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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,*,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,写作中的语法,定语从句名词性从句,湛江第一中学 吴焱,名词性从句,-,摆明事实,讲清道理 定语从句,-,突出细节,修饰限制,名词性从句(一),宾语从句,:,转述故事情节,揭示寓意道理,引出观点态度,交代事实现象,概括归纳总结。,1.,简述故事情节,揭示寓意道理。,语言观察:,1,),Through an example of a disabled boy,we learn that,one will finally succeed if he acquires the quality of persistence.,2,),The passage tells us that,despite obstacles and failures,many people with their distinct qualities were able to overcome difficulty and eventually realized their goals and achieved success.,2.,引出观点,语言观察:,1,),I fully agree that,trivial things play an important part in our life.,2,),Many students still prefer to go to university as,they believe,the environment of the university is very important for an individuals development,and that,graduates from key university are more likely to find a job.,3.,事实现象描写,语言观察:,A latest survey shows that,the health of Chinese youngsters has greatly declined.,4.,归纳、倡议、号召、总结,语言观察:,1,),Anyway,I wont choose to study abroad because,I think that,as long as I work hard,I will achieve success wherever I am.,2,),We,do,hope that,more and more characters like him will come out and inspire us in our life.,名词性从句(二),同位语从句:,定义解释,得出结论,得出结论,语言观察:,From the above discussion,I can safely draw,a conclusion that,success comes to anyone who keeps working perseveringly,and that,lack of perseverance can only result in frustration and failure.,定义解释,语言观察:,However,15%of them dont know whom to tell,for the reason that,they arent willing to share their inner thoughts.,1.,在使用中完善语法学习。,2.,写作中的语法是可以预知和预练的。,3.,最简单的语法形式往往可以表达最完整的意思。,4.,语法形式之间往往是相通的。,名词性从句(三),主语从句,表语从句,1.what,2.“It”,结构,3.,主表一体句,Whatis that/how/when,4.The reason whyis that,whoever,与,those who,名词性从句的标志词,what,语言观察:,1,),However,the high cost of studying abroad is more than,what,ordinary families can afford.,2),Another significant quality for a popular person is to remember,what is,important to a certain person and,what,he is concerned about.,3)The story discusses,what,makes one person different from others even if they are in the same situation.,实战演练:,1._,(,我在课本上学到的),is not practical at all.,2.As to _(,什么造成如此大的损失),,it is still a puzzle.,I am curious about,_(,接下来会发生什么事情),.,What I learned from the text book,what caused such great damage,what will happen next,It,句型,It is+clear/obvious/evident,that,+,It is important/necessary/strange,that,sb,.,(should),do,sth,.,It is+a pity/shame,that,It is said/reported/expected/,suggested,that,+,It happens/seems/appears,that,/doesnt,matter,whether,/+,It is+beyond doubt/out of question,that,+,语言观察,1.,It is evident that,to be a likeable person,one needs to show understanding and interest towards others.,2.,It is still believed that,handwritten letters are irreplaceable,.,3.,It is important that,all the citizens,(should),know the importance of rubbish classification.,4.,It is a pleasure that,I can have such a good friend as Li.,5.,It goes without saying that,diligence is more important than intelligence in ones success.,实战演练,1._(,让老师感到很生气),he was late for school again.,2._(,希望),the project can be completed before the storm comes.,3._(,是一个坏习惯),you are always late for the lecture.,It annoyed the teacher that,It is hoped that,It is a bad habit that,主表一体句,语言观察:,1,),what,troubles me most,is that,he keeps making noises when doing homework.,2),What,worried me most,was that,I found it difficult for me to remember new words.,实战演练:,1._(,我要建议的是),we should put up some signs to warn people of the potential danger.,2._(,真正重要的是),how we can make full use of the limited time.,What Id like to suggest is that,What really matters is,Whoever+,单数,=those who+,复数,such as,实战演练:,_(,违反校规的人),deserves,to be punished.,_(,尊重别人的人),are,to be respected.,_(,那些违背社会公德的人),should be criticized.,Whoever breaks school regulations,Those who respect others,Such people as violate public morality,定语从句,1.as,2.which,3.who/whom,4.when/where/why/whose,as,1.,置于句首或句中,引起非限制性定语从句,先行词为前(后)面的整个句子,往往有“正如,正象”的意思。,适用于:图表说明类文章、谚语俗语及其它的事实性内容的引入。,实战演练:,1._,(正如俗语所云),“,God help those who help themselves.”,As the saying goes,2._(,正如所预料的那样),,I improved my English so much that I even won the first prize in the English Oral Contest of my school.,3._(,如数据所显示),“parents”ranks second for the girls but fourth for the boys.,4._,(众所周知),,honesty is the pillar of a society.,As was expected,As the data shows,As we all know,Which,语言观察:,1)The book which was written by him is very interesting.,2)The picture which is hanging on the wall is painted by Tom.,3)We discussed the video which was on language teaching.,思考:这些句子还有其他的表达形式吗?你认为哪种形式更好一些?,1.which,引导的非限定性定语从句(一),适用于:对前面句子所引起的结果进行表述。,语言观察,:,(,1,),Every day I needed to wash about 1.000 items of clothing,which,was,really boring and tiresome.,(,2,),Film tickets are getting more and more expensive,which,turns,many potential audience away.,实战演练:,1.Recently,my English teacher,Mr.Smith,is chosen as an Excellent Foreign Teacher in,our city,_(,这使,我们所有的人都很高兴),.,2.Some advertisements do not give much,information but only try to persuade people,to buy,_(,由此增加


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