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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Lesson 10,Mandelas Garden,Glossary,Construct,V,t.,They constructed the bridge in a year.,He has constructed a new theory.,C,ontact,n.,Finally he managed to get into contact with him.,The journalist has a contact in Paris.,v.,I shall contact you by telephone on Friday.,We agreed to contact again as soon as possible,.,be in out of contact with,contact lenses,a man of many contacts,maintain a close contact,be in contact with,be out of contact with,bring into contact with,throw in contact with,come into(in)contact with,have contact with,lose contact with,make contact with,C,ultivate v.-cultivation n.,grow,The farmer is cultivating his land.,This field has not been cultivated for years.,acquire,develop,He cultivated an air of indifference.,She cultivated her mind by reading many books.,One should cultivate good manners from childhood.,John always tries to cultivate people who might be able to help him.,nourish,I was doing everything I could to nourish and protect the baby.,Milk nourishes a baby.,spiritual resources which nourished her in her darkest hours.,a clay base nourished with plant detritus.,从植物腐殖质中吸取养料的泥土层。,He has long nourished an ambition to bring the show to Broadway.,D,ecline,V,i.become smaller,fewer,or less;decrease,deteriorate,The birth rate continued to decline.,Her health began to decline.,About 2 miles east,the land begins to decline towards the river.,vt,.politely refuse(an invitation or offer),Caroline declined the coffee.,We asked her to come to our party,but she declined.,N,.,a serious decline in bird numbers.,a civilization in decline.,There has been a sharp decline in profits this year.,D,ump.,n/v,V,.,S,ome trucks dumped 1,900 tons of refuse here.,The couple dumped the car and fled.,She dumped her knapsack on the floor.,His girlfriend dumped him for being fat.,These countries have been dumping cheap fertilizers on the UK market.,Investors dumped shares in scores of other consumer-goods firms.,E,liminate v.-,E,limination,V,pletely remove or get rid of(something),A policy that would eliminate inflation.,eliminate the possibility of,Getting this job has effectively eliminated his financial worries.,The police have eliminated Lawrence from their inquiries.,Our team was eliminated in the first round.,F,ertile,F,ertilizer,P,esticide,natural/artificial,chemical/liquid,spray,spread,use,He spread fertilizer on the field with a rake(,耙子),.,F,lourish,v/n,V,i.,Crops flourish in rich soil.,His business seemed to be flourishing.,vt,.,He flourished his stick at the boy.,He flourishes his wealth.,N,.,a flourish of trumpets,(喇叭齐鸣),in full flourish,(全盛期),a speech full of rhetorical flourishes,(辞藻华丽),F,ulfill v,He wouldnt be able to fulfill his ambition to visit Naples.,Some officials were dismissed because they could not fulfill their duties.,Goods must fulfill three basic conditions.,F,ulfillment n.,He was willing to face any hardship in fulfillment of his duty.,After many years,his plans have come to fulfillment.,People find fulfillment in working for a common goal.,intellectual,I,ntellect,I,ntellectual,Intelligent,Intelligence,adj.of or relating to the intellect,appealing to or requiring use of the intellect,Children need intellectual stimulation.,The film wasnt very intellectual,but it caught the mood of the times.,You are an intellectual girl,like your mother.,Maths,is an intellectual exercise.,Do you know,the intellectual property,rights?,She is an intellectual woman.,intellectual faculties,intellectual work,N,.,These views were common among intellectuals.,I,ntellect,the faculty of reasoning and understanding objectively,especially with regard to abstract or academic matters,he was a man of action rather than of intellect.,他只知道埋头干而不动脑思考。,his keen intellect.,a clever or intellectual person,有才智的人,sapping our country of some of its brightest intellects.,intelligence,the ability to acquire and apply knowledge and skills,an eminent man of great intelligence.,they underestimated her intelligence.,The children were given an intelligence test.,IQ,intelligence,quotient,a person or being with this ability,extraterrestrial intelligences.,地球以外的智慧生命。,the collection of information of military or political value,the chief of military intelligence.,the intelligence department.,I,ntelligent adj.,having or showing intelligence,especially of a high level,Annabelle is intelligent and hard-working.,an intelligent guess.,高明的猜测。,I have not arrived at a very intelligent opinion on that matter.,我对那件事还没有高见。,All human beings are much more intelligent than animal.,I,ssue,n/v,N,.1)an important topic or problem for debate or discussion,the issue of global warming.,Money is not an issue.,2)the action of supplying or distributing an item for use,sale,or official purposes,the issue of notes by the Bank of England.,the December issue of the magazine.,V,Licenses were issued indiscriminately to any company.,They advised the government not to issue him a passport to travel abroad.,The minister


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