校食堂加热一下。,heat up,的意思是“,加热,”。如:,Colin heated up a pie for me.,科林给我热了一个派。,Would you go into the kitchen and heat up some coffee?,请去厨房热些咖啡好吗,?,Practise,3.,Oh, soups,no good,.,哦,汤不行。,现在担心那件事已经没用了。,Its no good worrying about that now.,我觉得这部电影不太好,打斗场面太多。,The movie is no good, I think. Theres too much fighting.,Practise,no good,表示“,没(或没什么、没多大)用处(或好处),”。,A car is,no good to me, since I cant drive!,汽车对我没多大的用处,因为我不会开车,.,3),no good to,sb,.,对某人没有好处,/,没有帮助,These glasses are,no good for,wine.,这些杯子不适合用来喝红酒。,2),no good for,sth,.,不适合某物,/,某事,Its,no good talking,to him he never listens.,跟他讲没用,他从来不听。,no good,的用法:,1),no good doing,sth,.,做某事没用,4),do no good,没用处,不成功,Ill talk to him, but it will,do no good,.,我会和他谈的,但不会有用。,Pronunciation,and speaking,长的句子按照意,思的群落(即“意群”)适当断开、稍加停顿(即“停顿”),,断开的几部分都具有相对完,整的意思。,分析,:,一些长的句子需要按照意思的群落(即“,意群,”)适当断开、稍加停顿(即“,停顿,”),断开的几部分都具有相对完整的意思。按照一般语法结构,可划分为以下意群单位:,(1),短句,(2),名词短语,(3),介词,/,不定式,/,分词短语,(4),动词短语,(5),主谓结构,(6),动宾结构,(7),系表结构,(8),动状结构,(9),主句,-,从句。,Read the mark the pauses.,5,P49,Lingling,:,Can we cook it at school?,Betty:,We can heat it up in the school,kitchen, but it should be,cooked at home. What are you,going to make?,Now listen and check.,Work in pairs. Read the conversation aloud.,6,P49,Work in pairs. Make plans for a party.,7,P49,food and drink,music and dancing,party,decoration,where,when,finger food?,soft drink?,fruits?,balloons? pictures?,colourful,lights?,in the living room?,5 pm - 7 pm on Sunday?,in the hall?,some CDs?,Talk,Work with another pair. Talk about your party plans.,8,P49,Whats your plan for the party?,Everyone will be asked to bring something to eat.,Music will be played all evening, and dancing has been planned from 5 pm.,Do you need to take something to the party?,No. Various food and drinks will be prepared.,For example:,本课时主要短语和句型,总结回顾,1) heat up,2) Soups no good.,3) I see what you mean.,4) And I was asked to bring some balloons and paint some pictures for the party.,5) Its made with chicken and vegetables.,Now 2,mins,to test your spelling.,Spelling Bee,1.,English-Chinese,invitation spoon Italian knife calendar balloon fork cheeseburger,2.,Chinese-English,使变热;给,加热 没什么用处,/,好处,When finished, exchange your papers to see who does the best.,注,:,另附,word,文档。,点击此处链接,.,用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。,1. Danny, how many _ (knife) are there on the table?,2. I received an _ (invite) from Lucy yesterday morning.,3. What happened to him?, He hurt one of his _ (finger) when he was cutting an apple.,4. What is the most famous _ (tradition) dish in Sichuan?,knives,invitation,fingers,traditional,.,翻译句子。,1.,如果你觉得饿,你可以去厨房热一下吃的。,_,_,2.,吉姆周末经常帮妈妈洗餐具。,_,3.,他知道说什么也没有用了。,_,_,He knew it was no good saying anything.,Jim often helps mom wash/do the dishes on weekends.,If you feel starving, you can heat up the food in the kitchen.,Homework,1. Search for some information about Chinese eating customs.,2. Preview the new words and expressions in Unit 2.,


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