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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,2021/8/11 星期三,*,1 cut down,The little boy cut down the young tree with an axe,The doctor told me to cut down smoking and drinking,cut sth from sth,She cut a slice of beef from the joint,cut sth away 切除,减去,They cut away all the dead branches from the tree,cut up sth,cut off,While we were cooking, the gas was suddenly cut off for some reason.,2021/8/11 星期三,1,2.no longer/no more,no longer = not. any longer 常指时间概念,作状语,常和持续性动词连用,no more = not. any more 常与点动词连用,no more置于句末,China is no longer what she used to be,China is not what she used to be any longer,Time lost will return no more,Time lost will not return any more,2021/8/11 星期三,2,3. endanger,Smoking endangers your health.,The panda is an endangered species.,大熊猫是面临绝种危险的动物。,4 in danger,The temples were in danger.,out of danger,He has been very ill, but he is now out of danger,dangerous & in danger,He told me that the girl was in danger, so we went to help her.,The man was dangerous, we must be careful with him.,danger,Smoking is a danger to health.,2021/8/11 星期三,3,make sure that / of sth 把某事弄清楚; 设法确保,我不在时务必照顾好他。,Make sure that you look after him while Im away.,Make sure that you understand what your teacher says.,Make sure of the time and place of the meeting.,be sure of 一定会获得、赢得,You are sure of a warm welcome.,你一定会受到热烈欢迎的。,be sure to do sth 肯定要做某事 务必做某事,It is sure to rain.,You are sure to fail if you do it that way.,你那样做一定失败。,Be sure to write and tell me all your news.,务必来信把你的所有情况都告诉我。,2021/8/11 星期三,4,6. die out,This kind of plant died out centuries ago.,Many old customs are gradually dying out.,许多旧习俗逐渐消失了。,The fire finally died out.,die of / from,die away (声音、光线、风等)渐弱,渐息,7.,as a result of,The flight was delayed as a result of fog.,He became blind as a result of the accident.,8. It follows that 必然发生,If a = b and b = c it follows that a = c.,She is not in the office but it doesnt necessarily follow that shes ill.,她不在办公室,并不见得她病了。,2021/8/11 星期三,5,9. find out & find,Can you find out what time the train leaves. 你能查问出火车什么时候开吗?,find out the truth of matter,find out how to open the box,find out his address / where he lives,find out经研究或询问获知,2021/8/11 星期三,6,find + n / pron + n / adj / adv / prep / doing / done / to be,I find it a difficult book.,They found the Chinese people (to be ) very friendly.,I went to her home but found her out.,Toward evening we found her with Mrs Yang.,傍晚时分,我们发现她和杨夫人在一起。,When we got there, we found him working.,I found the door closed.,find 经寻找后找到或偶然发现。,2021/8/11 星期三,7,10. act v,act as = serve as,He acts as a secretary,act out,act out a story /your dialogue,act n.c 行为,行动,My first act was to run into the waiting room,acting表演,演技,His acting is first-rate.,他的演技是一流的。,actionuc 行为,行动,Actions speak louder than words.,take action,I didnt take immediate action.,active,2021/8/11 星期三,8,11. take turns asking and answering,Take turns doing the housework.,by turns(指人或人的动作) 轮流地,We did the work by turns.我们轮流做这项工作。,in turns 依次,逐个,The girls called out their names in turns. 那些女孩逐一报出她们的名字。,turn,It is your turn. 该轮到你了。,It is sbs turn to do sth.,It is your turn to clean the classroom.,His turn will come. 要轮到他了。,Youve missed your turn. 你错过了你的轮次。,the turn of the wheel,a sharp turn in the road公路上的一个急转弯,at the turn of the century 在世纪之交,2021/8/11 星期三,9,12. keep sb. from doing sth.,Nothing can keep / stop / prevent us from doing that.,We must stop / prevent the disease (from) spreading.,Im sorry for having kept you waiting for so long.,很抱歉让你久等了。,2021/8/11 星期三,10,13. tour, travel, journey, trip,tour 是为游玩而到几个地方观光的(长途或短途)旅行,They are going on a world tour.,他们正在环球旅行。,travel 指时间稍长的旅行,尤指出国旅行。,She is going off on her travels again. 她有去旅行了。,journey指经常走过的或长或短的距离, 或指单程远距离旅行(常指通过陆路)。,How long is your journey to work?,We will make a journey to the northwest of China.,trip 指短期的旅行或观光,从某地出发再回到该地。,He made a trip to the seaside.,注:现在trip 和journey 可以互换,voyage 是通过水路或航空的长途旅行。,2021/8/11 星期三,11,14. live a better life 是一个含有同源宾语的动词词组。,live/ lead a happy / a sad / an active life,die a brave death死得非常英勇,smile a happy smile 开心地笑,dream a terrible dream做了一个可怕地梦,15. harm,v. an event which has harmed the relations between the two countries 危及两国关系的事件,n. u do harm to,adj. harmful,Smoking is harmful to your health.,2021/8/11 星期三,12,16. take measures,We must take measures to protect him.,We must take measures to prevent pandas from dying out.,If he refuses to pay, I will take measures against him.,measure,vt. 量尺寸/大小,We measured the house and found it was 200 feet long and 150 feet wide.,vi. 尺寸是,面积为,The room measures 150 by 200 feet.,vt. Carefully consider.,He is a man who measures his words.,他是一个用词很讲究的人。,n. 尺寸;度量衡;措施,The meter is a measure of length.,All parties support the measures.,这些措施受到各派的支持。,2021/8/11 星期三,13,17. adapt to sth. adapt oneself to sth,1,Generally speaking, the species that are able adapt to the change of the environment will survive, while the others will die out.,When you are abroad, you must find ways to adapt yourself to the culture and custom there.,2,The film,Farewell My Concubine,was adapted from the novel of the same title by Hong Kong novelist Li Bihua.,As few students can read Shakespeare in the original, we are going to have the book adapted for Senior One students.,adaptable adj.,adaptation n.,2021/8/11 星期三,14,18. original,the original plan 原来的计划,an original play,原创剧本,an original movie,原版电影,n. 原作品;原著,read Shakespeare in the original,2021/8/11 星期三,15,19. first of all 首先; 最初;首要,First of all, let me introduce myself to you.,First of all she smiled, then she started to laugh.,最初她只是微笑,后来才放声大笑。,Well, first of all we cant possibly spare the time.,你看,最主要的是我们实在是抽不出时间。,at first (at the beginning) 最初;开始,There was little trouble at first, but things were soon good.,At first, I was not used to the life here.,2021/8/11 星期三,16,20. by (by the use or means of),His father made a living by teaching.,All the work has to be done by hand.,Nowadays people can reserve plane tickets, hotel rooms, etc by Internet.,现在人们可以直接在网上预定飞机票,房间等。,2021/8/11 星期三,17,21. make a, no, some, much, all etc difference (to sb / sth.),1 (对某人,某物)有,没有,有一些影响,The rain didnt make much difference to the game.,The sea air has made a difference to her health.,海上的空气改善了她的健康状况。,A hot bath makes all difference in the morning.,上午洗个热水澡能让人精神振奋。,2(对某人、某物)重要,不重要; 要紧,不要紧,It makes no difference to me what you say: Im not going.,It wont make much difference whether you go today or tomorrow.,你今天去也好,明天去也好,关系不大。,Does that make any difference?,2021/8/11 星期三,18,make a difference between,She makes no difference between her two sons.,她对两个儿子一视同仁。,区别对待,tell the difference between A and B,Can you tell the difference between an apple and an orange?,2021/8/11 星期三,19,22. devote (sth/ oneself) to 致力于、把 奉献给、把 专用于,He has devoted his whole life to science.,I dont think it worthwhile to devote so much time to discussing the matter.,我认为要花这么多时间来讨论这件事不值得。,devoted adj.,1) 忠诚的,慈爱的,恩爱的,a devoted son / friend / father 孝子;忠诚的朋友;慈爱的父亲,she is a devoted wife and mother.她是位贤妻良母。,2)献身的, 专心于 的, 专用于 的,The newly married couple living next door to us are devoted to sports.,The magazine is devoted to science.,这本杂志专门刊载科技文章。,2021/8/11 星期三,20,23. at present,I dont need any help at present.,At present, we are busy preparing for the examination.,at the present time,At the present time we do not have any trouble.,They are doing some research on the milu deer at the present time.,24. set free,The slaves were set free.,They tried to set the prisoners free, but they failed.,2021/8/11 星期三,21,25. in the wild,wild animals 野生动物,wild flowers / wind,be wild with joy / hunger 欣喜若狂;饿得发狂,They lived in the wild mountain area.,2021/8/11 星期三,22,26. valuable,valuable diamond,valueless,value,Most parents know the value of a good education.,Your watch is good value for money. 你的手表值这么多钱。,The values of todays young people differ from their parents.,现在年轻人的价值观和他们的父母的不同。,of value = valuable.,The book is valuable / of great value.,I valued his advice.,He valued the house at 90,000 dollars.,2021/8/11 星期三,23,27. throw away,you should throw the old chairs and buy some new ones.,All his efforts were thrown away.,28. respond vi,I offered him a drink but he didnt respond (to my offer),He responded (to my suggestions) with a laugh (by laughing),response,In response( to),2021/8/11 星期三,24,29. amount,an amount of 许多,大量的,I havent expected such an amount of praise.,A large amount of damage was done in a very short time.,Large amounts of money were spent on the bridge.,30. end up,结束,告终,Sooner or later, he will end up in prison.,How does the story end up?,Though friends for years, they end up enemies.,end up with,start / begin with,2021/8/11 星期三,25,31. share,n.,she owns fifty shares in the business.,她在这家企业中占有50 股。,They divided the money into equal shares.,What share did she have in their success?,在他们的成功中她占有多大贡献?,Vt,.,He would share his last penny with me.,I will share the cost with you. 我将与你公摊费用。,attractive,She is an attractive young man.,attract,The toys in the shop windows attracted the children.,The scenery attracts many tourists.,2021/8/11 星期三,26,2021/8/11 星期三,27,2021/8/11 星期三,28,


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