Thinking about MacbethShakespeareHelp关于麦克白 shakespearehelp思维

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,Click to edit Master title style,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,#,This is a partial version of,Thinking about,Macbeth,an interactive study guide produced by Shakespeare Help.,Viewing this Presentation,To view this presentation in Slide Show View:,Press the F5 key on the top row of the keyboard,or click the Slide Show tab on the ribbon and then click the From Beginning button.,To exit the presentation,press the ESC key.,To purchase the complete presentation,please visit:,Next Slide,Click,the mouse to continue.,An Interactive Study Guide,Thinking about,Macbeth,Whats in This Study Guide?,Home,Introduction to,Macbeth,Quizzes,Quotes,Characters,Recurring Images,Themes,YouTube Videos,Essay Topics,Introduction to,Macbeth,Main Menu,The Basics,The Text,The Great Chain of Being,Macbeth,and King James,Macbeth The Basics,Macbeth,was,written in 1606,the last of Shakespeares four great tragedies(,Hamlet,Othello,King Lear,).,Shakespeare was in his early 40s,a mature playwright with an established reputation.,The,source,of,Macbeth,is,Holinsheds,Chronicles,of Ancient British History,used frequently by Shakespeare as a plot source.,Macbeth,is a more,complex morality play,focusing on a man who faces a choice between good and evil,and chooses evil.,However,Macbeth is more than a one-dimensional villain,.He is a believable human being who gives in to the temptation of ambition.,Main Menu,Next,Introduction to Macbeth,Macbeth The Text,There is only one definitive version of Macbeth the First Folio.,The First Folio is a collection of 36 of Shakespeares plays prepared by two of his colleagues 7 years after his death.,It is considered the most reliable text of many of the plays,which also existed in“bad quarto versions.,Main Menu,Next,Back,Introduction to Macbeth,Macbeth The Text,Some scholars theorize that there are missing scenes.,The scenes with Hecate(III,5&IV,1)were probably added after Shakespeares death for the purpose of entertaining the audience.,Macbeth,is one of Shakespeares shortest plays.,Macbeth,also contains several unanswered plot questions:,Who was the 3,rd,murderer?,What happened to Fleance and Donalbain?,Did the Macbeths have children?,Did Lady Macbeth commit suicide?,Main Menu,Next,Back,Three Witches,Henry Fuseli,Introduction to Macbeth,The Great Chain of Being,God,Angels,Demons,Stars,Moons,Kings,Princes,Nobles,Men,Wild Animals,Domesticated Animals,Trees,Other Plants,Precious Stones,Precious Metals,Other minerals,Main Menu,Next,Shakespeares audience believed in a great Chain of Being that determined the natural order of events.,The chain was a series of hierarchical links with God at the top.,Each level of the chain had its own hierarchy,with the king at the top of the human level.,Disruptions in the chain could also disrupt the laws of nature and cause bizarre events to occur.,Introduction to Macbeth,Back,Macbeth and King James I,Aspects of the play were calculated to flatter King James,who ascended the throne in 1603 after Queen Elizabeth died.,James had authored,Demonology,in 1597 and was intensely interested in the supernatural.,James was a descendant of the historical Banquo.,The line of kings in IV,1 suggests that the Stuart line will continue indefinitely.,Main Menu,Back,King James I,Paulus Van Somer,Introduction to Macbeth,Macbeth,Quizzes,Act I,Act II,Act III,Act IV,Act V,Main Menu,Quiz:Act I,Click the hand,for an answer.,Why did King Duncan strip the Thane of Cawdor of his title and give it to Macbeth?,What prophecies did the witches make regarding Macbeth?,What prophecies did the witches make regarding Banquo?,How does Lady Macbeth react to the witches prophecies and the idea of killing the king?,Macbeth Quizzes,Main Menu,Why did King Duncan strip the Thane of Cawdor of his title and give it to Macbeth,?,Click anywhere to show answer.,The Thane of Cawdor betrayed King Duncan and deserted to the rebel army during the battle.,Macbeth fought heroically in the battle,killed the rebel leader,MacDonwald,and helped win the day for Duncans army.,Main Menu,Next Question,Macbeth Quizzes,Quotes from,Macbeth,Main Menu,Act I Quotes,Act II Quotes,Act III Quotes,Act IV Quotes,Act V Quotes,“Fair is foul and foul is fair.,“If you can look into the seeds of time,And say which grain will grow and which will not,Speak then to me.,“The Thane of Cawdor lives:why do you dress me In borrowed robes?,“Look like th innocent flower,But be the serpent under t.,“Fair and noble hostess,We are your guest tonight.,“Hes here in double trust:First,as I am his kinsman and his subject,Strong both against the deed.,Act I Quotes,Who said it,and why is it important?,Click the hand,for an answer.,Main Menu,Macbeth Quotes,“Fair is foul and foul is fair.Click anywhere to show answer.,Macbeth Quotes,Who said it,and why is it important?,This is the witches chant in the opening scene and one of the main themes of the play the confusion between good and evil,or between appearance and reality.Things


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