教育专题:SectionB2 (5)

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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,新目标 九年级,Unit 7,Unit 7 Where would you like to visit?,Section BPeriod 2,Do you travel alone or with others?,Why?,What do you think about a trip most?,Reading,Read the statements about the e-mail.Write“T”(for true),“F”(for false),or“DK”(for dont know).,The person has a lot of money to spend on the vacation._,The person wants to relax and do nothing on vacation._,The person is a man._,The person has children,._,The person likes to swim._,The person wants to go to another country.,_,F,F,DK,DK,T,F,Read the e-mail again and answer the following questions:,Where do the writers family want to take a trip?,What do they especially like doing?,They want to take a trip in eastern China.,They especially love hiking and swimming.,What kind of hotel would,they like to live in?,They would like to live in an inexpensive hotel or department with a room big enough for three people and with a kitchen.,They are going to be away for about three weeks.,How long are they going on,vacation?,Imagine you work for Ace Travel Agency.Write an e-mail message to S.T.Zhang and introduce some good places to him.,The Stone Forest in Yunnan,Qufu,in Shandong,Groupwork,Complete the survey using words from the box and any other words.Then survey three students.Agree on the best place to go.,relaxing educational,beautiful cold,crowded expensive,hot .,A:Id like to go to,Qufu,.,B:Why,Qufu,?,A:Confucius was born there.Its very educational.,An ideal place for a school trip,You,_,(students name),_,(students name),_,(students name),Qufu,in,shandong,educational,The Great Wall in Beijing,The stone Forest in Yunnan,Agree on the best place to go:_,1.,I hope,you can,provide,me with some information about the kinds of vacations that your firm can,offer,.,我希望你能向我提供一些信息,就是有关你们公司所提供的一些度假种类。,(1),I hope,后是一个很大的宾语从句,这个宾语从句中又包括了“,that your firm can offer,”,这个定语从句。,Reading Explanations(3a:P56),(2),句中的,provide,是动词,意为“供给,提供,”,等,其常见用法如下:,provide,后面接宾语,宾语可由名词或代词充当。,e.g.,The school will,provide,tents,but we must bring our own food.,学校会提供帐篷,但我们必须自己带食物。,provide sth.for sb.,provide sb.with sth.“,供给某人,”,e.g.,They,provided,food and clothes,for,the sufferers.,=They,provided,the sufferers,with,food and clothes.,他们向受难者提供食物和衣服。,(3),句中的,offer,是动词,意思是,“提供,”,等。其主要用法如下:,offer,n,.,e.g.,They,offered,a new proposal.,他们提出了新的提案。,offer sb.sth.,offer sth.to sb.,“,对(某人)提供,”,。,e.g.,He,offered,his help to me.,他表示愿助我一臂之力。,She,offered,him a cup of tea.,她给他一杯茶。,offer to do.,e.g.,He,offered,to help us.,他表示愿意帮助我们。,He,offered,to play soccer with us on Sunday.,他表示星期天愿意和我们一起踢足球。,Parents provide us _ food,clothes and education.,Can you provide us _ the latest news?,Hens can provide eggs _ us.,Trees can provide fresh air _ us.,Flowers can provide good feeling _ most people.,What does she provide you _?,Who do you provide the food _?,with,with,with,for,for,for,for,2.We would like to travel to an,exciting,place,and we dont,mind,how far we,have to,go.,我们想去一个有趣的地方去旅行,我们不在乎要去多远的地方。,(1),exciting,是由动词,excite,变来的形容词,我们称之为“,-ing,型形容词”,;,excited,也是动词,excite,变来的形容词,我们,称之为“,-ed,型形容词”。,一般情况下,“,-ing,型形容词”有主动和进行的含义,是人或物本身所具有的品质,如,exciting,意为“令人兴奋的,使人感到有趣的”;而“,-ed,型形容词”有被动或已完成的含义,表示由于受到了某种影响而产生的结果,如,excited,表示“感到兴奋的,感到有趣的”。,e.g.,The audience were deeply,moved,when they saw the,moving,film Titanic.,看,泰坦尼克号,这部感人的电影时,观众们被深深地打动了。,(moved,moving,是由动词,move,变化而来,),(2),句中的,mind,是动词,表示“对,介意,反对”,作此意讲时,,mind,常用于疑问句或否定句中,后面接名词,副词或动词“,-ing,形式”。,e.g.,It doesnt matter,I dont,mind,the heat.,没关系,我不在乎炎热。,Do you,mind,my standing here?,你介意我站在这里吗?,(3),句中的,have to,表示“必须,不得不”。,have to,后面接动词原形,e.g.,My home is far from my school,so,I,have to,get up early every morning.,我家离学校很远,所以我不得不早,晨早起。,have to,用于否定句和疑问句时,要根据时态加助动词。,e.g.,He doesnt,have to,do his homework at school.,他不必在学校里做作业。,We wont,have to,go to school tomorrow.,我们明天不必去上学了。,辨析:,have to,与,must,在表示“必须”这个含义时,,have to,和,must,很接近,只是,must,较强调主观看法,,have to,较强调客观需要。如果是用于指现在,两者很多时候是可以替换的。不过,,have to,应用的更为广泛,尤其是在口语中。另外,,have to,可用于多种时态,而,must,只能用于一般现在时。,e.g.,I,have to,go home early this afternoon.,我今天下午得早回家。,(强调客观原因),We,must,clean our classroom every day.,我们必须每天打扫教室。,(强调主观看法),3.It has to be a place where we can do lots of outdoor activities;,它必须是一个可以做户外运动的地方。,Where,引导的定语从句,先行词为表地点的名词,相当于介词,+which,原句等于:,It has to be a place in which we can do lots of outdoor activities,This is the classroom,where,we studied last year.,This is the classroom,in which,we studied last year.,This is the city,where,I used to live 10 years ago.,This is the city,in which,I used to live 10 years ago.,4.We also need to stay in an inexpensive hotel or apartment.,我们还需要住一个便宜的旅店或公寓。,need,v.,需要,必须,need,sth,./need to do,We all need to work.,我们都需要工作。,What do you need to take with you on holiday?,你渡假时需要带什么?,need doing,sth,.,某物需要被,=need to be done,This tree doesnt need watering,it rained last night.,这棵树不需要浇水了,昨天晚上下雨了。,The house needs painting=The house needs to be painted.,房子需要重新刷一遍。,Practice makes perfect!,.,根据句意用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。,1.This restaurant always _(provide)customers with good meals.,


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