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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,Chinese Values,103班,何林唏,Traditional Chinese Values,Confucianism,Taoism,Chinese Buddhism,Confucianism,Humanism,(,Benovolence),is at the core in Confucianism.A simple way to appreciate Confucian thought is to consider it as being based on varying levels of honesty,and a simple way to understand Confucian thought is to examine the world by using the logic of humanity.In practice,the primary foundation and function of Confucianism is as an ethical philosophy to be practiced by all the members of a society.,Five Constants(Wuchang),Ren,(仁,Benevolence or,Humaneness),Yi,(義,Righteousness or Justice),Li,(禮,Propriety or Etiquette),Zhi,(智,Knowledge),Xin,(信,Integrity).,The feeling of commiseration is the principle of benevolence.The feeling of shame and dislike is the principle of righteousness.The feeling of modesty and complaisance is the principle of propriety.The feeling of approving and disapproving is the principle of knowledge.,-Mencius,Taoism,Taoism is a philosophical and religious tradition that emphasizes living in harmony with the Tao(modernly romanized as Dao).The term Tao means way,path or principle,and can also be found in Chinese philosophies and religions other than Taoism.In Taoism,however,Tao denotes something that is both the source and the driving force behind everything that exists.It is ultimately ineffable:The Tao that can be told is not the eternal Tao.,Chinese Buddhism,Chinese Buddhism,refers collectively to the various schools of Buddhism that have flourished in China since ancient times.Buddhism has played an enormous role in shaping the mindset of the Chinese people,affecting their aesthetics,politics,literature,philosophy and medicine.,A,t,the peak of the Tang Dynastys vitality,Chinese Buddhism produced numerous spiritual masters.Scholars classified Chinese buddhism into 7-15 schools,commonly into 10 schools,called the,Ten Schools of the Han Transmission of Buddhism,.,After the turmoil of the Cultural Revolution,Chinese Buddhism is growing again,with ancient monasteries being rebuilt,and more people choosing to take ordination as monks and nuns.,Values of the Peoples Republic of China,The,values,of the,Peoples Republic of,China is a rich and varied blend of traditional Chinese,values,with communist and other international modern and post-modern influences.During the Cultural Revolution,an enormous number of cultural treasures of inestimable value were seriously damaged or destroyed and the practice of many arts and crafts was prohibited.,Since the early,1980s,however,official repudiation,of those policies has been complemented by vigorous efforts to renew Chinas remarkable cultural traditions.Chinas culture thus remains highly complex,encompassing ancient traditions and modern experiments,in what sometimes appears to be a rather dynamic but tenuous mix.,June 21,2013,two girls were starved to death at home.,July 24,a girl who escorted a pregnant woman back home was killed by the woman and her husband.,July 24,a man threw a two-year-old girl onto the floor after the quarrel with the girls mother.,Questions:,Whats your values?,Is Chinese values(Chinese culture)the best in the world?,


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