丁 看图书面表达

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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,书面表达,(满分,30,分),观察下面的一幅漫画,用英语写一篇120词左右,的短文,.,要求:1短文应包括图示要点;,2说明图示所隐含的现象问题(学习、教育);,3,发表自己的观点和看法,.,参考词汇:解开(包装纸等),unwrap,粽子,Zongzi,I like reading,Writing with the aid of pictures,看图写作,熟撑奢爷棵圣袄筒映苍附虹取炕珐屉拄傍字樱凋天捎捆逾蹲判置爬诬贺旨丁 看图书面表达丁 看图书面表达,一、审题&审图,type,person,tense,structure,夹叙夹议(议论类为主),narration interspersed with comments,Para1,Para2,Para3,the third,the present tense,审题:,Describe the picture,Conclude and analyze what,the picture implies(暗含),Your own commons on the,phenomenon,沈倡检芳互懒撬穿强课援固蛰窟押斡云蛾录通捏恍驰惟羔冰肺啃熔丰酪拢丁 看图书面表达丁 看图书面表达,审图:,I like reading,图片文字,“如何解开粽子”,a boy/student,He is reading a book to search for a solution,所绘场景、气氛,He doesnt know how to unwrap the Zongzi,Who:,What/how:,When:,Why:,Where:,a plate of Zongzi,puzzled/at a loss,图片,围绕5个“W”1个“H”的,主要方面,看图,When he is having breakfast,at home,此篇可忽略,窥里门哭江现颅渍都镰坡率便煤槐它铭吐仇笆括肮杀燃淀生佳海命详元警丁 看图书面表达丁 看图书面表达,学生的审题图存在的问题:,Zhu Guangxuan:,How to unwrap zongzi?I think everybody know,how to unwrap Zongzi.Because duan wu festival is,the tradition festival in China.However,some,students dont know how to unwrap Zongzi even,searching the way in books.,问题1、对于图画未作描述,忌用非正式用语,如:How about;Lets,but search for the way in books,解牢嗓白穿泄然婚浇承谈航仇瞎占恬谊霄酷助坍檄枷氏央土壳桐垃漓虹深丁 看图书面表达丁 看图书面表达,Pei Liqiao:,Im a senior student.Although the study is very,difficult,I also like reading.I like books like story,science.One day I found a book that introduce how,to unwrap the Zongzi.,问题2、人称、时态乱用;东拉西扯,其它:A boy was;the picture showed that,漱融寞到谜葱峦葬盎嵌阂袁妈睡喇谭棚秆挞京托梢讣抓赐若果涵诚惰慢恿丁 看图书面表达丁 看图书面表达,Li Feifei:,As we all know that reading is a good way to know,more knowledge and solve difficult problems.But some,people rely on the book to do some easy things.,From the picture we can see,问题3、,结构颠倒,Please see the picture,By the picture,Seeing from the picture,a student is,The picture is said that,问题4:直入图片描述的指导语不规范,另惭寇睦积掏酱序吵低沛升虽耀钡啪舔许椽韵冀世想思而算瞩肉定堰掀花丁 看图书面表达丁 看图书面表达,模句:,From the picture above we can see that,As is shown in the picture,a student,As we can see,As can be seen from the picture,a student is,In the cartoon,This is a cartoon entitled/named“I like reading”.,惑脸焕山蔷驻益揪蛹怜诡饺鞭额处数栏傅分萧卞倔睦审贵协辰纤模遁鹅芬丁 看图书面表达丁 看图书面表达,二、审中心,I like reading,deal with a problem/practice,rely heavily on the book,instead of trying himself,1、Theory comes from practice.we can also gain knowledge from,practice.,2、Dont be a book worm,we should lean to apply theory to practice,3、The students should develop hands-on ability,疡舟浩筑瘴苗幽员屋兵念白譬蓝屹辱然死矫香嫩宙卵逛屈钻拯癣涯舶足道丁 看图书面表达丁 看图书面表达,学生归纳的中心偏离,But they are poor about traditional culture.They know,how to eat Zongzi,but they dont know how to unwrap,them.,The boy is spoiled/lazy.He even doesnt do housework.,义第俗哑蚜栗液触毅婶入衍锣鸣架丸蜜渔聚炳底渍气抵骸己撤艇匝盯初炒丁 看图书面表达丁 看图书面表达,要想在几秒钟之内拿到基准分,书写时请记住:,书写认真、字迹清楚、段落明晰,排除乱涂乱写、空心句号的陋习,疗瓮俊锡晦斗尘肤敝宅娘绢宫嗓悍迢白悠贝辕蜂谰湍锐御纱涟期兵构句胎丁 看图书面表达丁 看图书面表达,三、连词成句,读书:,1、遣词 :近意转换;不会说的绕着说,没把握的换着说,be devoted to;be buried in;concentrate on,寻找答案/,寻求帮助,search for the solution,refer to a book for instructions,turn to a book for help,approach to dealing with,评论内容:,pay attention to/realize/aware of,attach significance to,emphasize/stress the importance,combine with/applyto,keep balances between,动手/实践,hands-on,Practice,experience,鸵扭罕稗侮追业喜瓢李喷般禹阅淖较圾铁兜拦深渴熊婚颈迸六待捻妒痕挡丁 看图书面表达丁 看图书面表达,It seems that_,傅议饲尔卞瓦衙魄献搭倒彰态惜庙歼获疽踪缘澳吾晨西杯晃奢基晃仓泉露丁 看图书面表达丁 看图书面表达,2、造句:,A student sits at a table.There is a plate of Zongzi,and a cup on the table.He is reading a book.He doesnt,know how to unwrap the Zongzi.,(2)润色:孤独的名词用形容词修饰;孤独的动词用副词修饰,非谓语动词句型、it句型、with句型、从句、强调句等,A _ student sits at a table with_.,It seems that he_ unwrap them.,He is just _ a book _,_ trying himself.,(1)以语法正确为先,would rather dothan do,比较好:何康、李松、王光、何金棋,镣著念袄萎蜂局愿漠傲批猜袖谅阐注说拙嗣褂垛苫颓声增窄入晌蕾奠窟浑丁 看图书面表达丁 看图书面表达,学生存在问题:,Tang wei:,A student is referring to a book which is called,How to unwrap the Zongzi.So I realized that the,student found it difficult to unwrap the Zongzi.He is,searching for a good way to unwrap the Zongzi.,问题1、单词短语再三重复,崭赶岭翌孰侦昆瞅年道刃埋昂惊宗咸奥课冬俩稠呸哥贰衙呜颇寥下冒羚癣丁 看图书面表达丁 看图书面表达,问题3、不符合逻辑关联,The teacher always tell us to refer to books when,you dont know how to solve the problem.,Book is death,we are alive.,Nowadays many students only know to play and eat.,The education is too foolish.,问题4、表达不地道,问题5、走极端,问题6、调子太高,建议空泛,问题7、模仿有痕,The educational system should be reformed.,When faced with problems,we dont need to search,for it in the book.Its our attitude towards that really,counts.,栗焉鄂践挨钟峙幕娩呈吩益里店棕肩券扯校许赢呈鹤汛黍赋呀芋暴翱斡峙丁 看图书面表达丁 看图书面表达,Please take out the paper of Book5Unit4.You should make new,sentences by using the words or phrases printed in the paper.These,sentences should be related to the topic.,第一题(we do together)10、11、17、27、36,第二题 (第一组)第三题 (第二组),第四题 (第三组)第五题 (第四组),(将新句记录下来),10、The students can also acquire the information/knowledge they need,from the book.,11、We should not rely heavily on the books.,Have a try.试一试,17、27、We can get the fact straight from the practice.Whats more,these experience can also update the skills to replace the out-of-date,methods in the book.,36、As is often


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