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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,高考英语话题写作,人际交往,高级句型操练,1.,正是因为他交了不好的朋友,他才厌烦学习。,(it is/wasthat,强调句型,),It is because he made bad friends that,he gets tired of his studies.,2.,我记得很清楚,曾经有段时间我想离家出走。,(I can well remember that there was a time when),I can well remember that there was a time when,I would like to run away from home.,3.,直到黄昏时刻我才从痛苦中恢复过来。,(notuntil,recover from),I didnt recover from pain until,it was at dusk.,4.,这是我一生中第一次见到如此大的一艘船。,(it is the first time),It is the first time in my life that I have seen,such a big/huge ship.,5.,如果你能给我一些有用的建议,我会非常感激。,(I would be really grateful/I would really appreciate it if you could),I would be really grateful/I would really appreciate it if you could,give me some helpful/useful advice.,短语翻译,1.,做某事有困难,have trouble/difficulty in doing sth.,2.,与,相处融洽,get along/on well with,3.,克服困难,overcome difficulties,4.,积极参加各种活动,take an active part in various activities,5.,适应新的学校生活,adapt to the new school life,6.,乐意做某事,7.,代表,8.,对某人友好,9.,增进了解和友谊,promote the understanding and friendship,10.,期待做某事,look forward to doing sth.,be delighted to do sth.,on behalf of,be kind to sb.,句子翻译,1.,听到你对融入新的班集体有困难我感到遗憾。,Im sorry to hear that you have trouble in getting along well with the new class.,2.,学会积极与他人交谈和积极参与各种活动对于你来说是交新朋友的好方法。,Learning to talk with others actively and taking an active part in various activities are good ways for you to make new friends.,3.,我希望你能尽快适应新的学校生活。,I hope you can adapt to the new school life as soon as possible.,4.,听说你下学期要来我们班和我们一起学习,我非常开心。我代表我们整个班热烈欢迎你来到中国。,Im very delighted to hear that youre coming to our class to study with us next term.I,on behalf of the whole class,welcome to China warmly.,5.,如果你可以做一些事情来增进我们两国学生的了解和友谊,我会不胜感激。,I would appreciate it if you can do something to promote the understanding and friendship between the students of the two countries.,三、课堂练习,假定你是李华,班里从外地转来一名同学李明,他一时无法融入到新的班集体中,感到很苦恼。请根据下列要点用英语给他写封信:,1.,帮他分析原因(两点);,2.,给他提出建议(两条);,3.,陈述你帮助他的具体打算。,注意:,1.,词数,100,左右。,2.,可以适当增加细节,以便行文连贯。,3.,开头语和结束语已为你写好。,导练,第一步,认真审题,明确要求。,体裁:书信,人称:第一人称,时态:以一般现在时为主,辅以一般将来时,要点:本文要求给李明写信,告诉他如何融入新的环境。原因可以从周围同学的方面和自己适应能力两方面展开。可以建议他多参加各种班级的活动,多和周围的同学交流等方面展开说明。最后陈述你打算如何帮助他。,第二步,列出要点,以免遗漏。,帮他分析两点原因。,2.,给他提出两条建议。,3.,陈述你帮助他的具体打算。,第三步,围绕中心,添加细节。,1.,两点原因:一是害羞,二是怕同学取笑口音,(accent),。,2.,两条建议:一是学会与周围的同学交流,二是多参加各种班级的活动。,3.,具体打算:鼓励更多的同学与李明一起学习一起玩,帮助他的学习与生活。,第四步,翻译表达,连贯得体。,Dear Li Ming,,,Im sorry to hear that you have trouble,in getting along well with the new class.One of the reasons,I believe,is that you might,be too shy to talk confidently with your classmates and maybe you are afraid that your classmates will make fun of your accent.,I am sure,with your effort,you can manage to overcome these difficulties.,In my opinion,learning to talk with others actively and taking an active part in various activities are good ways for you to make new friends.,As for me,Ill encourage more students to study and play with you.Also,Ill help you with your study and daily life.,In a word,Im ready to help you whenever you turn to me for help.,I hope you can adapt to the new school life as soon as possible.,Best regards,Li Hua,第五步,仔细检查,工整誊写。,高考英语书面表达 话题写作 人际交往 课件,23,张,高考英语书面表达 话题写作 人际交往 课件,23,张,四、课外作业,假设你是育才中学高二,(1),班的班长李华,得知美国学生,Chris,作为交换生,下学期将到你班学习。请你根据以下提示,给他写封邮件:,1.,表示欢迎;,2.,介绍本班情况;,3.,希望,Chris,做哪些事情,以增进中美学生之间的了解和友谊。,注意:,1.,词数,100,左右,;,2.,可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;,3.,开头语和结束语已为你写好。,参考词汇:交换生,exchange student,高考英语书面表达 话题写作 人际交往 课件,23,张,高考英语书面表达 话题写作 人际交往 课件,23,张,Dear Chris,Im Li Hua,monitor of Class One,Grade Eleven.Im very delighted to hear that youre coming to our class to study with us next term.I,on behalf of the whole class,welcome to China warmly.,It is a great honour for me to introduce our class to you.Our class is made up of 52 students,all of whom are friendly.There is no doubt that you can get along well with them.,高考英语书面表达 话题写作 人际交往 课件,23,张,高考英语书面表达 话题写作 人际交往 课件,23,张,Our teachers are kind to us and treat us as their friends.Last of all,I would appreciate it if you can do something,such as helping us practise our spoken English,and introducing something about American culture,to promote the understanding and friendship between the students of the two countries.,Looking forward to seeing you.,Yours,,,Li Hua,高考英语书面表达 话题写作 人际交往 课件,23,张,高考英语书面表达 话题写作 人际交往 课件,23,张,高考英语书面表达 话题写作 人际交往 课件,23,张,高考英语书面表达 话题写作 人际交往 课件,23,张,Thank you,!,高考英语书面表达 话题写作 人际交往 课件,23,张,高考英语书面表达 话题写作 人际交往 课件,23,张,1.,沈从文的创作风格趋向浪漫主义,他要求小说的诗意效果,融写实、纪梦、象征于一体,语言格调古朴,句式简峭、主干突出,单纯而又厚实,朴讷而又传神,具有浓郁的地方色彩,凸现出乡村人性特有的风韵与神采。,2.,沈从文创作的小说主要有两类,一种是以湘西生活为题材,一种是以都市生活为题材,前者通过描写湘西人原始、自然的生命形式,赞美人性美;后者通过都市生活的腐化堕落,揭示都市自然人性的丧失。,3.,从作者的描述看,作者的观察敏锐,记忆超强,对现象世界十分倾心,对大自然的声音、气味,社会上的人与事怀有浓厚的兴趣。他把大自然与社会生活称为一本“大书”,他从这本“大书”中学到了许多书本上没有的东西,他在自然和社会中倾心体验,尊重生命本真的做法,并非不爱学习,而是为了更好的学习。,4.,不少评论家觉得沈从文擅长写景,且晴朗明澈,但是缺少深度。也有评论家认为好就好在没有深度,因为没有深度的“看”风景,其实就不为一般的社会价值所局限,这样也就抛弃了自以为是的优越感和置身事外的位置,而是在宇宙万汇的动静之中“看”。,5.,一次眼光看风景万物,多了一份包涵和宽容,看到的历史也就不是战争、王朝更迭之类的东西,而是千百年来凡夫俗子们的哀乐、努力和命运。它们代表了更为现实逼真的生存和价值。,6.,抒发的感情真诚感人,不写自己的品学兼优、勤奋用功,而是如实地展现自己的天生的野性,充满了阅读和学习“生活”这本大书所得到的欢欣鼓舞的生命体验,表现了对自然和生命


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