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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Revision of Unit 9,Reading,阻止疾病的蔓延,迎接挑战,满足最基本的需要,免费的治疗,随着我们国家的发展,to prevent/stop the,spread,of the disease,meet,the challenge,meet,the most fundamental,/basic needs,free,treatment,as,our country,develops,With,the development,of our country,一旦出现了问题我们必须共同努力来解决他们,不懈的努力,上学,失业,新技术将帮助他们再就业,浏览,净化污水,When problems,arise, we must work together to try to solve them .,constant efforts,attend,school,lose ones job,be out of job,The new skills will help them with their,re-employment,dip into,sth,purify,dirty water,Integrating Skills,Who is he?,Alexander,Fleming,What did he call the chemical?,Penicillin,The Little,Mould,That Could,1.,It was,not until _ that the importance of Flemings discovery was fully recognized.,A. World War B. World War ,C. 1928 D. 1929,2. When did Fleming receive the Nobel Prize with the two other scientists?,A. In 1914 B. In 1928,C. In 1929 D. In 1945,B,D,3. From paragraph 4 we can see that Fleming was all the following except _.,A. confident,B. strong-willed,C. hard-working,D. kind and warm-hearted,D,Task 2 find the answers to the questions.,Why was health care often dangerous and risky?,2. What did a German chemist develop?,3. What did Fleming see when he was washing the jars and lids?,4. Why did Fleming keep trying to develop the chemical?,5. When was the importance of Flemings discovery fully recognized?,Enjoy some sentences!,Task 3.Translate and appreciate the following sentences paying attention to the underlined part.,Treatments were,neither,scientific,nor,effective, and many patients suffered,deadly infections,as a result of,operation.,2 .but,it was not until,after the war,that,he,made,his most important discovery.,3. This medical was able to fight,mild infection, but it was,not,strong enough to cure,serious infections,.,deadly adj.,致病的,adv.,死一般的,,极度地,非常地,注,deadly,不是,dead,的副词。,e.g. Passive smoking can be,deadly too.,被动吸烟也可能致命。,Im deadly,serious.This,isnt a game!,我是很认真的,这可不是游戏。,在口语中,,deadly,意为“乏味的”,“枯燥的”。,The story is pretty deadly.,fatal,致命的,致死的,同义词,a fatal accident /illness,致命的事故,/,疾病,It was not until,after the war that he made his most important discovery. (P80),此句包含了一个强调句型,其结构为 “,It is / was +,被强调部分,+ that / who +,句子的其他部分”。这里需要注意的是当强调,not. until,结构时,须将,not,until,一并放在强调部分,后面,接肯定句式。,e.g.,It was not until,yesterday,that I got your letter.,It was not until,at that,time that I realized what trouble he was in.,4.Fleming continued his search until,a fortunate incident,led,him,to,a new discovery,of even greater significance.,5.One day in 1928,Fleming was,clearing up,the lab after coming home from a holiday.,6.,Despite,their,lack,of interest ,Fleming,kept trying,to develop the chemical,so that,it would be safe and effective.,even more greatly significant,尽管他们对此不感兴趣,significance n.,1.),重要性,重要,U,The suggestions they put forward at the meeting,were of little significance,.,2.),意义,含义,;,意思,US,He did not understand the significance of my wink.,他没有领会我眨眼的意思。,of (great) +n=adj.,of,(no),use useful,(useless),of help helpful,of importance important,of value valuable,of interest interesting.,The wine,is of high quality.,The two girls,are of the same age/height/weight/ (size, width, depth, shape.).,significance,significant,clear up,打扫或 清除干净,Who is going to clear up this room?,清除(某地或某活动中的)犯罪及不道德行为,清理,整顿,The new mayor is determined to clear up the city.,7.He found out which,family,of moulds it belonged to and decided to call the chemical penicillin.,It was not until,World War II,that,the importance of Flemings discovery,was fully recognized,.,9.,When asked about,the discovery, Fleming said: “One sometimes finds what one is not looking for.”,Important Phrases:,P1,1.,治疗疾病,2.,造成感染,3.,死于感染,cure diseases,cause an infection,die from infections,Important Phrases:,P2,1,死于感染,2,治疗伤员,die from infections,treat the wounded,Important Phrases:,P3,1.,导致他有新发现,2.,清理实验室,3,停止生长,lead him to his new discovery,clean up the lab,stop growing,Important Phrases:,P4,1.,属于,2,尽管不感兴趣,belong to,despite their lack of interest,Important Phrases:,P5,1,第二次世界大战,2,被充分承认,3,同疾病作斗争,4,获得诺贝尔奖,5,和,一起,6,询问某人,World War II,be fully recognized,fight diseases,receive the Nobel Prize,together with,ask,sb,. about,sth,.,Goodbye!,


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