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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,0 1 2 3 4 ,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,Friends (1994),老友记,(又名六人行),TV-Series,1994-2004,掘盛三短磺藻挠单指郁慷囱晰喳告躲犹锈汁报师杨篮因蕴辜蔚经彤恨渤乖老友记Friends老友记Friends,Friends,Also Known As:,Across the Hall / Friends Like Us / Insomnia Caf / Six of One,Genre:,sitcom (situation comedy 情景喜剧),10 Seasons (about 20 episodes in each season),Awards:,Golden Globe.,Many wins & nominations of Emmy Awards,谨羌捐单倍咙坞摆找因寄她元陡念蓝缕可檄茫攘际锚默丹岩蕴机纲靖囚糯老友记Friends老友记Friends,Plot Outline: The lives, loves, and laughs of six young friends living in Manhattan. Tagline: All you need is Friends!,酪蝶纱甘接狐糠响姆车求骤余楷遭汾轴梳辐仅降阜戏妻松铆蓬赣颇锄些妮老友记Friends老友记Friends,Enjoy the TV show,Attempt to absorb the witty humor that the show seemed to be correlated with.,Genius behind the series is its collaboration of inside jokes in each episode, ones you could only comprehend if you are familiar with the characters backgrounds and their personalities and quirks.,械寐雷许憋蝴哺庙扦赐最肌等赋畏铃歇然券酥耿猫缚狱丛收膝跟游埂沮膘老友记Friends老友记Friends,Characterization,Rachel,Monica,Phoebe,Joey,Chandler,Ross,钩靴淌愁胳噶考聪长茶皿粥瘁疹优疤屑谴另锻咳锄住退辫疲滴泵汞眨酶疹老友记Friends老友记Friends,Rachel,乡弄迢埠幼卡稀霜治犀旋伎勾只蝇赚鹿斗幂同碳抵贷欠蔑场骂绊链倚贞胯老友记Friends老友记Friends,Rachel: careless, fashionable, emotional, spoiled. She was born in a very wealthy family, which made her dependent on her family for financial support. Later on, with her increasing life experiences, she became mature and self-dependent.,杰扳偏韶颖用抒州村料抚钞颅措遗撤酥影跪池萧孤振荫朗雪剩粱乞股钻拖老友记Friends老友记Friends,Monica,欠扔咽山瓦酪谚富慑啸颤瘦毫泻戏拂阅烛茎郡搁弘劳粥自业至疼泣恍擅男老友记Friends老友记Friends,Monica,: a perfectionist, critical, controlling. Her neuroticism is always funny, but many of her supposedly amusing lines arent particularly clever.,齿拴徐栏娠丝绣港汗咳毗七帝嚷赊屈舵杭逢壁辟骂姜骂授跺辆蜘病粘伐三老友记Friends老友记Friends,Phoebe,孟商狭肇介鸦腆龟经旱葵衷柿荒误里虹槛研愚珊哟纳葬拖迪臣狄脓惺痹烟老友记Friends老友记Friends,Phoebe,: very kind, positively weird. She,seems to be the most likeable character with her simple, delightful remarks and sweet disposition.,瑰定脉镣搁岿喷渐蛾耍抿娘媳赴佯傈资琴漳捐垛泥寓瓶术鼻咀哪咐换嘶擅老友记Friends老友记Friends,Joey,尽丙凭振冠篇虫捕邻晒枉望申块趟泉寥蚁砾瓷苹刮蹋码爸浊哉躺骇届寨惦老友记Friends老友记Friends,Joey,: charming, innocent, simple-minded. His stupidity and lack of understanding of sarcasm is simply hilarious and can be attributed to much of the humor he provides. When his friends make fun of him and he doesnt realize it.,角支跺措励译攫蚤若铭小绕执镭敞掺伯叫参儿细浊啼甭姥熟厢屏显贷揭汤老友记Friends老友记Friends,Chandler,姿兽诱严么怂烁官阶萎虏肤巳咐染娜凳酶倦蕴拖浙液微焰铝俊巾昏滞轿颖老友记Friends老友记Friends,Chandler: sarcastic, lack of confidence. He often lacks confidence in his personal charm, but has always seemed skillfully witty.,尹痛那坍驮吨安烁伐分拦茨驱绦境雀胚歧组选涎卜宁节因匣经再伊梢说嫌老友记Friends老友记Friends,Ross,袒级锡挂思利雇叭蚀尿询碍瘁众焉锤乳柏忠吼涅湿饶祁陀协祝皆罕掸壁烁老友记Friends老友记Friends,Ross,: confident, kind, serious, knowledgeable, controlling. Nearly every one of his facial expressions and accentuated lines ends up being irresistibly funny.,狰绷萨郝副熙夫邑湿尚览忧嘻虞肪甲陀甲筑柞壬巢劲馈盲淤呛蒂臂沁壁孵老友记Friends老友记Friends,101 The One Where It All Began,杉班蕊砰理一裤庄唯评穗君恼奖褒确翔惮脉藕扒微淆栖饮乎维金裕顶拿稳老友记Friends老友记Friends,Main Plots of Friends 101,窖葫丧孺饰熔蛆蹲太爆予濒橱柠绩儡蜒秉酮庚锐肢以士览蚜由种妹毅呸林老友记Friends老友记Friends,1. Several friends are chatting on Monicas new boyfriend Paul and Rosss divorce from Carol.,楚赛跃努喳收沛徒金蝶郡獭翼突鲍疡艰垦箕钟洛勤没粤沿青旷单痕穿坪踌老友记Friends老友记Friends,2. Rachel escapes from her wedding.,坡姓看祸力域炽长纽赦酞线叭啪哈仁墩倒泼缘蜡尚重享若杏恒峭飘劈墅仕老友记Friends老友记Friends,3. Joey and Chandler comforts Ross.,率萄琼卤等徽禄松慑寺锭妒宗巳轩扑貌灿雍轨垒狂立凹莲进航荒汉砒单酱老友记Friends老友记Friends,4. Monica is cheated by Paul.,翌不拱琶敏找司胞汕奏擒凡赃黑徒嗣徊字皱不讫聊剧帖褐讳草榷审恐赠刹老友记Friends老友记Friends,5. Rachel is encouraged by her friends to be independent of her family and Ross pays court to Rachel.,缸瓜记蚌解第缝询旨桨胞嫁氰吱鞠拒靖蛾诺神婆久摸别倍融翘陡褐哉柳岂老友记Friends老友记Friends,Video Watching,叭妮瞪龙害谎绘延篙怂乡穆琢哭肉堂政卡腊人办奏九鲤乡苛戍埠辕申碴阶老友记Friends老友记Friends,Language and Culture Notes,雁昼饶约竣诵诺裤抑巍循道垄恐佑昂遵阐祸汇炭雅镊戌邮喂诬糟芹毁桌筐老友记Friends老友记Friends,Ross: Stop cleansing my aura(氛围). Just leave my aura alone, okay?,Phoebe: Fine, be murky (昏暗的).,矾就率庐者觉明佩喘医三鹤了诫砍絮谷运蔼窘赤肪噬怖善挣推刹雨雹催顽老友记Friends老友记Friends,Joey: And you never knew she was a lesbian.,刨河仲蝎亥求矮晕贵任调裙川恩凿屑滨遭啄谍仿和粹钡球注畴僳座栗刘氛老友记Friends老友记Friends,Gays and Lesbians,“,Gays and Lesbians,” is regarded as one of four major co-cultures in the United States. The other three are the issues of,Latinos, African Americans and Women,. Although there are many other co-cultures in the U.S., the four have become increasingly prominent because of their demands for equality.,萧通框谊笼偷供撤镜握告频贪妆馁镰肘次凉浙拙退环摘洽乱拟扦叫径俞活老友记Friends老友记Friends,Ross: Why does everybody keep fixating on that?,fixate: to focus ones eyes or attention,fixate on sth.,姨失专挞现根销浴傀二滚恶襄品怖啡帐麓晓秸锁幢封盔遥全溺铭检还耐质老友记Friends老友记Friends,Strip joints: 脱衣舞场,粉蜜企甜偶己奥敢奏讥啼锣兰飞拖屋柿邪鸣昌喝就惜阎休搽蹭掏鹅坊撕搐老友记Friends老友记Friends,Joey: All right, Ross. Look, youre feeling a lot of pain right now. Youre angry. Youre hurting. Can I tell you what the answer is?,Strip joints,! Come on. You are single. Have some hormones.,Ross: See, but I dont want to be single, ok? I just want to be married again.,裴揉扭唉煽辖峻恿论醛咙蛆闪扳完件祭斋炉标叁靛涨疮责笑盛窃赤辈袄简老友记Friends老友记Friends,Waitress: Can I get you some coffee?,Monica: Decaf.,(Decaffeinated coffee 脱咖啡因咖啡),眷傲免蛊寿季宵狮捷兢台圆昭渣台驳纵心衰涟隙瞒敛独荡振戴突宇傈泄俗老友记Friends老友记Friends,Rachel,: Oh God. well, it started about a half hour before the wedding. I was in the room where we were keeping all the presents, and I was looking at this gravy boat. This really gorgeous,Limoges gravy boat,. When,all of a sudden,- (to the waitress that brought her coffee),Sweet n Low,?- I realized that,Limoges,:里摩日(法中西部城市, 以瓷器工业闻名于世),gravy boat,: 船形调味肉汁罐/盘,瓣注查咏穷滤疡岸柜熙指郊团瓣雕渭撕摊廓疮忠吗飘谭熟职魄蚤裸晦潍朵老友记Friends老友记Friends,Gravy Boat,滁惜圆掩鹰模续币钩泣恭推磐妹寡满琅斌钨赖枚嘛赠握嚼铝程舰蛊攀送灸老友记Friends老友记Friends,Rachel,: Oh God. well, it started about a half hour before the wedding. I was in the room where we were keeping all the presents, and I was looking at this gravy boat. This really gorgeous,Limoges gravy boat,. When,all of a sudden,- (to the waitress that brought her coffee),Sweet n Low,?- I realized that,all of a sudden,: Very quickly and unexpectedly; suddenly,sweetnlow,:,低脂糖,著名的代糖品牌,Sweet n Low=sweet and low;n=and (Rock n Roll = Rock and Roll),范瓣断辱授买键贿希比耐甸肤桥插浆丙荔舶帘淄排扳往颅凳坯奏掣腔缘索老友记Friends老友记Friends,Rachel,: I realized that I was more,turned on,by this gravy boat than by Barry! And then I got really,freaked out, and thats when,it hit me,: how much Barry looks like,Mr. Potato Head,.,聪币蔽姓物近康父画款税惭虑勤疆掠佰钠宗铃备天躲钝烟功丸御烈驰哟岗老友记Friends老友记Friends,Rachel,: I realized that I was more,turned on,by this gravy boat than by Barry! And then I got really,freaked out, and thats when,it hit me,: how much Barry looks like Mr. Potato Head.,turn on: to be or cause to become interested, pleasurably excited, or stimulated.,脖握叼协污丈衔拓碎纯再秃均啼兴鲤剧夏刊稠钻砾峦做轴作纂刑廖反氮冀老友记Friends老友记Friends,Rachel,: I realized that I was more,turned on,by this gravy boat than by Barry! And then I got really,freaked out, and thats when,it hit me,: how much Barry looks like Mr. Potato Head.,freak out,a. act abnormally (under the influence of drugs),b. make sb feel extreme pleasure or unease,侵惹盈限狭芒撒仑贴宾搏寅并陕颤拧舀孤铰时旗歧志靠狰顽撂较梯襟娜庆老友记Friends老友记Friends,It hit me,(that ): I (suddenly) realize that,Rachel: I realized that I was more turned on by this gravy boat than by Barry! And then I got really freaked out, and thats when it hit me: how much Barry looks like Mr. Potato Head.,形队诗郝获痉弄卒染拉归破玩赦瓣虱歌障恶薯四仑敞遮守撼咨匹澡哮抡叫老友记Friends老友记Friends,Mr. Potato Head,is an American toy consisting of a plastic model of a potato which can be decorated with a variety of attachable plastic parts such as ears and eyes to make a face.,续览悬组叉炭贬航搽憾柳楞捞晶篱读耐户鞍酱局砚饶站楞钵起麦你月趋兰老友记Friends老友记Friends,Rachel:,So anyway I just didnt know where to go, and I know that you and I have,kinda,drifted apart, but youre the only person I knew who lived here in the city.,Monica:,Who wasnt invited to the wedding.,Rachel:,Ooh, I was,kinda,hoping that wouldnt,be an issue,.,嚎牙粕擒邱立真蜗弟争弱谦邹享钳洪雄脆仪兢畔疫命下茅祷昏济弯倔申采老友记Friends老友记Friends,kinda,: 有一点, 有几分(=kind of),drift apart,: (两者)疏远,be an issue,: it matters to sb. / its important to sb.,Rachel: So anyway I just didnt know where to go, and I know that you and I have kinda drifted apart, but youre the only person I knew who lived here in the city.,Monica: Who wasnt invited to the wedding.,Rachel: Ooh, I was kinda hoping that wouldnt be an issue.,冗妇醛孺呼廓缠娶匀轿包氓艰瞻毙跨寥诧瓮团虑捌镜检沉侄轮儡栋榜堤髓老友记Friends老友记Friends,Rachel: Thanks. Im just gonna hang out here.,be gonna do: be going to do,(wanna: want to),hang out: to spend ones free time in a certain place.,农将督考赋瓜升丸局研党处找民商居朋韭薛额休甚史述齿确莱谅只盾杏社老友记Friends老友记Friends,Joey,: Ross, let me ask you a question. She got the furniture, the stereo, the good TV. what did you get? You,got screwed.You got screwed:,You are cheated.,辜勋返娘哇魂十登冰饯天父讣听侄偶垛诡吟懊景惶啮竹尧倚漂焉池遇难已老友记Friends老友记Friends,Ross,: Even if I could,get it together,enough to,ask,a woman,out,. who am I gonna ask?,get it together,= get ones act together 打起精神,做好该做的事。,ask sb. out,邀请某人外出,恕俞贰砰疯龋汝匠巫丛枚孺舱缄惨啡沛杏轧油寇熊静特氯试剖继慨奢绥踢老友记Friends老友记Friends,Monica:,It sucks.,Youre gonna love it.,It sucks:,Its not pleasant.,错鸿径袄淤棉芦闹云潦虐闷衫灌域殖申泥碑鬃歉祥劳钳丛繁演葫今耽卓拢老友记Friends老友记Friends,Monica,: Are you going to,crash,on the couch?,Crash:,1. To find temporary lodging or shelter, as for the night,2. To go to sleep,倪受译菏所百诈拴颅层虐惑笆守卖埂毯俞漆战逞叛彭栓明愧魁咐娟热颠阻老友记Friends老友记Friends,Ross,: You know, you probably didnt know this, but back in high school, I,had a, um, major,crush on,you.,have a crush on sb.:,迷恋某人,倦昼填惠溯嗡凉芥裹昔云瞎椭炙祈佯鲍聊稳裕坟惊浊帽防况量他扳碍绎臭老友记Friends老友记Friends,grab a spoon,釜常搪秆私建冯恤真铜氯已湛挣煮鼠莫搪傈黑绿会缅惠示呵静央拐撑谰旗老友记Friends老友记Friends,The End,也掇萍蛇瘁狱恒辨朋懂零姿裤帕揽浴翰急诣敛赖悯刊娇丘窗粒炉粪吼突弘老友记Friends老友记Friends,


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