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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Unit 2,Unit 2,What time do you go to school?,Section B 1,1a-2c,half past nine,a quarter,past,seven,a.m.,in the morning,a quarter,to,twelve,quarter,half,p.m.,in the afternoon,What time is it?,go to bed,do homework,clean the room,take a walk,What time do you.?,a quarter to ten in the evening,Wh,en,do students usually do these things?Match the activities with the time of day.,1a,1.do homework,2.eat dinner,3.eat breakfast,4.go to bed,half past six in the morning,a quarter past three in the afternoon,a quarter to seven in the evening,3,2,4,1,Ask and answer with your partner.,1b,A:,When do students usually eat dinner?,B:,They usually eat dinner at a quarter to,seven in the evening.When do they usually,go to bed?,A:,They usually go to bed at a quarter to ten,in the evening.When do they eat breakfast?,B:,They usually eat breakfast at half past six,in the morning.When do they do,homework?,A:,They usually do homework at quarter past,three in the afternoon.,get up _ 6.do my homework _,run _ 7.clean my room _,eat breakfast _ 8.eat dinner _,go to school _ 9.take a walk _,go home _ 10.go to bed _,Listen and circle the activities you hear.,5:30,Listening,1c,get up 6.do my homework,run 7.clean my room,eat breakfast 8.eat dinner,4.go to school 9.take a walk,5.go home 10.go to bed,Listen again.Write the time next,to the activities you circled in 1c.,5:30,6:00,7:00,7:45,4:15 p.m.,5:30 p.m.,7:15 p.m.,9:00 p.m.,1d,Interviewer:,Tom,I want to know about,your day.,Tom:OK.,Interviewer:,When do you get up?,Tom:When do I get up?Hmm.Usually,about half past five.Then I run at six,oclock.,Role-play the conversation between the interviewer and Tom.,Interviewer:You run at six in the morning?,Tom:Uh-huh.,Interviewer:And,what time do you eat,breakfast?,Tom:Breakfast?Usually about seven.And,then I usually go to school at a quarter,to eight.,Interviewer:Wow!And you go home at?,Tom:A quarter past four in the afternoon.,Interviewer:And what do you do in the,evening?,Tom:I do my homework at about five thirty,and I eat dinner at seven fifteen.I go to,bed at nine oclock.,Interviewer:Thats early!But then you get,up early.,Tom:Uh-huh.,When does Tom usually get up?,He usually gets up at half past five.,Ask and answer questions about Tom.,What time does Tom usually?,He usually,1e,go to bed early _,eat ice-cream _,play sports _,eat quickly _,take a walk _,eat vegetables _,Check the activities you,think are healthy.,2a,brush teeth twice a day,eat lots of fruit,What other healthy,activities do you know?,eat a good breakfast,Think!,Mary.,Scan the passage and answer the question.,2b,Scanning,Who is healthier,Tony or Mary?,Listen and read the passage carefully and fill in the blanks.,Time,Tonys Activities,at eight,_,eats a quick breakfast,at eight thirty,_,at noon,_,after school,_,_,in the evening,_,at ten thirty,brushes teeth and goes to bed,gets up,goes to school,eats hamburgers,plays basketball for half an hour,does his homework,watches TV or plays computer games,Time,Marys Activities,_,gets up,takes a shower and eats a good breakfast,_,goes to school,at twelve,_,after lunch,_,_,in the evening,_,at nine thirty,goes to bed,at six thirty,at eight thirty,eats lots of fruit and vegetables,plays volleyball,eats ice-cream,does her homework,swims or takes a walk,Retell.,Tony usually gets up at,then he,At,he At noon,he,After that,he.,In the evening,he At about,he,He has a busy day.,Tony,_,_,_,_,Mary,_,Unhealthy habits,gets up late,Write down the unhealthy habits of each person.Then think of healthy activities for them.,eats breakfast quickly,eats hamburgers for lunch,goes to bed late,2c,eats ice-cream after dinner,1.,past,prep.,晚于;过(时间),adj.,过去的,e.g.Its half _ ten.(,过,),The danger was _.(,过去,),2.homework,n.,家庭作业,e.g.Do you have _ homework,today?(much,many),past,past,much,3.run,v.,跑;奔,e.g.My sister likes _ in the morning.,(跑步),拓展,:runner,n.,参加跑步的选手,4.walk,n.,&,v.,行走;步行,e.g.Our,headteacher,always _ to,school every morning.,拓展,:take a walk go for a walk,e.g.I want _ with you.(,散步),Lets _.(,去散步),running,walks,to take a walk,go for a walk,5.clean,v.,打扫;弄干净,adj.,干净的,e.g.Does he often _ his mothers,room?,We must keep our environment _.,拓展,:cleaner,n.,清洁工,do some/the cleaning,clean,clean,quickly,adv.,“很快地”,修饰动词。,e.g.,Dont eat,quickly,.Its not a good habit.,别吃得太快,这不是个好习惯。,拓展:,quick,adj.,快的;迅速的,e.g.Tom eats a,quick,breakfast,then,goes to school.,汤姆快速吃完早饭,然后就去上学,了。,6.,so I usually eat very,quickly,.,7.,In the evening,I,either,watch TV,or,play computer games.,either,conj.,或者,adv.,也(用在否定词组后),either or,“或者,或者,;要么,.,要么,;,不是,就是,”,连接两个独立的词、短语或句子成份。,当,eitheror,连接两个名词作主语时,谓语动词的时态和数应与最近的一个相匹配(就近一致)。,e.g.,Either,you,or,he _ right.,He is good at _ singing,_ dancing.,(要么,.,要么),You neednt go to the shop,_.(,也),is,either,or,either,8.,she eats,lots of,fruit and vegetables for lunch.,lots of,与,many,much,的用法,都有“许多;大量”之意,,但用法不同。,1),lots of,后面可以跟可数名词也可以跟不可数名词。,e.g.He doesnt have,lots of,(=many),books.,We have,lots of,(=much)work to do.,2),many,与可数名


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