初中外研版九年级上册英语Unit 3 (12)教学课件设计

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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Module 12,Language in use,Unit 3,Reuse,means “use again”.,Though,pollution,is heavy now, I dont think its,hopeless,.,Language practice,Make a new words. Join the parts of words in Box A with the words in Box B. You need to use some of the parts more than once.,A able -ful im- -less re- un-,B care collect hope possible use usual wanted waste,collectable, usable, careful, hopeful, useful, wasteful, impossible, careless, hopeless, useless, reuse, unusual, unwanted,Now work in groups. Play the guessing game English for Fun.,English for Fun,full of care _,2. can be collected _,3. full of hope _,4. without any hope _,5. not possible _,careful,collectable,hopeful,hopeless,impossible,6. not usual _,7. without any use _,8. use again _,9. not wanted _,10. making a lot of waste _,unusual,useless,reuse,unwanted,wasteful,Sometimes if you know the meaning of the parts of a word, you can work out the meaning of the whole word.,re + new + able;,re = again,able = can be,renewable = can be new again,Learning to learn,1.,合成法,将两个或两个以上独立且语义不同的单词合在一起构成新词的方法叫做合成法。合成法是一种比较灵活的构词方法,可以合成名词、形容词、副词、代词、动词等。例如:,afternoon, sportsman, blackboard, sportsperson, newspaper,构词法,airplane, classmate, grandfather,等就是通过合成构词法构成的名词;,kind-hearted, middle-aged, hard-working,等为合成形容词;,however, maybe, himself, everyone, nothing, overlook,等也都是通过合成法构成的单词。,2.,派生法,通过在词根前面加前缀或在词根后面加后缀构成一个新词的方法叫作派生法。要通过派生法理解和记忆单词,我们需要掌握常见的前缀和后缀及派生规律。,(1),常见前缀,前缀,含义,例词,dis-,不,disagree, dislike,en-,使,处于某种状态,enable, enrich,im-, in-,不,impossible, impatient, inexpensive,inter-,在,之间,相互,international, interconnect,前缀,含义,例词,mis-,错误地,mislead, misunderstand,non-,不,非,non-smoker, non-native,re-,再,重复,rewrite, retell,un-,不,unable, unhappy, unpopular,(2),常见后缀,后缀,功能,例词,-er, -or,构成名词,teacher, worker, visitor,-ian,musician,-ing,building, painting, shopping, meaning,-ist,artist, scientist,后缀,功能,例词,-ment,构成名词,agreement, government,-ness,coldness, happiness, illness,-th,truth, warmth,-tion,competition, education, information, invitation,-ty,activity, safety,后缀,功能,例词,-able, -ible,构成 形容词,comfortable, eatable, enjoyable, possible,-al,environmental, international, national, traditional,-ful,careful, helpful, useful,-,ive,active, expensive,-less,careless, helpless, homeless, useless,后缀,功能,例词,-ly,构成,形容词,friendly, lovely, monthly, weekly,-ous,dangerous, famous,-teen,构成数词,eighteen, fifteen, seventeen,-th,fifteenth, fifth, fortieth, seventh,-ty,forty, sixty, twenty,-ly,构成副词,badly, carefully, carelessly, happily, quickly,(3),派生规律,由一个词根加上相应的词缀可以派生出名词、形容词、副词等,掌握派生规律对扩充词汇有很大帮助。例如:,由,interest,可以派生出:,uninteresting,interest, interesting interestingly,interested uninterested,由,help,可以派生出:,helpless helplessly,help, helpful helpfully,由,able,可以派生出:,enable,able,unable,ability,disable,3.,转化法,英语构词法中把一种词性转化为另一种词性而词形不变的方法称作转化法。常见的转化有:,(1),动词转化为名词, Lets,talk,about it more.,咱们再谈谈这件事吧。, I think wed better finish the,talk,now.,我想我们最好现在结束谈话。,(2),名词转化为动词,She gave me a cup of,water,.,她给了我一杯水。,You should,water,the flowers twice a,day.,你应该每天给这些花浇两次水。,(3),形容词转化为名词,She was wearing a,black,dress.,她穿着一条黑色的裙子。,The girl in,black,looks very beautiful.,那个穿黑衣服的女孩看上去很漂亮。,Complete the sentences with the words in the box.,hopeful impossible reuse unhealthy wasteful,Exercises,3. If you look after things well, you may _ some of them later.,4. It is _ to clean up the whole river in such a short time.,5. If we pay attention to pollution now, the future will be _.,reuse,impossible,hopeful,Polluted water is _.,2. It is _ to throw so much food away.,unhealthy,wasteful,Complete the table.,Noun,Verb,Adjective,Adverb,useful/useless,hope,hopefully / hopelessly,pollution,use,use,usefully/,uselessly,hope,hopeful/hopeless,pollute,polluted/,unpolluted,Noun,Verb,Adjective,Adverb,water,waste,usually/,unusually,water,waste,wasteful/wasted,wastefully,usual/,unusual,Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in Activity 3.,She was,hopeful,that her new job would make her more successful.,The factory _ the river, and the fish died.,2. We often walk in the countryside. It is a(n) _ activity for us.,polluted,usual,3. Do not use so much water. It is very _.,4. To keep the flowers growing, you need to _ them once a day.,wasteful,water,Complete the sentences.,A,lunchbox,is a box that you keep your lunch in.,A _ is a card that you write on one side of and send to someone by post.,2. A _ is a room where you have classes at school.,postcard,classroom,3. A _ is a book that has one or more stories for children.,4. A _ is a black board that is used at school for writing on with chalk.,storybook,blackboard,Look at the pictures and answer the questions.,Work in pairs,What kinds of things can be recycled?,2. How can these things be reused?,3. How does this help the environment?,4. Have you ever recycled or used things that can be recycled? How?,Complete the conversation with the correct form of the expressions in the box.,be good for throw away turn off worry about,Mike,: I hear you are off to the Caribbean for a holiday! Lucky you! But arent you _ the pollution that such long plane journey may cause for the environment?,Ken,: I know, but what can I do about it? Ive already tried my best to protect the environment.,worried about,I recycle. I dont _ things if I dont want them any more. I _ the lights when I leave a room. Dont tell me I shouldnt travel by plane any more!,throw away,turn off,Mike,: No, of course not. But we can do more to protect the environment. For example, we can help keep the air clean by planting trees. Trees _ the environment. In this way, we can reduce the harm of pollution.,are good for,Ken,: Good! So I can enjoy my holiday, and when I come back, Ill plant some trees!,Mike,: Thats the idea! Maybe we can all join in and start a small forest!,Listen and check (,) the true sentences.,1. It is OK to throw used things away. Looking after them takes a lot of time.,2. Do not throw away things made of glass, plastic and paper, but recycle them when possible.,3. Take a bag when you go shopping.,Listening,4. Producing electricity and using oil will not cause pollution.,5. Turn off lights when you do not need them.,6. Ride a bike or walk, and do not often drive your car.,Listen again and complete the table.,Advice,Reasons,1. Dont throw away things made of _,_, but _ them.,Throwing things away is wasteful.,2. _ your plastic bags when you can and _ with you when you go shopping.,Plastic bags _ recycle.,glass, plastic and paper,recycle,Reuse,take a bag,are hard to,Advice,Reasons,3. Use less electricity and oil to _.,4. Dont leave lights on and _.,5. _ and do not often drive your car.,Producing electricity and using oil may cause _.,reduce pollution,waste electricity,Walk or cycle,pollution,Around the world,Earth Hour,Read the passage and answer the questions.,When is Earth Hour held each year?,Earth Hour is held toward the end of March each year.,Why do people switch off the lights during Earth Hour?,They do this to show their awareness of climate change.,When and where was the first Earth Hour held?,The first Earth Hour was held in 2007 in Sydney.,Which city take part in the event today?,More and more cities are taking part in the event, such as Beijing, London, Rome and New York.,Module task,Work in groups. Decide what kind of pollution you want to talk about.,Discussing what you can do,about pollution,Choose a subject that you care about the most. It could be water pollution, air pollution, etc.,Find out more information about your subject. Look it up on a website or in a book.,If you choose air pollution, lets watch a video about air pollution from a factory.,Do you know PM 2.5? Lets know more about PM 2.5 and protect the environment from now.,Haze,Discuss your subject.,Discussion,Take turns to say what you think about the problem and what can be done.,Listen to what others say. If you agree with what they have said, say “I agree”. “Thats true” or “Thats a good point”; if you do not agree with what someone says, say “Im sorry, but I dont agree. I think that ”,Present your group ideas to the whole class.,Homework,更多,请关注“初中教师平台”公众号,初中名师聚集地,助力初中教学,各科最新优质资料陆续推送中,快快告诉你身边的小伙伴们吧,


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