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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Period 2,Grammar,北京十一学校,高二英语备课组,Lesson 1 Your Choice,Today,we will,find rules about reported requests,commands;,do some exercise on reported speech for requests and commands;,use reported speech in nearly real life to express others requests and commands.,Find out such sentence patterns in the text!,She,asks,you,to,help her.,Tell,her,to,phone you.,Tell,them,not to,worry.,Tell,everybody on the bus,to,put on more clothes,Ask,a small group,to go,to the nearest village to get help.,Ask,them,to give,you advice.,Your boss,tells,your team,to repair,an old pump,your teacher,asked,your class,to perform,a short play,Group 1,此练习可以先做个人活动;再做,pairwork,两人互相检查,补充,Look at the reported requests and orders from the questionnaire.What are peoples actual words?There is usually more than one option.(p22 exe 4),“,Help me please!”/“Could you help me,please?”,“Phone me please!”/“Could you phone me,please?”,“Dont worry,(please)”,“Listen,everybody.Put on more clothes.”,“Go to the nearest village to get help,please.”,“Could you give me some advice?”,“I want you to repair an old pump near a river.”,“Will you perform a short play for the school?”,Group 2,Compare the sentences in the two groups,whats the difference between them?,Pronouns,Direct speech Indirect speech,第一人称 第三人称,第二人称 第一或第三人称,2.,Verbs,When we report peoples requests or orders we use the pattern:,ask/tell/order somebody+,_,When the order or request is negative,we use the pattern:,ask/tell/order somebody+_+infinitive,(See Page 92,Grammar Summary 3),to do,not,Report these orders and requests.Use the beginnings provided.(P 23,exe 7),1.“Could you lend me a Pen?”,Peter asked me,2.“Dont lose the receipt.Its important.”,The salesgirl instructed the shopper,not to lose the receipt.,to lend him a pen.,4.“Can you give me a lift home?”,Mary asked John,3.“Check for errors,Please.”,The teacher ordered the class,to check for errors.,to give her a lift,home/if he could give her a lift home.,5.“Dont drink that liquid.I dont,think its water.”,The boy advised the girl,not to,drink that liquid.,6.“Read the text and answer the,comprehension questions.”,The teacher told the students to,read the text and answer,the comprehension questions.,The manager of an office is ill and,on the phone,gives her assistant instructions for the people in the office.Rewrite the instructions starting with,Tell.,(,P 23,exe 8),Mrs.Smith must cancel my trip,to Paris.,2.John must move Peters desk to,room 308.,Tell Mrs.Smith to cancel my,trip to Paris.,Tell John to move Peters desk to room 308.,3.He shouldnt announce the results,before the end of the month.,Tell him not to announce the,results before the end of the,month.,5.Mary mustnt send the charts off before I come back.,4.He should consult Mr.Jensen,about the new account on the 24th.,Tell him he has to pick up Mr.Jensen from the airport on the 24th.,6.She should prepare the information,I need for my presentation.,Tell her to prepare the information I need for my presentation.,Tell Mary not to send the charts,off before I come back.,Read the notice on how to behave on the first day in a new job.Report each piece of advice.(P 23,exe 9),The notice advises people to be friendly and kind,and tells them not to wear casual clothes.,The notice tells people not to,share very personal information.,The notice tells people not to try,to make friends with the boss.,The notice tells people to listen,rather than speak and learn as much as possible about the job,and the company.,The notice tells people to work hard and not to spend too much time chatting or resting.,The notice tells people to keep their desk tidy at all times.,The notice tells people not to quarrel with anyone.,Language in Use 1,Two police officers are controlling a tourist area on a lake.Look at the signs in the picture and imagine what the senior officer will tell his partner to do when they see these people.,(P23,exe 10),1.Tell the man not to drink the lake water.Its polluted.,3.Tell the man not to put up a tent.Its forbidden to camp here.,2.Tell the boys not to leave the,empty cans on the grass or,throw them in the lake.,4.Tell the girl not to swim in,that area.The water is very deep.,5.Tell the couple not to make a,fire here;they may cause a,fire in a forest.,Language in Use 2,At the beginning of the semester,there are lots of new students in your school.You are supposed,give a speech to introduce the rules of the school to the new students,in a conference house.,Rules at school,Go to school on time.,Greet teachers.,Be honest.,Persist in doing physical exercise.,Do not smoke.,Finish homework in time.,Write down the rules of your school.,Our school,advises us to go,to school on time and greet teachers.Meanwhile,our school also,tells us to be,honest.The school,orders us not to,smoke as well.And the school,tells us to persist,in doing physical exercise and finish homework in time.At this very beginning of the new semester,I,as a senior schoolmate,advise all of us to be


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